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Everything posted by mattross1313

  1. mattross1313

    XXR Wheels

    My SO had them on her Evo V for 4-5 years no issues. Great wheel for the price. She is now getting them for the Evo X also
  2. And given that I've read your wheels are for sale many times, you are doing well I bet you can't wait!! Gave mine a clean over the weekend, looks so good
  3. I bet it is somehow all your fault too?
  4. Stu, just realised I forgot the parts list for you. A quick brain dump below. I'll update this with links over the weekend hopefully for any of the important items. I'll list out the mandatory items first to get gaming, then the second list are the other bits I purchased to tuck it all in nicely to the PS. Raspberry Pi 3. A Pi2 will also be fine, just a little slower, and doesnt have onboard Wifi Suitable Pi Power Supply. 5V 2.5Amps is preferred Micro SD Card, 4GB or above. Class 10 HDMI Cable USB Gaming controller Appropriate SD Image to run emulators Then for the extra bits I used in my build: Something to put the Pi in (Playstation in my case) Micro USB extension cable for power (micro female -> micro male) HDMI extension cable (full size female -> full size male) Micro SD to SD extension cable (white ribbon cable) 2 x USB extension cables (full size USB female -> full size USB male) ATX-Raspi power circuit from US 2 x Resistors for ATX-Raspi. (1K and 10K) Switches or LEDs for ATX-Raspi if not already fitted to 'case' PS Controller to USB Adapter (use the one in a blue plastic case) Tools wise, I completed this build with minimal tools: screwdriver, soldering iron, dremmel cutting disk. hot glue and some electrical tape. I did also plash out and purchase a soldering helper, the thing with a magnifying glass and two crocodile clips to hold wires whilst you solder them. SUPER useful!
  5. I wasn't aware of that, will definitely be keeping that in a bookmark for future ref! Thanks Marz. Grabbed an hour (or 2..) on this late last night to try and get the splash screen video working. I spent wasted about 50% of the time trying to SSH into the Pi via my Mac. From my Googling it is super easy to do via a Windows laptop, but all the Mac guides we using Terminal which isn't user friendly. But managed to find a a tip from a guy to FTP via CyberDuck once I had enabled SSH on the Pi. After this it was drag and drop! I did run into an issue where the splash screen video was being cut short by maybe 4-5 seconds. After some Googling the Emulation Station boot sequence was killing the video early, so adding in some delay worked a treat Anyway. Quick video I grabbed for you lot, apologies for the awful camera work. Safe Boot up of Pi via power button (LED on also) PS1 video splash screen, there is sound here but quiet on the video Into Emulation Station menu via PS1 controller Quick demo of disk spinning via switch True shutdown sequence on press of power button LED blinks during shutdown, then all powers off
  6. Gig has been postponed to December, so my mate can now make it. No longer for sale
  7. Oh and on the serious side. I couldn't agree more on dash cams - there are too many Muppets out there.
  8. Fair point that! I'll stick with how it is for now so I can see the disk. Dude thats a majorly impressive man-cave setup! The arcade machine looks awesome. I am building one soon with a mate based on an old fruit machine. I'm hoping to start rebuilding the SD card tonight with the newest version of Retropie....then the fun task of sourcing the ROMs & scraping for Artwork. However the fun part will be loading my new video splash screen. I've an MP4 version of this so really can't wait to try it tonight.......Here's some lovely Nostalgia for you all...
  9. A Harry Potter joke? You can't be Sirius?
  10. That's a cool idea. I'll have a nose in there and see if theres a way of incorporating a momentary button as you open the lid.
  11. Will this out next week for you Stu Emulator wise I am just running Retropie should come with most emulators built in, you just add the ROMs.....at least that's how it worked last time. I tried to update my 2 year old install on Friday and ended up breaking something. So i will be well versed soon in how to perform a clean install and will report back for you. I tried to upgrade as the new version allows customer video splashscreens. So I plan to use an MP4 of the original playstation boot up screens and sounds.....for additional cool points of course So, other than the need to rebuild the memory card as above. The build is complete. Today I finished up all the wiring for the core functions.....then added the cherry on the cake! I managed to save enough internal space to retain the disk drive! (not functioning, just spinning). I tapped into the 5v power circuit and put a small switch inline with the power. So, anytime the Pistation is powered on, I can flick the switch and spin the disk drive! The switch, as luck would have it fits perfectly into the last remaining port on the back of the PS! So looks really clean! I'll grab a video soon so you can see what I'm on about. But here are some pics for now.
  12. Bit more progress yesterday. I tidied up the internal cables, and routed the SD Card extender to check for room. I wasn't sure it would fit, but luckily it works a treat. It's the white ribbon cable that runs under the Pi, then back up to the Parallel IO Port at the back of the PS. Below is a pic from the rear, showing the 2 USB ports with the SD card sat above it. Fits lovely, and is all hidden by the panel cover.
  13. Cheers Granville. Should be fine without cooling fans. I have a Pi2 downstairs for the media centre and it's all good. Both of them are running stock power, not overclocked them yet. Happy to help share tips and purchase links. Or even build it up if you - shoot me a PM. There is a queue already though. My mate wants to convert his broken PS2, and another mate has a broken fruit machine - we're going to create an Arcade Machine
  14. Update II. I finished all of the soldering last night for the power, then spent a fair while working out the best layout for all of the cables and such. In the end this was the best way of doing it. Top external cables are 5V in and HDMI out to TV. All power cables, switches, LEDs and jumper cables are on the left board. Pi is in the middle with all USB bits and bobs attached and routed around the outer edges of the PS base. Exterior pic to show the 2 external cables, looking nice Then I ran some scripts onto the Pi which manage the power supply via the GPIO Pins. Worked first time like a charm!! So now both PS buttons work, and the LED too! Super pleased with progress
  15. Cheers K, much appreciated Will try and wing round for a brew soon anyway - been a while!
  16. SO was busy last night so managed to grab another hour on the PiStation - I figured I would tackle the power management side of things. To my surprise it wasn't as scary as I had anticipated. This is the tiny circuit board that takes the 5V power input, and distributes it to the Pi based on interactions with the PS power and reset buttons. Board pic below... To make life easier I added longer wires to the original LED, Power button & reset switch. Then routed them through the old board so they were up top ready to latch onto the power circuit. Then the 'fun' task of soldering the various wires and resistors onto the tiny power board. This took some time.....mainly because a) I'm not that good at soldering, and I didn't want to break it and have to order a new one from the states. Boom. Job done, and all cables tidied up along the edge.
  17. No idea yet on travel arrangements Let me know if you are able to make it, should be a great day out
  18. So, coming back to the above.... I spoke with the other 2 Nismo owners and advised they get their cars checked over due to the balls-up on mine. Luckily both of their cars were fine, so no drama for them. Word of the problem got back to the PDI technician, and when realising the **** up he said 'Well....I definitely remember removing the shipping spacers from 2 of the 3 Nismo's we prepared' !! So, I was just unlucky to have the third one that didn't have spacers removed. But I mean.....seriously! If you were fully aware that you left spacers on 33% of the Nismo's you prepared you would raise it and get them checked?! But, then I'm giving the guy too much credit I think as it's the same guy that screwed the number plate into my front bumper! Aaaanyway......the car was down at Nissan last Thursday for the shipping spacers to be finally removed. Lis took the car down for me and was all sorted the same day. Car sits a lot nicer now on the front The next day I was driving to work enjoying the new suspension when the rear tyre 'popped'. I've had punctures in the past but this was pretty impressive! Was coming over a roundabout when all of a sudden there was a loud pop from the rear of the car followed by a flapping. Pulled over and found this in the tyre.... Looks to be a small piece of steel bar, it was maybe 10-12mm diameter, which I guess explains the sudden pop and loss of pressure! With such a large hole in the tyre the can of gunk would be no use. So I started making some calls and no-one had a tyre same day...and I wasn't too keen on leaving the Nismo on the side of the road for a few days! Fast forward 4 hours (!!!) and the recovery truck finally arrives to take me up to Nissan. All 4 tyres have barely covered 4k miles so I decided to only swap out the one tyre, as opposed to swapping the axle which I usually would do. These are my tyre options, note this is Friday afternoon: Nissan: Can get a tyre in for me next Friday at £265+VAT Me Online: Can get a tyre delivered by next Thursday at £210 Me Locally: Can get a tyre delivered NEXT DAY for £240 (not sure why Nissan couldn't do this) So I went for option 3, half expecting to have the car back Saturday PM, possibly Monday AM. But in the end they didn't swap the tyre over until Tuesday PM After a joyous 4 days in a Vauxhall Mokka hire car I finally have Gizmo back
  19. I have 1 x ticket for Jamiroquai up for sale. It's for the London O2 concert Sat 24th June 2017. (This month!) I purchased 3 tickets but due to an unfortunate extreme sports injury.....(Badminton ) my mate broke his leg and now is unable to attend. These are standing tickets so you are welcome to spend an enjoyable evening with me, or you can go do your own thing. Can either post / email / bring ticket with me to the concert. No inflated prices here, just wanting my mate to get his money back. £60. Below is a pic of the printed ticket. I have hidden the important information using some tablets I have laying around my desk, as I don't really want to put a full photo on the WWW. Thanks
  20. Been generally busy lately with work and honeymoon planning, so this has taken a back seat. But managed to spend a little time on it yesterday. All of the components have now arrived including the power management board allowing me to leverage the existing power & reset button on the playstation. I'm saving that headache for the weekend. My focus at the moment was getting the stock controller ports on the front of the chassis converted to USB. On the back of the controller panel is the circuit board with pins for the 2 controllers and the 2 memory cards. Each controller has 9 pins which line up with the USB adapter I purchased. The tricky part was soldering small wires onto the back of the panel without crossing any copper lines, then tapping these into the small circuit in the USB adapter. Below pic shows the end result (my soldering isn't the prettiest). The lower/larger circuit is the back of the Playstation panel, the red wires are running into the back on 'Player 1' and the black wires are 'Player 2'. The smaller triangle circuit is the butchered remains of the USB adapter - you can just about see a small USB male in the lower right of the picture. I ran a test to ensure that everything was working as expected and to my surprise the Pi detected 2 x controllers! To test further I decided to play Tekken 3 against myself......I lost
  21. Given that he starts the post with 'y'all' and is talking about 370's I'd reckon he's on about the370z.com USA based forum
  22. Just a quick reply as most had already been said. Whatever you decide, you will need to get 4 wheel alignment done after installation. Just to get the wheels pointing in the right direction. If you get springs that give a drop over around 25mm you will also need rear camber arms, possibly front too. But if you go Tein then just fitting them and getting the alignment done should be fine
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