Hi NeiI,
I would suggest people buy their own gauge faces from Black Cat Customs, I will advise which type to get, if needed.
The gauge faces take about 3-4 weeks to come from The States and are about £125 duty paid
Needles can be hard to come by depending on what is wanted and would have to be here prior to the job starting, I have some sources for these but at the moment they are either from across the pond again or Europe.
The LED change and the calibration would take me a week or two depending on other commitments.
I have a spare set of clocks etc which could be loaned out if you use the car as a daily driver.
I could put a kit of LED's together for you to do it yourself but you will need a digital temperature controlled solder station and very good soldering skills and I would suggest a spare speedo cluster to practice on......
Your not going to do this with a £5.00 iron from B&Q you will need something like this
A video from Bob at Gaugecraft who was very helpful in getting this up and running, showing how small these SMD's are