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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. You're not helping my constant longing for another MR2 dude! looks awesome
  2. Excellent! We're there from Thursday lunch the whole way through. We shall have to arrange a beverage
  3. Pikey I didnt say steal his caravan. Also talking of caravans........ Periwinkle blue?
  4. Yep, when spending serious amounts of money bank transfer is so much easier and safer. My bank had a £10k limit but luckily my 370 money was spread over a few accounts - just did 2 or 3 transfers to the sellers account. All done on his laptop in front of him to show no funny business
  5. They are excellent! Shame I'm not in London anytime soon as I would love to go see the exhibit!
  6. Yeah but I can forgive that, don't look too different TBH but......c'mon haha
  7. At a show recently and overheard 2 'youths' as they walked past and point at my Z. Youth 1 - "Hey, isn't that a Nissan?" Youth 2 - "Nah mate, it's the new Honda Civic"
  8. Tried watching Peaky Blinders but got pretty bored halfway through episode 1 and turned it off I would certainly recommend you stick with Peaky Blinders... Yep, give Peaky Blinders another go, only 6 Eps per season but very good!! We bailed on Breaking Bad a few episodes in first time round, but came back to it and loved it. Currently watching Elementary (NYC Version of Sherlock Holmes) and enjoying it. But cannot wait for The Walking Dead to come back
  9. Ah, probably should have put this in the Wanted section. Mods - if you see this please feel free to move it
  10. Does anyone have a set of 370 exterior door handles they won't be using for a few days? I want to get mine resprayed but need the car every day so ideally want a spare set. This will allow me to drop my handles to the bodyshop for a few days and use the your handles to allow me to still use my Z. Will cover postage in both directions of course Let me know.
  11. Ouch!! As above, hope you are OK matey. A car can be replaced at the end of the day.
  12. Went up to Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey) over the weekend. I didn't watch much of the program but the other half seemed to enjoy it. But was a nice place so took the opportunity to wander around with the camera, grabbed this as we were leaving
  13. Yay, can see my '70 hiding in the background under the trees
  14. Be a shame to wrap such an awesome colour! At least for a while yet. Whilst your getting the paint work done you may as well get the body shop to take the spoiler off (to do the job properly)......I'll look after it for you
  15. List now complied if anyone fancies a look let me know. Dan - YHPM
  16. Glad you're keeping the car, its awesome! Shame you got so strung along by the 'buyers' Shenanigans ! Just need the GTR forum to sort their fonts/colours out as it was far too difficult to read your timeline of events.
  17. Black accents are roof look really good mate! just helps to break up the car colour. Good work
  18. I'm toying with doing this to my LMB, along with the rear section around the exhaust. Looks great mate!
  19. Haven't forgotten about you dude Just been one of those weeks!
  20. Nothing but Metallica I'll be making up a list over the next evening or so (for my own sanity) so will drop you a PM and email it over matey
  21. Random one, but figured I'd ask on here as folks are usually pretty helpful. I have a fair collection of Metallica CD's and Vinyl that I will be selling in the near future. The likely candidate will be putting them on eBay one at a time but wondered if anyone else has had success selling similar items anywhere else? Ranging from some pretty rare Vinyl's through to just regular CDs. Aside from eBay, I have found http://eil.com/ but imagine they would offer you a lot less than you wanted. Cheers, Matt
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