No great leaps of progress were ever made taking the safe option
the bigger the risk often the bigger the reward.
how would i know i like Vietnamese food if i hadn't taken a leap, the Manhattan project would never have got off the ground if people took the safe option, Columbus would never have found america, and Raleigh would never have brought us back the potato. nelson would never have beaten the french. people would still be walking if someone hadn't taken the risk of getting on a horse. trains would still be doing 15mph if someone hadn't taken the risk of going faster.
to vote purely on the safe option because you're worried about the outcome is a shame, staying in europe is like buying tickets for the titanic after its hit the iceberg.
Just on a point of order, the owners had such belief in the Titanic that they took the major leap of faith by providing just a small number of lifeboats, relative to the number of passengers on board.