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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. Does that apply if I upgrade my wife? I need a 'How to' guide on this please
  2. Loving the progress on the build mate. For MOT - an indication bulb/flash must be seen when looking at the car from angle. So if you are looking completely side on you may struggle. As for the 370 repeaters, i was looking on a few threads the other week as i am toying with the idea. They are bigger than the 350 Zed badge hole, but can be made to fit/extended quite easily aparantly. Little drilling / welding etc. Matt
  3. Shh!! I'm bidding on these already!
  4. Saw these pics linked on my local forum http://www.motorsportinfocus.co.uk/Apex%20Castle%20Combe%2026.07.13/album/ Be sure to check out the Green&Black PORSCHE, the Blue Skyline (which is a 200SX), and the white MItsi (which can also look like a Scoob). Bunch of cowboys
  5. My exhaust system only came with one hanger (the other was snapped off in a crash). I had a local guy create a handed version of the remaining hanger. Did great work too - he is based in Dorset if thats any good for you. However im sure and fab shop worth their salt will be bale to help you.
  6. Wheels look great really work well. The gear knob however.... Ummmm....
  7. The silver orb was a good find during our roadtrip. Took a few snaps then hid behind the small tree to try and get no 'bodies' in the reflection
  8. mattross1313

    My Supra

    I've seen this Supra in the past, always liked it! I had the same rear bumper on my TT as above, good call on changing the front bumper as its doesn't quite work with the rest. I am a little jealous
  9. Im putting one of these onto the 350 next month. Had them on most of my cars and i really like the feel of them.
  10. Looking good mate - remember speaking with you at the New Forest meet about your plans. Good choices
  11. Welcome in dude! Where abouts are you in Dorset? There are quite a lot of us around Ferndown/B'mouth area. See you at a meet sometime soon
  12. Wheres Bobs car?......theres NO way he walked over
  13. My bad! Ill check it to tomorrow when im back at the laptop its the road heading south from the top of the stelvio. Cheers Dan, was a great trip
  14. Man those brakes look massive!!! Like it!
  15. Ah mate, we may well have crossed paths at some point. Agreed with the above in that the Col de Turini & Stelvio were a little too snug to get up to any speeds. South of France was great and the roads really suited the car. Haydn, also not sure if its classed at the same pass, I guess so as all goes up and over in a fashion. My favourite part, from the pic, was near the below link. lovely piece of road with a few nice, if not VERY snug tunnels. https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=stelvio+pass&hl=en&ll=46.54003,10.436668&spn=0.022818,0.038581&sll=51.48931,-0.08819&sspn=0.657567,1.234589&hnear=Stelvio+Pass&t=m&z=15
  16. Hah, yeah that pic is rather Forza its one of my favourite snaps of the car, my other fave is the one of the misses with monaco in the background (on photobucket). Cheers Graham - there were rather a lot of caravans, almost all from the Netherlands, but I managed to over take them all.......honest......no really! Paddy - drop me a PM with your email address matey and I can send you the excel doc I used which has costs, Google links, milage, driving time etc etc. Matt
  17. Nice pics guys. Ionabee - I have taken a pic from there many a time, great place. My folks have a caravan near Narberth, if thats close ish to you I'll let you know next time I'm down - we can grab a cold one Just a few pics from our recent road trip. Most of the pics were just holiday snaps, but I did try to get arty with a few. had to try and hide myself for this shot to work
  18. Link to the road trip thread with more pics and a bit of blurb - http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/74048-the-aftermath-of-our-2013-european-road-trip/
  19. The better half and I have been on about doing a road trip for far too long, so we decided that this was the year to do it. To keep costs down we camped in most places, other than Monaco (as there isn't a campsite haha), and we have a family house in Italy so setup camp there for 3 days. Our trip took us through France, Monaco, Italy, Austria, Germany & belgium! ( I think that was all). We covered a grand total of 3124.8 miles over our 14 day trip. The car didn't give us any problems the whole way round, and was great fun to have on some of the more twisty roads. We planned the route by reading up on famous/top voted driving roads in Europe - then connected the best ones together to make a loop back home. Coming through France we stopped in at the old Formula 1 track near Reims which is always good for some photos. Coming into Monaco we drove the Route Napoleon which was an outstanding road, most likely our favourite. I couldn't come all the way to Monaco and NOT go to the Casino....maybe one of the most famous in the world. Spent some time in the there during the evening & managed to double my money! We got up at 5am in Monaco so we could get some peace & quiet to drive the circuit (did a few laps ). On route to Italy we drove the Col De Turini, also a rather famous road....very twisty!! During our stay at the family house we spent the day in Maranello - had a tour of the Ferrari factory, test track & museum which was a really interesting day. Before leaving I had a blast in the Ferrari 458....wow....just wow!!! It was a good job Lisa was driving home after our time in Maranello as I would have been pretty disappointed getting straight into the Zed after the 458! We spent a day in Venice, then headed to Lake Garda via Verona....all very lovely places. From here however we headed north for our most anticipated part of the trip....the Stelvio Pass, as seen on TV by the good chaps of Top Gear. This was an unbelievable piece of road - you couldn't really get up to any speed due to the thin roads and spatters of traffic, but the scenery was unreal! The tarmac was just draped all the way up and over the mountain, even snow on the top!! From there we headed into the Black Forest in Germany, some nice twisty roads but we were a little disappointed. We may have missed the good roads though. Pretty quick over view, but I know everyone is all about pics these days Some of my favourites below, but there is also a link to my Photobucket for the 100 best. I took over 800 photos so had to narrow it down a tad!! Album link - http://s203.photobuc...ary/Europe 2013 And I'll close with a MySpace photo.....
  20. Cheers Stevey not quite finished yet, but getting there. Not much to update & show on the mod front right now. However I am back from the Europe trip and the car didn't miss a beat the whole way round. Started on the button each day, kept us cool, and returned 29.6mpg overall...very impressed!! We clocked up over 3,200 miles over the course of our 14 days, and with the exception of one killer night time storm it was clear blue skies throughout! Now I am back, the modding shall continue. Decided to keep the exterior styling pretty clean so have ordered up the Cupra R front splitter which Buster is kindly collecting for me when he passes through next. I am hoping to be out in NYC for some meetings in Aug/Sept so ordered a bargain from eBay US which will be waiting at the office for me - a pair of brand new Nissan front splash guards for £20 still need to decide on the rear. So, whilst waiting to get out to the US for the splash guards, I am getting stuck into my car-puter build. I already have the JDM cubby with the cooler lid, and with some very minor modification a 7" touchscreen pretty must fits perfectly behind the existing bezel. With that sorted today was time to move onto the guts of the PC. Looking at the below motherboard http://www.dabs.com/products/asus-c8hm70-i-hdmi-celeron-847-intel-hm70-ddr3-mitx-8GPH.html?refs=52240000&src=3 Which will power up 4GB ram and a 64gb(or128gb) SSD HD. I have also been recommended to use the M2-ATX board to control the power to the PC, which follows the ignition pattern. Main aim for the PC is to run Centrafuse (had this is my old Lexus and it was great). Will act as a music library, Sat Nav and at some point run Dash Command via ODBII to monitor the car. Matt
  21. Eh up Stevey - bout time you got a new Zed
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