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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. I almost bought one of these for the rear at Japfest just gone - good work on the new price, I might be having one shortly. Does the new Z badge also cover the two holes in the boot?....and is it £20 for either the new or old badge? or just new. Matt
  2. Welcome in mate. I picked up my Zed from High Wycombe earlier this year Hope you enjoy!
  3. Interesting tune haha. The brunette from the video - is she the girl dating Raj on Big Bang Theory? She looks familiar.
  4. Thanks chaps! Finally starting to chill out a little after lots of planning, sorting, packing, printing, satnav'ing etc etc. Finished work today, Lisa has one of those Lambo experience days tomorrow, then we set off for Folkestone Saturday Checked the fluids, lights etc during the week but had 2 jobs that needed doing before the trip! parts arrived today and Buster had offered to help me fit them. Ended up at the Zed Shed (where else!) fitted my new drop links in no time and even had 5 minutes left to tighten up the handbrake too - I have read that the Monaco side streets can be a tad tight and hilly, so the handbrake is an essential! HUGE thanks as usual to Bob, Chris & Kim for getting her (the Zed) ready for the road trip and for helping put my mind at ease over the drop links.....or lack of!! Only one was attached as you can see below!! All done now though. Right, I'm off to go make more lists & charge up all the camera's etc, Ciao!! Matt
  5. Nice pics. The pickup is gorgeous - what engine is it running?
  6. I have a passenger side pre-facelift light in the garage if its any good to you? cheap cheap
  7. Good find mate, the centre console is worth a lot more than that on its own Where abouts are you (the breakers)?
  8. Nice evenings work there guys! Will have to swing up before we go away for a brew
  9. mattross1313

    Trial fit

    Man they look gooood!! If I did go down this route mine would have gone white too! really nice mate.
  10. Yeah very much so! 2 jobs to do on the car, and then lots of packing.....I can imagine packing 2 weeks worth of tent/clothes into the Zed will be a bit of a puzzle in itself! especially as the misses does NOT pack light
  11. Fair comment Dave, just like to get the car out of the way. Whenever out and about I aim to get a space at the end of a row, preferably next to a 'nice' car. There was a another post a while back about parking next to the passenger side of the neighbouring car to further reduce being 'dinged' by Joe Public. All helps
  12. Some of that parking is a bit short minded - on the corner of a junction etc. But if the car park is relatively empty and there is no chance i will get in the way I will try to park over 2 spaces. This is usually only in my local car park, and it is quite literally the furthest 2 spaces from the pedestrian exit to the shops, on the top level.
  13. Hows the planning going for this mate? I have been up till around midnight most of the week printing google maps, adding satnav locations, generally stressing out! Did i ask when you are leaving earlier cant remember? We leave for Folkestone this Saturday
  14. Had mine done around 2 weeks ago as it was cracked. The guy did it on my driveway so if they tell you to take it in, thats rubbish. The guy took no more than 2 hours on mine & that included us having a brew and putting the world to right halfway though
  15. Bulbs arrived Dave will be fitting them tonight so the car can look awesome on her Euro roadtrip this weekend! Catman - got them from ebay US, link below. They arrived pretty quick considering the distance & came with no hidden import charges too http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CHROME-CLEAR-BUMPER-SIDE-MARKER-REFLECTOR-LIGHTS-2003-2004-2005-NISSAN-350Z-Z33-/130915052832?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item1e7b252d20
  16. Is this a panel filter or cone? If its a filter for the stock box I'll have it please Very kind gesture to the forum!
  17. Yep, spare change goes in my ashtray, or the odd 'spare' bolt after doing something behind the stereo or something haha!
  18. I dont know for any brakcets but i think the iPad mini is a little too large, unless some fab work is done. I phone or similar would be pretty easy
  19. Aah this is a very well timed thread as i am looking into options for my pending car PC. I am looking at a mini PC or one of those new fangled Raspberry Pi's. i see the above software runs on Windows - Wasso how is yours hooked up? Got any pics of it in the car? Matt
  20. Man they are bright!! Don't suppose you have a link to the LED ones?
  21. Smurfette like deep throat :lol: :lol: No worries on the postage matey. Thanks Net
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