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Everything posted by flyboy

  1. Bob on price wise. Had my 2010 GT premium connect with 21k for a week. Was considering an M6 but it would have been older with lots more miles. Decided to stay in the family, will probably be my last 2 seat coup though TBH,
  2. Its definitely wider (barely fits in my garage), its softer, quieter and more refined. Has a similar power delivery to the 50 but pulls harder for longer. Still doesn't 'feel' quick until you look at the speedo What he said Got the HFC's just need an exhaust now! Then it wont be quieter anymore.
  3. Thats what I thought worth a punt. :teeth: Should arrive on Wed,
  4. Just push in the connector latch with a small screw driver fiddly the first time but then you will get used to it. I find it helps to get my head up by the windscreen to see what I am doing.
  5. I would take the aircon drive belt off if you can so your not spinning the pump.
  6. Summer + Scotland = midges take care where and when you go!!!
  7. Already done. Had a few bits lying about so....... LED Numberplate lamps. LED Boot light CREE reverse lamps Tried Silver rear indicators but wasn't happy with the light output in the sun today. so back to std. Next on the list... Interior LED lamps, Just ordered off Ebay. Exhaust is on the list soon, as I test drove one with an invidia gemini and it sounded ace. although I may get some tails first to see what they are like. Springs, spacers, intakes, rev-up need to talk to a few traders and see what can be done for my budget. will need to sell the 350 before the expensive stuff starts.
  8. Picked up the 370 yesterday Here they are tonight side by side. and with the condensation removed off the lens.
  9. Did you clean the protective wax off the inside of the drum?
  10. Overhauled mine when I changed the rear disks. Soaked the springs and de-glazed the pads. Plenty of material on them just a bit shiney Copper slipped the adjusters and re-assembled. Adjusted it up tight backed it off a turn and its been perfect since.
  11. JP alloys in Cannock £320 for all 4 inc diamond turning. they have a good website with prices on it for whaterver you want
  12. Hi Marky, Its still for sale at the moment. Had a couple of people interested but no one has bought it yet. Got my 370Z today so its got to go! Martin
  13. flyboy


    Bet the nos kit is more than my insurance
  14. Ha, Im on the train in the morning to pick mine up!
  15. Good guide. but I also prefer to take of the bumper. Car is a bitch to jack up on a gravel drive!
  16. No in the end I polished the corrosion off my original ones
  17. Be careful about which wheels you have, apparently the us ones need different caps to the jap ones. Was told this when I was looking for some,
  18. Who did them originally for you?
  19. Photos of interior and engine bay added as requested
  20. Will it be a straight swap for a 2010 plate.. Anyone know?
  21. The usb part of this lead is for charging your ipod with and need to be plugged into a 5v source
  22. You just need to buy proper LEDs from automotive sources not cheap ebay rejects. (Cs2000 buys mainly bulbs not surface mount LEDs. but they may sell LED's as well) For my dash project I was paying £3.00 per LED for some of them not 10 for 99p from ebay. As long as you buy right they will last. I would also do a burn test before sealing them into a headlight. Edit. forgot about Cs2000 reflector project oops This place is worth a look as loads of info on led conversions on many cars http://www.hidplanet.com/forums/forum.php
  23. I'm up for a go at this if you are.
  24. From the bumper side. Cant remember if the bumper has to come off or not. I think it may be possible with it on with a bit of a fiddle. Ill Check out my photos from the airbox mod guide I did and see if there are any showing it out.
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