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Everything posted by spu01jaw

  1. Spu01jaw- my uni username that stuck. Student Physics Undergraduate 01 ( the year I started) JAW ( my initials) Simples !
  2. Gash, I'd rather spread **** over my dash!
  3. i play it! its not about graphics, if you want that you need to look elsewhere but it is VERY addictive
  4. thanks, i knew the one from holdcroft but not the other, good spot i have an 2008 350z, i assume this 2006 mat will fit ok?
  5. I know i can get these new for around £52 + p&p but i was wondering if anyone had one that they no longer want. i have already but he has none in stock thanks
  6. I have just brought an 08 plate 350 GT from a main dealers with full service history and i have not had any issues what so ever. All car types have issues, its all about how they have been used. if you get one that has not been abused then you should not have any problems. it's a nissan so parts are quite cheap and for the car type they are pretty robust. My mate also had one that he drove a 4 year old one from 20 - 70k miles without any issues at all
  7. how do you know if it's on the way out? i also have just purchased an 08 plate
  8. If no other interest it goes???
  9. First person to say £30 if collected £40 if posted can have it else it will go to the highest bidder tomorrow.
  10. not looking to make money on it so first person to say £40 can have it (including postage cost) , if no one says it before tomorrow it will go to the highest person who pm'd me. if two people have the same cost then it will go to the person who first pm'd the price Good Luck
  11. Brought this thinking it was for the coupe, and it wasnt so selling on. it is as good as new and comes with the liner underneath
  12. pm'd they look v.good, i want some! how easy are they to fit?
  13. Alex i'm also looking for one? any chance you have another?
  14. that's a great price, quite a distance from nottingham but my local nissan dealership match prices so might give them a try as i'm due for my p3 soon
  15. Any of the boot mats left? Whats the cost?
  16. Thanks Wasso, Thread can be closed now
  17. Any chance of getting a copy of these instructions
  18. got to be a forest fan as i come from notts but also support reading as i went to uni there
  19. thanks for the welcomes! I have been looking through lots of posts and have just about decided on the mods i will be doing, at least in the immediate future. comments / ideas welcome pop charger - although worried about hydrolocking - comments welcome if not above the K&N filters to replace stock - from ZMANALEX vertical tonneau cover - thanks to Wasso parking sensors (hidden beind bumper) Reversing camera - for fun
  20. Yeh might not bother taking it out in the snow I've not had to much luck in the past!
  21. Excited new member saying high in the Nottingham area! Just upgraded for a Ford Ka so still getting used to the power. So far the noise has to be the best thing!!!
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