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Everything posted by y3Lo

  1. y3Lo

    Focus ST > 350z

    cheers doc, nice too hear 2 sides to every story... My experience regarding RWD is rather limited, owned a s2k for 3-4 weeks, and did enjoy it. But not enough time to really appreciate it or put it through it's paces. The ek9 I had previously was a great handling car, it was so predictable, you just knew where you we're with it. What really does surprise me is the two or more guys who have mentioned the Z as a more comfortable car than the focus, I'd have had it the other way round if I had to guess.
  2. y3Lo

    Focus ST > 350z

    Thanks for the replies, maybe saying I have no interest in the ST is a little harsh, I came from a civic ek9 before, probably one of the best fwd handling cars made! But the ST just doesn't fill me with confidence in corners despite being lowered on eibachs. I've never just jumped in the ST and felt like hitting some B roads for a drive (which I used to do in the ek9). Have seen a few z's locally so might go have a look at a couple, maybe have a test drive see how that wets my appetite . I also think they sound fantastic!! Everybody on the focus forum bangs on about the 5pot growl, which is nice.... But I do think the z with a nice exhaust is pure car porn!
  3. Signed up here a good while back browsing for info and cars in the for sale section, ended up buying a focus st. Now I was just browsing PH again for a friend and saw a few 350's which sparked my interest for them again. Has anyone else come from a focus st to a 350? How did it compare? The focus is OK, but I don't have any real passion for it, so possibly considering a replacement. Look forward to reading some more threads on here.
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