Surprise last minute booking at the Zed Shed last was finally exhaust time!!
Loaded up the exhaust, Berk HFC's and all accoutrements then headed over to see Keyser & Buster. The guys made short work of removing the old system, all pretty painless other than one of the 02 sensors being badly cross threaded......but this was nothing.....Chris went 'Medievil on its A$$' (trademark pending) and all was running smoothly again. Some precision mount alterations from Bob with a steel bar and the exhaust now sits nice, level & at the right height too!
I didn't help too much other than passing tools etc, I did get under the car and bolt up one of the Berks.....knowing my luck it'll fall off or something!! Next up is the service which should hopefully teach me a few things about maintaining the car etc. As!!
With the Berk's being brand new the exhaust is still pretty quiet, but once they have change to carbon up they should sound great. I decided not to do the Y pipe just yet A) to save some money and so I could see how they sounded with Berks. However my Y-pipe really isnt going to last much longer, Chris kindly fixed up and refitted the stock piece for now but it was pretty beat up! So this afternoon I made a call to Mitz at CS who very quickly help me spend my money I will soon be the proud owner of a Cobra Y-Pipe, Eibach camber arm kit, and additonal camber arm bolts. This should cure my noise problem and my in-ability to adjust my rear alignment.
Exhuast vids hopefully to follow tonight/tomorrow.
As always a HUGE thanks to Bob & Chris for their help with the car, I would be pretty stuffed if left to do this myself. As discussed when servicing day arrives I will ensure we are all well fed