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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. Just this second had an email come through from Apple harping on about huge savings ready for University. Go find a student you know and get their NUS card
  2. Orange conduit! Ofcourse! Thanks dude Haha, just thought i would jump on the band wagon re: seats
  3. Same place I get almost everything (apart from the For Sale section on here) - eBay! Thanks dude, what did you search for to get the orange wiring covers? The sort of corregated piping (dont know proper name sorry ) Also, orange seats would work pretty well as a finishing touch......ah g'wan!
  4. Havent driven one, but a white one drives past me most mornings on my walk to work - absolutely gorgeous car!!
  5. Cant agree more with this, great sounding bit of kit, quiet on idle and really nice noise when you hit the loud pedal. This way one of my first 'big' mods, and i blame Will entirely haha
  6. Theres one on eBay which isnt much money - seems to come with all the bits you need, not sure on the fit though
  7. You've been talking about this for months - man up and do it already it will look awesome
  8. I think these are the ones i was bidding on too! What a cheeky chappy he is!!
  9. Sorry cant help on your problem, but this is my favourite post on here all week!!!
  10. Also a bit of a drive but check out The Black Mountain roads above Swansea....VERY good road and well worth the trip.
  11. A few of the roads suggested are a tad far from Monmouth, but you should try the wales weekend next year. For local roads, if you take a drive west (above the newport, cardiff, bridgend area) there are some cracking roads. I will try and dig out some road names, but i grew up in Bridgend and heading north from there towards Hiraun and the Bwlch are some amazing roads. Myseld and Wizurd also found some great A roads as we headed back from North Wales this year - if memory serves they were coming down the Hereford roads. Best bet is look on a map near where you are and pick some twisty looking roads
  12. Saw these the other day when picking up some wheels - really good job dude! looks like a pro job & new wheels look awesome too
  13. I reckon the roof would look quite cool too? Who needs a vinyl roof wrap when you have a Bob.
  14. Looks awesome mate, I need to do this (also mostly in orange). Could you let me know where you got the bits from?
  15. Should've said yes, but you can buy it for £50k if you like
  16. Would better suit a Euro car, not JDM, and even then its an ugly wheel. edit - also 500th post
  17. Tooth Fairy I suspect is a myth, but Father Christmas is a legend
  18. Wouldn't that be more of a 'worm hole' as opposed to a black hole
  19. Thanks Dave, thats the version I have already been given to try by another member. Fingers crossed all works for me over the weekend I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to all this.
  20. Cheers Deman Already have a newer version of CF which I will be trying out. But will defo drop him a PM and see what his project is about, could exchange a few ideas etc. Matt
  21. Sadly I'm down in the south coast near Bournemouth - couldn't really get much further away haha I'll try and update my project thread a little more with this build. Link in my sig
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