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Everything posted by flyboy

  1. Just had an email from blackcat customs my white dials are on the way. Should be waiting for me when I get back from holiday
  2. OK I am getting somewhere at last Member has offered a refund if I post the item back I will pack securely in a box with lots of protection and send it back recorded delivery. Photos of damage and packing will be taken before sending. Unfortunately it won't be for two weeks as I am on holiday. I will keep you informed. Ttfn
  3. I have an asus transformer TF300t It has the detachable keyboard lots of battery and fulll size USB and an SD slot in both the screen and the keyboard. Its a quad processor and very fast. I like it a lot. However I have just bought a 16 gig nexus 7 for the zed but its so portable and just as fast as the TF300t that I am thinking of getting another and selling the transformer. The only thing that would make it better would be a keyboard so a blutooth keyboard case is the next purchase.
  4. May be too late now if he has ignored it for too long ?
  5. The other party has the chance to come on the forum and put his point of view forward at any time. Its my choice that I haven't named the member. But it isn't that hard to work out! Those of you who have, please do not post the details unless I decide to. Naming will only happen if no other solution is found to this and only to stop it happening to others. 2-ish layers of bubble and a black bin liner. No other protection at all to the pipework which sticks out. First time it was thrown into the back of a van -- Bingo ! -- bent pipes.
  6. Dispute has been raised read the post again Cant escalate it to a claim until I have given other party time to respond. Its only been 4 days or so Paypal ask I give it longer.
  7. Said Member has been in touch via paypal. States its my problem it arrived damaged not his and I should take it up with the courier. I have replied with the correct information ie. He has the contract with the courier and its his insurance on the package not mine. Its his fault it arrived damaged as it was inadequately packaged. We shall see where it goes but I cant see it being resolved without it being escalated from a dispute to a paypal claim against him. This guy is obviously unaware of how the world works. He has quite an interesting and varied presence on the web when you search for him LOL.
  8. Sorry Ninja nothing to see here......... Move along please
  9. flyboy


    Dare I say I have one for sale??? OP - I dont!! _ In joke ! im afraid.
  10. It was the bickering between members that was tidied up not the opinions, those I asked for. I had never had experience of this which is why i asked for opinions in the first place, If you want to start another argument, this time with me then I Will also suggest we take it somewhere else
  11. You can't tell if they Have been read but the system is being changed by the mods for us all to be able to see in future. If an e mail notification is set up they are read off the site anyway
  12. +1 - some right keyboard worriors we're developing on here I can tidy it if you like Flyboy Yes please
  13. Unless it says last active private then you cant unless your a mod perhaps. Things are afoot folks, There will be no naming unless all else fails. I have asked the mods not to accept any more for sale posts from this member until this is sorted and if they agree then there will be no cause for alarm from anyone else... Its in the hands of paypal at the moment. Who knows there may be a genuine reason as to why he hasnt been in touch I dare say I will find out eventually. I'm peed off but the loss of the cash wont make me bankrupt, If its a lesson in life then so be it, but I did think at my age I had probably learned them all. I think that its because this seems such a nice place to be online that sometimes you forget its still the real world.
  14. Sseen this before somewhere. PC certainly wasn't used to pulling someone with a bit of knowledge of the law and a video camera.
  15. I have taken advice from here and contacted Paypal. I will wait and see where it goes. Thanks everyone.
  16. Well he is not answering pms and has his online status as private!!!! If there is no communication soon he will be named and shamed.
  17. What do you suggest I do?? Bought an item off a forum member which arrived damaged. Said Member has now gone to ground and is not answering email or PM. No problem communicating when they were asking for payment though!! I am now lots of cash down and have a damaged item.......
  18. Some people have never seen the film Well I thought I had no 1 but thats skuppered it!!!
  19. Adrian congrats on 2000 posts you have a PM
  20. Still missing a couple ( Inc no 1) but will continue to think, One or two are on the tip of my tongue.
  21. flyboy

    LMGT4 Refurb

    I would think they should be put on under the final clear coat/lacquer so they wont peel off anyway. That's what I did with my cheapo flea bay ones.
  22. Will the OP Please get in contact about plenum. Email and pm sent but no reply Thanks Martin
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