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Everything posted by ninjaz

  1. ninjaz

    Belly Pan needed!

    I went to have a look for Japex when I was passing that area the other day, is it anywhere near the speed camera before the tunnel/bridge at all? Are you thinking about the farm supplies on the right coming from Apsley into kings langley on the back road? I'm not too sure myself I came off the motorway and then it was second exit off the roundabout at kings Langley , right at the next roundabout and left at the end of the road. I past new flats on my left then speed camera on my right 2-3mins after? Then it said I had arrived on my dodgy iPhone nav! Thanks for your help
  2. ninjaz

    Belly Pan needed!

    I went to have a look for Japex when I was passing that area the other day, is it anywhere near the speed camera before the tunnel/bridge at all?
  3. Wheels look spot on mate
  4. Hahaha it's iPad2's for me! They must be loosing millions
  5. Just a quick clip i put together, it won't be as good as some of the other videos on here but not bad picture/sound quality for under a tenna! watch it with some decent ear phones and it sounds hope this works
  6. Just a couple of pics I took on the IPhone, turned out pretty good I think...
  7. Sorry, meant to post in "spotted or flyered"
  8. GM coupe spotted opposit Riley's pool & snooker club in Birmingham, 03.45pm
  9. it always seems to be me as well
  10. Black coupe parked on the curb opposit the BP garage in Amersham,it was there all day yesterday. Anyone on here?
  11. .....then I have the right car for you! Came across this monstrosity at beaconsfield services and had to share. Yellow, purple and gold
  12. you never know! When the zed takes you for a ride time flys by! Yeah that definitely wasn't me then as I was heading up Stanley hill, but I will keep an eye out for you in the future mate
  13. Thinking about it, maybe it wasn't me. Did you see me go up Stanley hill? I think it was about 2.10pm I past there. Wierd to think so many Zeds past that spot within that time though especially a night blue one
  14. Ahh I see, I must of completely missed you then. Yeah mines an azure (dirty one at the min so probably looked darker) I love that whole road
  15. Wow my first official spotted after 1 and a half years of ownership. I'm along the a413 almost everyday! What car was you in? I usually notice other Zeds!
  16. "I beg you for forgiveness Master Ninja...."
  17. I'v had a set of these on since i bought the car. I hear few people don't like them on here but it's one of my favourite mods, gives it a nice aggressive look. In my opinion you need other dark parts for it to work or it might look a bit odd
  18. if you HAD to have one, would it be this Nissan Z or this non-Nissan Z(the white one)? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYCrPk8flJg&feature=youtube_gdata_player Both are so so wrong!
  19. Thanks Brillomaster, you have just made my last hour at work a lot more enjoyable!
  20. ninjaz

    Buying falken 452

    +1 on camskill, that's where I got mine. As someone said if you take your own tires to blackboots they do charge a bit more than average but they did do a good job
  21. Just to let you know, you have priced some nuts at £124.99 instead of £24.99. The same ones as some of us bought in the group buy a few months back. Either that or they have gone up quite a bit
  22. Thanks guys for your interest, these are now sold. Mods please lock Ricky
  23. I though of plasti dipping my front lip as well as my wrapping is starting to peel. I was going to re-wrap it today only to find the sheet of vinyl to be not big enough I dont think plasti dip would stand up to the constant battering/stone chips being so low down Let us know how it stands up as I might give it a go
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