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Everything posted by chrisgunton

  1. Ok, just had a proper look around. There is only a tiny bit of oil above the dipstick hole. The rest is all down the manifold and exhaust. I cant see a way of brushing and washing anything down there. Will it be ok to get it warm/hot and let it burn itself off on it's own? It only happened less than a min before I got home, so it's not as bad as I first thought....which is good....I guess
  2. I'm a complete dipstick and didnt push the dipstick back in fully when I check the oil yesterday. Just had a quick thrash and it's spewed oil everywhere, getting the bay and interior full of smoke *cough*. Thankfully it did this as I was coming down my road, so it's safely on the drive dripping oil onto cardboard sheets. Suggestions? I don't want to make anything worse....or set the whole car alight!
  3. If the 2004 stuff will fit I have all the bits boxed up and ready to go....
  4. I'm actually interested in the OTHER side of the throttle controller Like I said, this was just a hypothetical thread - I love the Zed for what it is - and when I want to save pennies I'm perfectly capable of feathering the throttle and using CC.
  5. Anyone know a source for this? Ideally the model with the small display and controls.
  6. A D1 Spec Throttle Controller you mean Which has just been sold in the FS section Sounds like an interesting bit of kit!
  7. When I had mine I put it in eco mode once when the weather was bad... felt like I was towing a caravan How do you put it in Eco mode!? Mine's a 2004 and as far as I'm aware there isn't a button for it!
  8. Doh I was hoping this was Monkton, Kent! For a brief moment I thought I'd been spotted
  9. I was having a think today (after filling up)...if you HAD to, how would you mod a Zed to improve it's economy instead of performance? I would imagine some of the mods for performance would also improve economy, such as the plenum spacer, less restrictive exhaust, and a remap. What else could be done? Just a note: If you now feel like replying "but the Zed is a performance car!" then just save it. It's just a hypothetical question and I fully understand the point of buying a car like it
  10. Why the hell does anyone use photobucket for photos anymore?! lol!
  11. I don't know if they still do them or not, but I had a tomtom with an extra external antenna. if in doubt you could always run one of these out of the cubby to the top of the dash. the antenna is just a tiny black flat rectangle.
  12. Thanks Yup. The previous owner had them powder-coated the day before I picked it up. I didn't like that he'd sprayed the centrecaps completely black, so i got some replacements and had them sprayed without the badge on.
  13. ...to get some snaps of our recent purchases... I'll spare you the rest of the pics of the boring beemers. I like to think mine is a bit more special than a generic family car. The sound of us roaring up through the multistory was truely epic. V6 and tyre squeal!
  14. I remember reading a thread here (I think, or possibly 350-tech.com) about someone working on a mod for it, but now I can't find it Was it a successful mod? Anyone know the location of the thread? Also, my Zed does none of the tricks mentioned here: http://www.350z-tech.com/forums/173-nis ... ricks.html Why would that be? Because it's a UK model?!
  15. Spotted a few mornings - twice at the Manston roundabout near the Tescos, and once in Westwood Cross (you were the trigger for me looking into getting a Zed!)
  16. Don't see many Zeds around here! I was coming of the roundabout while you were coming on and we looked directly at each other!
  17. Does anyone know of a PDF of a Fiesta Mk6 service manual? My girlfriends has developed a squeaky fan in the heater somewhere and she wants me to sort it out I might see if I can flick through a Haynes one at Halfrauds later
  18. They dont Just spent an hour with a Financial Advisor waffling on at me before he spilled the beans that they don't cover you in the event of redundancy! I'm going to give the British Insurance website a good read and see if there is anything shady...
  19. Insurance is £7 a month.... My job is safe as far as I know, the protection is just for peace of mind.
  20. Hi all, 5ish years ago I went to Lloyds TSB (my bank) for a loan to buy my last car - the loan came with protection/insurance, in case I was made redundant or became too ill to work. I paid off this loan just before xmas and took out another to help pay for my first Zed but it now appears that Lloyds don't to the protection/insurance any more. obviously this isn't good news or me! I'm looking at getting cover from British Insurance - has anyone got any experience with them, or used anyone else they would recommend? I've never used a 3rd party for this sort of thing and want to make sure I use a reputable company (British Insurance appear to be rather good, and have awards and good reviews). Many thanks.
  21. When I start spending more than £300 a month on fuel I'll have to look at something cheaper to run. I don't do too many miles to and from work thankfully.
  22. I have a cradle for the bluetooth gear - but I sold the bluetoth receiver that fits into it. But it's a piece of the puzzle if you need it. If you pull up the gear suround and look under the heater control box (the white box) there may be a black foam covered box - which I think is involved too.
  23. No response from my PM to R35LEE Anyone else got bits?
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