Hi everyone, hope someone can shed some light on this issue...
I got in the car this morning and as i turned the key the "clicks" (you normally hear before the rumble of the exhaust) seemed really slow but it started. So i turned it off and tried starting again, it was fine and started first time.
When i then left work and turned the key the clicks were even slower and it wouldn't start at all. After 5 minutes of checking the battery and its terminals weren't loose etc, i realized if i turn and hold the key turned for about 5-8 seconds the clicks gradually pick up speed and it starts.
If i switch it off straight after this process and try start it again then it starts first time. If i then leave it for about half hour or so and try start it she just ticks and all the dash lights come on with no sign of starting, then after 2 goes of holding the key turned it finally struggles to life.
I will be getting this check out when Monday comes but any help in the meantime will be much appreciated.
Thanks, Ricky