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Everything posted by ninjaz

  1. ninjaz

    Wheel referb.

    Found this on YouTube to show you yellow on grey
  2. ninjaz

    Varrstoens are on

    Rims look awesome! That's the look I would go for with a gun metal. Has the car been lowered at all?
  3. Great buy for someone, I recently bought a set of these and they give the car a much fresher look
  4. Sorry I didn't make it clear but I was being sarcastic about the price
  5. Sorry if this is a repost, had a search and couldnt find anything. 2004 "900bhp POTENTIAL, never been tracked" 350Z all for a very reasonable sum of £28,000! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2004-LHD-Nissan-350Z-3-5-V6-Twin-Turbo-Premium-Pack-/280806535408?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item41615fb0f0#ht_2708wt_937 Sorry this was posted via iPhone and I'm not sure why it won't copy the link properly. Just copy and paste the link it should work that way.
  6. That's fair enough then, was getting annoyed if it was at 11.27pm! What a typo to make
  7. This was the reply(i thought Ian PM'd me)
  8. Ok thanks Beavis for the advice. Im pretty sure I was first by about 30mins, but only realised after the seller had contacted me saying I was to it by someone at 11.27pm! I sent pm and wrote on the thread at 10.55pm
  9. Might be a bit late but can any Mods confirm I was the first to PM Ianphampton?
  10. No catch that I can tell so far, just be careful fitting them because the guy that fitting my tyres used a huge gun which slotted over the nut key and it scratched the outside of the nut a bit Sorry Ian no side pics, it's hard to take one far enough away to see the whole car AND see the nuts clearly as they sit in a bit. I think that's why they are growing on me as they always appear darker than they actually are.( still a lot darker than the blue in the original thread). Will attempt taking some more tomorrow if I remember
  11. Lol yeah I was even lazier as I got them done when I got new tyres put on yesterday I definatly think they will look good on your dark alloys. I was going to powdercoat the Rays in a dark colour but Zed funds are too low at the mo!
  12. Ahh thanks Lexx. Yeah you have to have the key to unlock them do they kinda double up as locking nuts
  13. Cheers Lexx, what link should I of copied to show them like this?
  14. Hi everyone, ordered a set of blue wheel nuts from Rarerims (thanks), at first I wasn't too keen on the lightness of the blue. I'm still not convinced but it's growing on me and they are definitely better than the ancient standard ones I had on,so they will be staying on for now. What do you guys think? ( sorry to Marzman for beating you to this post, i decided to just get them before seeing yours, couldn't go wrong for 20 quid!) And one after a clean and crap editing..... Thanks for looking, all comments welcome
  15. Gun metal 350z parked along the A413 Amersham, haven't seen one parked there before!
  16. ninjaz

    Buying falken 452

    Thanks for the reply guys. Blackboots did come up in my searches so I will give them a ring tomorrow. Still open to suggestions in the meantime! Cheers
  17. ninjaz

    Buying falken 452

    Hi everyone, going to buy a set of falken 452's in the next week or so. Can any of the traders on here beat camskills price of £430 inc VAT? 225 45 18 & 245 45 18 Also can anyone reccomend a tire place (from experience) near Amersham area? Thanks for your help in advance!
  18. Always see a silver Zed with aftermarket wheels driving through the village, and saw a nice sounding orange one today aswell. Anyone on here?
  19. Yeah, black chrome was the sort of thing i was looking for... A meet up at some point sounds like a good idea, i'm a bit stuck at work right now and going away for a few day's next week so it will have to be after that. We should try get a few Zeds together.......i know there are more 350's around this area than there seem to be!!!
  20. Hahaha.......this is the first time someone has replied to one of these for me! Nice looking Zed mate What colour are your wheels? I was thinking about going darker but not sure yet...
  21. Very nice black Zed with dark wheels going the other way, was it anyone on here? I did give you a but i think i was too late AGAIN!!!
  22. short answer, yes Really? Why is that or is it been too long a day to explain? your bonnet is an enclosed area, almost like a sealed box, there is no where for the heat to go. so at speeds below say 40 mph there just isn't enough going in to do anything, at high speeds of about 70mph, then yes it will have an effect, but you'll still have heat soak. think of the heat coming from a tumble drier vent sealed in a large box, and then you blowing through a small hole. if the heat was leaving/cooling then yes the vent helps, but the issue is the engine is continuously heating the area. and in hot weather like this it make sit even worse. worst case scenario is you'll see the engine bog down in slow traffic. basically the engine sucks in a load of hot air and the engine stutters for a second. Thanks RTBISCUIT that's a very good way of explaining it. Should speak to you more about my problem solving!
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