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Everything posted by richglobe

  1. Can anyone help re a replacement key for my 350z, it's an imported model and main dealers aren't very helpful as they tell me they can't get the nats code. Can anybody help?
  2. Cheers guys should of found this sight ages ago. Let me know how much for blank key and/if can code Manchester and when. Thanks.
  3. Hi all I am looking for anyone who has or can recommend anyone who can provide me with a replacement key for my car and if there is anyone who can cut and programme it as dealers say its a no no as they don't have code for an import. Any help much appreciated. ( Manchester )
  4. Hi, I am looking for anyone who has a radiator pack for my Fairlady 350z. It is an 53 reg manual transmission and an import. Thanks.
  5. Alright everyone I am the proud owner of a 350z Fairlady 53 reg in orange. I am going to look through the site as need some bits and pieces to get up and going most importantly replacement keys (thought a good idea to put pair together but lost or in the house or toy boxes somewhere!!!!). Tried a few places for keys but local dealership advises as an import they cant really help. Also looking for original radiator pack as well so going to start searching now.
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