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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. Picked the car up late this afternoon from the guys at The Wheel Specialist. We started with Sepang Bronze and tried a few different mixes and finished, ended up going for straight forward Sepang with matt lacquer. The colour is a little darker than I was expecting but I think its great. Colour aside the refurb is second to none, the wheels look brand new!! After JAE I'll look to remove the 'silver' from the car as the door handles now stick out somewhat! So I'll attack the car with Gloss black (Door handles, side indicators, Z badges etc). I may even try the front fangs in black, I originally wasn't going to but think it could work well with the darker wheels. I'll no doubt have some much better pictures from JAE this weekend, but here are a few quick car park pictures to show the colour.
  2. Yep still happy, and still chuckle on down shift! I thought it would have worn off by now.....no chance Nice looking avatar Sarg! Yeah, still running the 453's. Got around 2.5k on them now and they are great in all conditions. I don't really push the car too hard so can't comment when you are really pressing on. The road noise is slightly reduced compared to the 050a's but I was hoping for a better reduction. A winter job may be to improve the sound deadening in the boot area.
  3. As above, 99% of the time no issues. My '70 is lowered 25mm on Eibach's and almost all the time there is no issue with speed bumps. The lowest part of the exhaust is right inline with the rear wheels so everything raises up at the same time over the bump. It has caught once or twice which I think was A) the silly centre of the road speed bumps, and I took it a tiny bit too fast. But, for the odd risk, the sound and look of the exhaust are more than worth it
  4. Dropped the car off this morning at The Wheel Specialists for some last minute JAE prep. The wheels have been a little tatty with the odd curb mark since I bought the car. So after months of test wheels and colours today is THE day. I am sticking the with the 19" Rays as opposed to aftermarket, as I love the style of them! Hoping to pick the car up later this afternoon
  5. I'm not, but maybe put what size of are looking for? ionabee is selling some 25mm spacers at the moment - in the for sale area
  6. The new wheels transform the car! Look so much better that the previous ones - which were looking a little dated IMO. Just needs spacers now
  7. I'm not sure what a Nismo would go for in the Jap auctions, or what the IVA/import fee's would come to. But if you want a MK2 370 Nismo and have £30-35k to spend, there are plenty in the UK readily available? 2 minutes on autotrader and I just found 3. Any reason why you want a Jap one? http://www.autotrade...gcode=p&adPos=6
  8. Looking really nice mate, great styling choices!
  9. For importing cars speak to OPJP (usually quick to reply on FB). However I think if the car is under 10 years old it needs to be put through different tests on import which can sometimes cost more. The guys at OPJP can provide more info this
  10. Saw the new DB11 at Carfest last weekend. Guy I was with fell in love with it and has put it on his list. I still don't like it though. The roof lines into the rear of the car just look odd. I'll stick with my Ferrari's
  11. Must take some balls to repair your car like that
  12. Looking at the list of announced traders this it would seem your daughter is doing a great job. I cannot wait - been every year since 2008 As Grundy says, at a little over £10 per day including camping/facilities it's hardly breaking the bank. Our club don't tend to get involved with the competitions and such but never find a shortage of things to get up to Where are other Zed owners this year? We are in Wangan (W22) just behind the traders. Come by say hello
  13. Like we need a thread to encourage more posts of car pictures!....well, if you insist! Here is my collection over the years I'll ignore my first two cars (Fiesta's ). Following that we have: MR2 MK1 MR2 MK2 NA MR2 MK2 Tubby IS200 Turbo Supra TT BPU 350Z 370Z
  14. Great looking car! Will try and stop by at JAE, don't see too many 370's there
  15. You should totally buy one!!....but I think you mean the IS-F? Which is also a very nice car, but likely a tad too heavy / wallowy on the fun twists of an alpine pass. EDIT - However, if you do the mean LFA can I be first in the queue for a passenger ride
  16. Sadly not in the Zed. A few years ago in my MR2 turbo we stopped there in a 15 strong convoy of MR2's. Good pictures and general hooning was had during that visit That's an impressive gain for decats!! I keep looking at them but have read a few owners with ARK Grip systems saying how loud the car gets over all. Unless there is a way of fitting the decats, but somehow quieting down the cat back system? which may then defeat the object of decats
  17. Indeed, been fortunate enough to go there a few times over the years. Definitely somewhere to visit if you are near by
  18. Gorgeous! This won't hang around at that price
  19. I don't have, but thats a great idea!! I bought some fake rubber coasters recently that were vinyl shaped, but they were pretty cheap and nasty! Making them from the real deal is a good idea. My second batch is up on eBay now, so far having good interest http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/mattross1313/m.html?item=282147173743&hash=item41b148356f%3Ag%3AS1AAAOSwgZ1XvJp0&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  20. They was 2 days old with about 30miles on when it happend lol May have still had some release agent on the rubber from when the tyres were made? I typically drive the first 50miles or so gently on new tyres to scrub them in. Could well be a myth, but better safe than sorry.
  21. Will likely be stripping the rig down over the coming weeks if anyone is tempted by new shiny thing. I'll be keeping the PC and maybe screens, but rest will be sold on. Have the TX1 wheel and pedals, T500 Pedals, 599 Alcantara rim, Fanatec 1.5 Shifter, DSD button box and fully adjustable custom rig build from 8020 with Recaro seat. Let me know if anything is of interest before they hit the sim forums and ebay etc
  22. Way back when, a friend of a friend was involved in a minor accident. He was insured but didn't declare his aftermarket wing mirrors (or at least I think that was the mod). When they came out to evaluate the damages to both cars his insurance spotted the mod and declared his policy null & void, and did not pay him a penny. It's not worth the risk to try and save a few quid, as could potentially cost you thousands.
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