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Everything posted by flyboy

  1. I have just had a UPS notification the parts have leftb the spinners and on their way back. I have warned the platers I will need a quick turn around On target for dispatch next week!!
  2. I can get 2d laser scanning done and output as a DXF
  3. I have the blanks at the spinners just waiting for them to come back. Shouldn't be long I'm expecting them to be at the zinc platers later this week and be ready to ship them next week. Get your names down folks
  4. 1.Take it off the car 2.Take a grinder to it. 3.Make it look like the modified one. 4.Put it back on the car That's about it really.
  5. I'm getting 50 sets done, so just get your name down.
  6. Not so good news. Blanks arrived Friday but were the wrong size (Thickness) More should be here on wed/thurs. Watch this space
  7. Its not a move just a little change in responsibilities. Its all negotiable but I dont think i could go up to £700 a month.
  8. Its not about the tax. Its not about the tax Honest its not about the tax !!!!! Forget about the tax. Also i'm not being offered £500 a month extra in salary to spend on a car I'm being offered a car, on lease, of my choice with a £500 ceiling It will be the first four seat car i have had for 10 years and the first that's not an out and out impractical boys toy So it needs to be cool and fun and quick and not a rep mobile. I Like the masarati but cant find one under £500 a month. Infinity is a possability F type is too much also What else am I missing?
  9. I have got so used to the big boot I Had forgotten what it was like when it was small and dark. I'M so glad I spent £30 and an afternoon doing it. Im going to pick up my refurbed wheels on Sat. 3 in the back one on the front seat Job Done!
  10. Not an option. Its got to be a lease not an allowance. Don't worry about the tax its not important.
  11. I may change job roles slightly and there is a company car on offer amongst other perks, I have £500 ish a month inc maintenance to spend Rules are 4 seats 4 doors preferred 20k miles a year 4 year lease min initial hire (3 months) What should I get?
  12. Sorry for the delay folks just got back to work after a week off and cant see my desk! My right hand man is now away until after the bank holiday so its a bit hectic. All is under way - Steel blanks are ordered and will be sent to the spinners in a few days. 5-7working days to get them through the spinning process and then another couple of days for zinc plating. so with transport etc we should be looking at 3 weeks max and then you get your kits. Ill PM you all over the next 7 - 10 days as soon as I get a min.
  13. Its a bit of plywood with carpet on The boot floor andmat usually cover it
  14. That's what I used to do in my 350Z. Just unplug and take everything out then throw a blanket in the boot floor. It will take about half an hour each way.
  15. Count me in for testing the prototype! Im sure we can come to a deal Adrian.
  16. See my post here http://www.350z-uk.c...immed-now-huge/
  17. Hi Dave, The wiring I was looking at was only for the fold and unfold functions not the mirror movement or the heating so sorry I cant help. I did however find that its all canban controlled so some wires had more than one function. Hence no mirror mod for the 370 as it involves rewiring the mirrors back to the fuse board via the ignition.
  18. Just a few more needed folks and ill get on with the manufacture. Im away next week in the Austrian Alps but will order the steel when i get back. keep adding your names while im away Thanks
  19. The diameter is the same it just has the velocity stack added to the front. The kit duplicates the 06 airbox (Revup) exactly.
  20. Over a 150 of these kits have sold I now have NONE of these kits left and need to make a decision to manufacture more or not. The minimum batch I have to manufacture is 50 kits so I will need to start a list of interested people to see if its viable to get another batch made. I will need to get 10-15 people on the list to continue with these and keep them at the original price. This is what the kit is 2006 Airbox conversion kit (Velocity Stack) £35 + P&P £4.50. (First Class Signed for) This is the ORIGINAL KIT straight from the designer and manufacturer FLYBOY (Martin). Comes with Velocity stack, Silicone, Tie wrap to replace the one you will take off, and a pair of disposable gloves. Comparison Between Post and Pre 06 Air Intakes. Many of you will know that this kit gives the best results as a breathing mod for pre 2006 cars when combined with a quality panel filter. Fitting the kit modifies an early airbox into the 2006 airbox giving a much smoother throttle response, and better breathability, due to less turbulent more aerodynamic airflow to the throttle body. See this thread for DIY fitting viewtopic.php?f=35&t=51962 This is the original thread http://www.350z-uk.c...conversion-kit/ There is plenty about this on the forum search engine and a couple of tuners on here buy the kit to fit to customers cars so it's a proven mod. Lets keep this popular mod going. Please only post in this thread if you want a kit and want to be on the list You can post in the original thread linked above if you want to tell me how good the kit is, how easy to fit, shipping costs to Mongolia etc etc So lets get the list started List updated with payment details below. 1. tommoger -- Cancelled 2. allaboutthepasty -- Paid - POSTED OUT 3. Andy10v -- Paid - POSTED OUT 4. SuperStu -- Paid - POSTED OUT 5. matt3579 -- Paid - POSTED OUT 6. rippo350z -- Paid - POSTED OUT 7. RichKitch -- Paid - POSTED OUT 8. Bry -- Paid - POSTED OUT 9. Bababongles --Paid - POSTED OUT 10. Djb92 -- Paid - POSTED OUT 11. sfield21 12. SlickRick -- Paid - POSTED OUT 13. o_O_350_O_o -- Paid - POSTED OUT 14. Steve_c123 -- paid - POSTED OUT 15. Mr P-- Paid - POSTED OUT 16. simonlap -- Paid - POSTED OUT 17. Cyder -- Paid - POSTED OUT 18. Niz --Paid - POSTED OUT 19. Rich260 -- CANCELLED CAI Installed 20. Ardesco --Paid - POSTED OUT 21. Xcon187 -- Paid -- POSTED OUT 22. Buster & mirror fold kit -- Paid - POSTED OUT 23. sgtarg -- Paid - POSTED OUT 24. Paul K -- Paid - POSTED OUT 25. Ozzy 225 -- Paid - POSTED OUT 26. samhoward95 & mirror fold kit -- Paid - POSTED OUT Thanks Martin
  21. flyboy


    I get pops and bangs on my invidia gemini with hfc's and a Takeda long cold air intake Especially on downshift to 3rd or 2nd in sports mode. Sounds so good the missus makes me turn it off if she is in the car That normally coincides with a whining noise from the near side cockpit area.
  22. What year is it ---------------------- it makes a difference to its desirability!
  23. Hi Martin, Just got back as we stayed Sunday night. popped in the pub for a couple about 8 on Sun but must have missed you. A great weekend as usual, the bands next year have a hard act to follow for sure. Chill out for a while mate you deserve it. Thanks for all your hard work.
  24. As posted earlier Flygirl and I will be up a mountain somewhere on Sat but back in plenty of time for the gig.
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