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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. It's Adele's - "Z370Z" it's probably pink by now......í ½í¸ Thanks bud
  2. Really nice editing! Subbed on YT for insirpation, when I finally try my hand at video's.
  3. Cool video mate, nice editing. Anyone know who owns the LeMans 370 at 0:44? Is it lowered at all, or just spacers? I have spacers, but trying to work out how much to lower the car by also.
  4. We looking at the same car?! I've never been a huge fan of Aston's, but that's a whole new level of ugly.
  5. They will fit 370's, but I think I read somewhere that 20mm spacers on 370's causing an issue on clearance? If you are looking at 370s 25mm all round is the magic number.
  6. poor selection of words ... AFAIK Humpy doesn't have a caravan, so I would have more of a chance of catching up to him. If there was a caravan then I wouldn't have the speed
  7. Yeah, I'm sure I will always be tormented by caravans! Be good to catch up soon dude
  8. Well this didn't last long! Got my first few mods in the living room ready to be fitted next weekend. Have made a start on upgrading the bulbs to LEDs - have front sidelights, and rear number plate bulbs so far. Bought from eBay and apparently should be a colour match for Xenons.....time will tell. eBay has also provided me with a grommet to remove the rear washer nossle Buster kindly pointed me in the direction or 4 x25mm wheel spacers from a local chap, which I collected this week. Should be just the ticket
  9. Nice work! I always like a DIY build, been fettling with rig for months now and almost done with it. You on Console on PC?
  10. Does anyone here actively use iRacing at the moment? I have been in the GT3 series this season and March 12th is the 12 hours of Sebring (starting on a Sat at 14:00 UK time). I am looking to enter, but need a couple of drivers for a team. I'm not the quickest by any stretch of the imagination, but always liked enduro's. Current specs - iRating is around 1650~ with laps around 2:00:9xx
  11. Sorry, I'm rather crap at uploading pictures lately of the rig. Will try and get some better ones soon. I'm running an app on the iphone which connects to the PC over my home network. It picks up the signals from the game so I can see speed, revs, gear, fuel, oil etc etc. But for easy viewing I only display speed, gear and shift lights. Works really well for a free app I think its called 'Fast Dash' or something. It does have a large advert area on the screen at all times, but I have just stuck some vinyl over that area of the screen as it gets annoying!!
  12. [quote name='Ekona' timestamp='1455647501' post='1587225'] Cripes, how local are you then? I'm only in Halsted myself. [/quote] I was up there for a work 'trip'. I'm down near Bournemouth, so had a nice 7-8 hours drive for a 1.5 hour meeting.
  13. I was parked up in the Sainsburys yesterday lunchtime having a sandwich after a meeting. Saw you parked up behind me
  14. I've never bothered with Podcasts before, but on recent trip with work a colleague and I listened to some whilst stuck in the car for hours. He has been using them for a while, but I've not given them any thought. We listened a couple of casts from The Tenderloins (the guys behind Impractical Jokers). They were great fun. Does anyone have any good recommendations for me to check out? I'll be listening them in the car most of the time. Cheers, Matt
  15. Welcome Car looks great, i am thinking of lowering and spacers the same sizes as yours, thanks for the preview
  16. Thanks for info dude! When the weather gets nicer I am going to start taking bits out of the boot and looking at it. Would like to keep the sub - might look at moving it to one side to maximise space. Though this might be not be practical when wanting a bigger boot. Cheers
  17. This is awesome!! Do you have any build pics along the way? I would likely keep the Sub but maybe mount it do one side. Is that all one piece of carpet? or a few bits shaped for the side, bottom etc. Great work mate
  18. For that price I'd hope it works better than 'really' well !!
  19. I am looking into a similar use of the screen too. I did start looking into the Pi, but so far cannot find a nice looking ODBII UI. I am looking to get a reverse cam/video input splitter (seen them in the other Nissan forum). This will then allow for a second video input for gauges. I ran a Mini ATX PC in my 350z which was great, but looking for something even smaller/simpler this time as tech is so small now.
  20. I've ran these on previous cars and have been pleased each time. When my 050's wear down I'll be looking at these most likely - as they are tried and tested, and road noise could do with being reduced!
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