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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. Thanks dude, nah they are staying for the time being Forgot to say. The only piece that have us (Bob) a little bit of trouble was the join between the back box and mid pipe. This was the one that was bent out of shape and was always going to be the gamble!! It is VERY close but the flange isn't sealing 100% - this is nothing a little exhaust paste hasn't fixed. Matt
  2. Surprise last minute booking at the Zed Shed last night......it was finally exhaust time!! Loaded up the exhaust, Berk HFC's and all accoutrements then headed over to see Keyser & Buster. The guys made short work of removing the old system, all pretty painless other than one of the 02 sensors being badly cross threaded......but this was nothing.....Chris went 'Medievil on its A$$' (trademark pending) and all was running smoothly again. Some precision mount alterations from Bob with a steel bar and the exhaust now sits nice, level & at the right height too! I didn't help too much other than passing tools etc, I did get under the car and bolt up one of the Berks.....knowing my luck it'll fall off or something!! Next up is the service which should hopefully teach me a few things about maintaining the car etc. As normal....pics!! With the Berk's being brand new the exhaust is still pretty quiet, but once they have change to carbon up they should sound great. I decided not to do the Y pipe just yet A) to save some money and so I could see how they sounded with Berks. However my Y-pipe really isnt going to last much longer, Chris kindly fixed up and refitted the stock piece for now but it was pretty beat up! So this afternoon I made a call to Mitz at CS who very quickly help me spend my money I will soon be the proud owner of a Cobra Y-Pipe, Eibach camber arm kit, and additonal camber arm bolts. This should cure my noise problem and my in-ability to adjust my rear alignment. Exhuast vids hopefully to follow tonight/tomorrow. As always a HUGE thanks to Bob & Chris for their help with the car, I would be pretty stuffed if left to do this myself. As discussed when servicing day arrives I will ensure we are all well fed Matt
  3. Not the most constructive post, but.....Team Beard? Do you know a guy called Alex? I bought a twin turbo Supra from him last year and that came with Team Beard stickers?
  4. Watching this with interest Great workmanship matey!
  5. Great read Steve, your Zeditis really has taken hold since Jan this year hasn't it!! Love the car I see what you did there
  6. Thanks chaps, fingers crossed it will be fitted by about this time next weekend...ish
  7. Look good Dan, I might be getting some of these in a month or so. How much did you pay dude?
  8. Thats a great story, lovely to see your family enjoying the car for as long as possible. Zed looks great too!
  9. Great vid Steve, always far more relaxed when you watch them back doesn't it. Glad that's catching on
  10. Exhaust update!! After dropping the exhaust off last week with a local welder, he gave me a call this week to say it was ready. He has done an amazing job considering how hard titanium is to work with. Unfortunately he couldn't get replacement Ti bar to create a new exhaust mount, however he did a top job creating a replacement out of stainless steel. He also pulled out most of the dent in the rear box, and pulled out the intake pipe a couple of degrees. Both are not perfect, but a whole world better than they used to be! looking at the position of the dent it should not be visible when on the car anyway. We should be kicking off the fitment of this next weekend so in my excitement I spent some time today giving it a clean. From my googling it seems Ti is quite tricky to maintain - WD40 and a rag seemed to do the trick. Check out the pics below of the before/after cleaning, and the repair work. dirty clean New mount straightened exit dent shiny shiny Oh, and I removed the '350z' badge as the Zed has been half hanging off since I bought the car.
  11. Will gets enough of a tan scampering around Wales with his top off! Oh, and good work Mr & Mrs S
  12. Agreed - I like to catch emotion but am worried if people see me pointing a camera at them!
  13. The London ones reminded of one I took a while back, and whilst hunting around I found a few more from the collection.
  14. I use iMovie - comes free with macs and does a great job
  15. Cheers Doogy Oh and Tom, shh!! Haha
  16. Just had this come up on my FaceAche news feed. This Zed is gorgeous!!! I have been looking at these rims recently (just saving up) however I have not seen a rear like this before on a 350? It looks similar to the Amuse on the 370? Anyone identify this?.....I NEED IT!!! Matt
  17. Cheers Chris :lol: Just got a funny look from the misses for a sudden outburst of laughter from behind the laptop
  18. pair of trainers.....and a back up pair of trainers just incase it rained
  19. Yep the R8 and Porsche arrived together whilst we were having a coffee. The guy had only just picked it up on the Friday (already kerbed the rims!!). and yeah he let Bennet take a seat.......risky business that :lol:
  20. Balls.....edited now!! try again please again kind people HAHAHA thanks Will!! Thats the video that failed so i have no proof of that
  21. Awesome pictures people!! some great action shots of us zipping around the glorious A-Roads. I took some video footage but need to spend some time editing it together. For now I have just compiled my better pics into a video. Hope people enjoy EDIT - video quality seems poor, but a bit better when you bump it up within youtube. Meh
  22. Buster - "Is that a smurf in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?"
  23. Thats a shame mate I had one missing when I bought the car and couldn't find a replacement. Alex got me a new one ordered from Nissan already painted Azure and was a good price.
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