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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. Well, I know what I'm trying when I get to the car later!! Never mind all that, what about auto UP on the passenger window. It has auto down, how difficult would it have been to do up at the same damn time!
  2. Oh now that's a lovely colour!! Really nice work mate For wheels, maybe a dirty bronze / Volk colour.
  3. My OH works for a local Nissan dealership so I went along to their launch event at the weekend. I just love all the minor changes changes they made to adjust airflow over the body. Although I did spent most of my time looking at the 370 Nismo I don't think it was out then?
  4. Couple of quick alcantara pictures! Really pleased with this, and well worth the wait - I've had the kneepads at my desk for months now waiting to sort out the gaiter. The material match is excellent with the rest of the Alcantara interior. Took this quick pic whilst cleaning the car yesterday too, amused me! Every few weeks I pick off the fraying bits of plastic from the front lip. This is the most recent bit. Hopefully soon the front lip will wear down and stop hitting on things
  5. No need to shout, he's till on the standard exhaust Looks a great upgrade mate, you won't look back! My second favourite colour too
  6. You've posted on his build thread twice Granville
  7. Such a tease! Come on with the pics already
  8. I really REALLY need to stop clicking into this thread. Cracking updates mate, super jelous of your trips, makes me want to do another Euro tour. Glad you made it Reims too, its a great photo opporunity and general wander about
  9. Coming on quickly. Can't wait to see it done, going to look great!
  10. Me? Been every year since 2008, last year was in an MR2
  11. Cheers Bobster! Gave the car a good clean today ready for JAE tomorrow. Also finally fitted my new gear knob, Alcantara gaiter, and Alcantara knee pads
  12. Looking forward to catching up with a few of you
  13. Never a bad thing. Atleast there you will stand out and get views as opposed to being lost in a sea of the same car. Much like we did on the MR2 stand We're on stand W22 mate, pop by if you get a mo
  14. I'm no expect by any stretch of the imagination. However have a Google and install the 'Exodus' plugin for Kodi. TV, movies etc etc all at your finger tips. I'd also recommend getting the Kodi Remote app for your phone. I got mine for the App Store for free, not sure if there is an Android phone version (Would have though so)
  15. I think these are the wheels that come on imports that don't have the Rays Wheels. Could be wrong though. Looks like a good refurb
  16. Decat is pretty easy to swap back to normal cats, but you if you have the tools, or easy job for a garage. This all depends on what age, mods, history etc etc. Does it have to be within 80miles for a strict reason? seems a little precise. I usually travel a lot further when looking at potential cars, and have purchased cars that require a 5 hour drive to collect in the past. If its the right car then its always worth the extra time as opposed to a local one that may not be the same condition.
  17. Burnt tips look good at all times IMO. I have them on my ARK and they look great
  18. Hi Rob, The guys should be more than able to sort the spacer colour at at the same time. I was in some what of a rush do didn't get them done this time, but may have a go at home as I have the paint code. Just need to be careful not to paint the mating face of the spacer - I have read that powder coat or paint on the mounting faces can sometimes cause issues as the wheel might not sit at the right angle.
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