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Everything posted by waltzinblack

  1. Haha, it had me disappointed at first as well. Yes it's low down, but according to that list it's still as fast as an M3 (one place above it) and only a second slower than a 911 (assuming 996) turbo. That's how you know the list isn't quite right.. especially when an R32 Golf went faster than all of those three!?
  2. +1 a lot of them seem very strange... I'm sorry 370Z fans, but faster than an M3 CSL? Not so sure about that one... also I don't believe that a 350Z would be 10 or so places above a Noble M12. It's weird, the bottom of the board seems fair enough, and so does the very top... but all the cars in between are a bit iffy to me...
  3. Whats the problem? Free performance boost...
  4. I thought that noise was normal? I get the same rattle (albeit a bit quieter) from my car, and the same little rattle as you turn the engine off. I always thought it was normal to just have a rattly sound and clunky transmission on the Zed!? New clutch fitted around 8k miles ago, new flywheel 5k miles ago from main Nissan dealer.
  5. It's just a shame that the ones who aren't as obedient to the rules of the road as him don't post up the videos of their mistakes. I wonder why... maybe I should set up a dashboard cam. But what good would it do? They don't have numberplates... In the second video he did just seem to be holding up cars by cycling in pretty much the middle of the road wobbling either side of the line every now and then, and in the van video, as you say, he seems VERY far out from the parked cars.
  6. Not cyclists in general, but cyclists in Central London. They are by far and away the biggest danger on the roads. Sure you get the odd cabbie who drives dangerously close up your backside, or a moped who cuts in front of you from nowhere, but 9 times out of 10 the problems are caused by the cyclists. Drive home from Central London down the A10 like I did this evening between 5 and 7pm, and you can see for yourself. It's not all of them, but it's a big majority. We're talking 80% or more. Here's a comprehensive list of the things they do and why they are dangerous: -Jumping red lights/pelican crossings. This morning I saw it at almost every set of lights down the Kingsland High Road. The light is red, and just because there's nothing coming they think they can pedal off across the junction. One instance, there was even a police panda car on the opposite side of the road, cyclist jumped the light and he did NOTHING! I felt like hailing the officer and asking him if it was alright for me to jump the lights in my car, too. Something tells me if I did the same I'd get a stern telling off and 3 points. -Weaving dangerously in and out of traffic. They come from all sides, and when they can't get past on the left, they wobble and weave in front of your bonnet JUST as you start to creep forward, they come out from behind double decker buses who couldn't possibly know they are there, and they always give the buses such a wide berth that the car lane (pretty much all of the A10 is a constant bus lane on the left in that part of london!) is blocked by cyclists. It gets so bad sometimes, you get them just weaving in and out as you are crawling in traffic, meaning you have to slam on the brakes and the taxi driver behind nearly goes into the back of you. THEY have no regard for road safety, which means us drivers have to be the ones taking the extra precautions and being ultra-aware to avoid killing some impatient cyclist who can't sit in line at the lights like the rest of us do. (oh wait, but red lights don't affect him do they? So no wonder he wants to get to the front.. ) -'Slowvertaking' other cyclists. It's always the really keen ones in the lycra suits with the £££££ speedbikes that do this. They don't put their hand out to indicate, or even check behind them, then they swing out and again take such a wide berth that all the traffic behind them has to crawl until they have finished overtaking the other cyclist. -Joining your flow of traffic/cutting you up from a roundabout or junction even when they should be giving way/stopping to you. They seem to think that just because they're thin enough that you can go around them, they can just shoot our from their road and join yours without so much as a look in your direction. As a cautious car driver you have to slow down, just in case the ignorant fool is actually planning to cut right across you as has happened before... This morning the cyclist was on the opposite side of the road signalling to turn right, now what he SHOULD have done was stop in the middle, signalling right, given way to me as I was coming on the other side of the road, waited for me to pass and then turned. But no, he thought his indicator was a magic turning spell that made him invincible and he could just turn whenever. Again, more of my brake pads wasted on this idiot, to save HIS life. Then he had the audacity to give me the finger when I beeped him. Oh, AND he turned right to cycle down a pedestrian footpath. Now, I agree, some car drivers do these things. But the key word is 'SOME' not 'most'. Some drivers don't indicate, some cut you up.. but generally people don't, and most drivers are OK and obey the rules of the road pretty well. With the cyclists, yes, a few of them do actually consider stopping at red lights, and they actually think and indicate before wobbling into your path, but it really is a minority. Down the A10 tonight there were literally 2 out of the 50+ cyclists who didn't run red lights. I know how many there were because it annoys me so much that I make a point of winding down my window and actually thanking the ones that do obey the rules of the road. The problem with cyclists as well is, if they cut a bus up.. there's a good chance that if it hits them they will die or be seriously injured. And if it's their fault, who's gonna pay for the damage to the bus windscreen or for the driver's nervous shock when he's too haunted by killing someone to go back to work? Well it won't be the cyclist, he isn't insured! It just annoys me how I have to be extra careful to protect this cyclist from serious harm even when he is being a complete tool! If I hit a car, even if it's uninsured.. there's cover for that, and we will probably both escape without any serious injury. To be honest at London speeds even colliding with a bus in a car would probably be OK. I pay a damn lot of money to use London's roads, these cyclists (especially the INCREDIBLY dangerous Boris bikers who have no idea about the highway code) pay next to nothing, take no proper tests/training, go through no licensing or registration systems and get away with virtually anything, and everyone else on the road has to take care to stop THEM being killed. Like I say, I'm expecting a response of 'oh but you get some idiot uninsured car drivers who do the same etc etc' which is true. But it isn't such a massive majority. With cyclists in London, it's nearly all of them who take liberties with their own lives at my expense. There are a few who I respect, who wear high vis, helmets, and obey the highway code and don't take the p*** with weaving stupidly close to my paintwork. If there was SOME sort of system for registering and training them like car drivers then it might at least bring the number of idiot cyclists below 50%, which would be a start. And no, I won't just calm down and get the tube. I should be allowed to drive through London without the constant fear of killing someone, and then having to get angry at them because they put their own life in danger. Still.. it makes me happy when the odd one gets too close to an angry white van man (who are usually pretty short tempered and hard nuts).. and THEN they think twice about cycling dangerously after those levels of abuse Rant. Over. *exhale* Edit: leave Saxos alone! VTRs are awesome first cars as long as used sensibly! Performance (for a young driver) = winning, Economy = winning, parts = winning, mate's opinion at 17/18 = winning. Reliability after you've owned it for a year.. no comment
  7. Well I think I heard mine again today.. just slightly.. so if you find out what it was dont forget to update this thread!
  8. Well weirdly, as I say.. the warm weather seems to have cured it. It was only in the depths of winter I would get it on start up. Maybe it's just because I'm parked on the road (and not next to my house walls to resonate the sound when I start up) but I'm pretty sure I would've noticed at some point. I've all but forgotten it until I saw this thread. It's probably nothing to worry about! And do you find Coldel, that it's such a strange noise to explain to mechanics/people? There don't seem to be any adequate adjectives to cover the whistly/ringy/whirry sound it makes. haha
  9. Do you find that if you turn the aircon off (maybe its more to do with the lower revs than actual aircon...) that it gets slightly quieter and better? I used to have the same noise when starting the car in the winter, I haven't noticed it for a good few months now I guess it just went away! Would be interested to know though. My noise also got slightly ringier as I would bring the clutch up to pull away..
  10. I was in the Azure in front of you on the Ridgeway.. Sunset coupe.. modded tail lights, plate was MJZ**** Then a blue roadster coming the opposite way on M25, then a lovely midnight blue coupe on the Wycombe roundabout of the M40 Good day for zedding!
  11. Moaning and bickering on this forum surprises me, especially as I am one of the youngest members. You would think that the required levels of maturity and responsibility that come with owning and running a powerful sports car would translate into good forum etiquette, respect, and an ability to take what happens on the internet with a pinch of salt and not get all worked up about it. I guess not.
  12. 370s both heading southbound on the A10 around Cheshunt/Hoddesdon. Black Convertible and Gunmetal Coupe around 6pm. I was the Azure steaming along the opposite carriageway Black 350 was a nice 07 plate, was behind you on Bourne Hill near Palmers Green.
  13. Yeah, I've realised after seeing the guides... I'm sure the battery was out when he did it though (because it needed a new one anyway!) I was there beside him the whole time. Either way, the reset procedures have been done and seem to have worked perfectly!
  14. Don't you just love having more torque than a torquey thing in torqueland owned my Mr McTorque? Note to anyone who comes across this thread looking for the reset procedures: TIMING IS ESSENTIAL. You'd think that even when they say that in the instructions you might get a bit of leeway but you really don't! It will solve any idling probs as a result of cleaning your throttle body though! And Lexx.. my old Instructor told me it wouldn't work, and indeed in his 0.1 millilitre diesel fiesta it didn't Tried just rolling and the clutch and it would stall. Same in the Saxo, but then that car is on the brink of blowing up so can't expect it to behave normally!
  15. So I tried it with a stopwatch - no luck. Tried it again - no luck. Tried it AGAIN and then went for a drive in case it needed to settle down - no luck. Tried it when I got back and it still hadn't worked. Was VERY close to coming back and crying my eyes out on here. But then my mate was walking past, and offered to hold the stop watch and give me cues when to do things right on the dot. IT WORKED! now happily idling at around 850 with the AC ON. Throttle body clean and new filter seem to have made the car a very little bit smoother driving around too! The car can still drive itself though. Is this just because of the torque? I swear you can't just drive along without touching the gas pedal? It just crawls along in 3rd at like 8mph and I don't have to do a thing!
  16. Yeah that's what I'm planning. One last question though, when you do the 5 times in 5 seconds thing, is it better to stamp and then jump off the pedal for maximum speed? or will it only work if you do it smoothly or does it not matter?
  17. Indeed it does! Hahah. Forgive me, I've had a stressful and tiring day even excluding car issues! Well I will go and try them again and see what happens! Can't see how the first two do anything though.. I mean I'm sure they would if done correctly, but they just seem too simple! Have to say it was quite fun having fake cruise control though.
  18. Throttle Valve Closed Position Learning Operation Procedures 1. Make sure that accelerator pedal is fully released. 2. Turn ignition switch is “ONâ€. 3. Turn ignition switch is “OFF†wait at least 10 seconds. Make sure that the throttle valve moves during above 10 seconds by confirming the operating sound. That one? But how on EARTH is that supposed to do anything? that's just turning the engine on and off. And what do you do if the throttle valve doesn't move if you don't hear the sound? Also in this one: Idle Air Volume Learning (Throttle Position Learning) It is better to count the time accurately with a clock. Operation Procedures 1. Perform “Accelerator Pedal Released Position Learningâ€. 2. Perform “Throttle Valve Closed Position Learningâ€. 3. Start engine and warm it up to normal operating temperature. 4. Turn ignition switch “OFF†and wait at least 10 seconds. 5. Conform that accelerator pedal is fully released, turn ignition switch “ON†and wait 3 seconds. 6. Repeat the following (steps 7a, 7b) procedures quickly five times within 5 seconds. 7a. Fully depress the accelerator pedal (HARD) 7b. Fully release the accelerator pedal. 8. Wait 7 seconds, fully depress the accelerator pedal and keep it for approx. 20 seconds until the Check Engine Light (CEL) stops blinking and turned ON. 9. Fully release the accelerator pedal within 3 seconds after the CEL is ON. 10. Start engine and let it idle. 11. Wait 20 seconds. 12. Rev up the engine two or three times and make sure the idle speed and ignition timing are within the specifications. With steps 6-8.. is the ignition supposed to be off? Or are you supposed to be essentially revving the engine fully 5 times in 5 seconds and then redlining it for 20 seconds? Because between 5 and 6 it doesn't specifically mention turning the ignition off again. Surely not...
  19. I did.. they tried the resetting procedures too. They offered to try and fix it for free but I need the car really, so I said I would see if I could find some more answers/tips/help in the meantime and bring it back when I'm not so busy.
  20. So today's trip to Halfords to try and clean my screen with clays and stuff turned into a trip to the garage for a new battery and air filter and cleaning the throttle body. Yep.. in Halfords car park she wouldn't start. Had to get the Halfords man to push and push start it. Luckily that worked and all was well driving to the garage. I assumed it would either be a dead battery from sitting in the bodyshop for so long, or the throttle body was filthy as the car is approaching 60k miles and have heard this is a good time to clean them! Sooo.. indy garage changed the battery for me and took the intake pipe off to clean the throttle body (may as well, right?). They also put a new filter in because the old stock one was filthy! I don't know what filter they put in, but it can't be worse than that dirty one. Engine now starts incredibly well.. but we have a problem: I think the mechanic disturbed the butterfly valve. The car starts and runs fine, but with A/C on it idles at about 1300rpm. Also, driving around the throttle response seems very sharp.. too sharp in fact. And if I'm driving around in any gear, I don't have to touch the accelerator. I assume because of the high idle, the engine just keeps it going enough for the car to move - it's like cruise control! And when I put the clutch down the Revs take a second or so to drop, and they then drop only to 1300rpm.. so they may as well not drop at all haha. I've tried all the resetting procedures but have no way of knowing if I've done them right or not. Or, indeed, if I've done them at all! Any tips? Anyone who could help? If someone's done them before successfully/is pretty confident at diagnosing things on a Z would you be willing to let me drive to you to have a look?
  21. I think I'll give the clay a go. Everything I'm reading makes it sound like the right stuff.. rubs off dirt and over spray that has bonded that won't be shifted by washing. I sort of don't really trust that the alcohol ones will work.. in my mind any sort of cleaning liquid just can't shift it - I've tried so many! And as for white spirit, I'm too scared about my paint. lol Would one piece of clay be enough for all the windows on the car?
  22. OK.. so assuming I use white spirit, what would be a good, safe way to do it? I've got to do it to pretty much all the windows, and I'm guessing it won't be good to have it spilling on to my new paintwork or down into the engine bay!
  23. Very nice! one of the rare cars that isn't a Ferrari that still suits bright red... now you need to get paint protection film!!! Jelly of your rims too! My respray was MOST of the car excluding roof and tailgate. Will hopefully have a rival thread going, but for Azure Having my paint protection done tomorrow.. will hopefully get some nice piccies up of the process and application of it for you all to see! Deffo should consider it Steve!
  24. Cool.. will try the glass polish. I only put a thread up because I was trying so many different products that claimed they 'remove the toughest dirt and grime' etc etc and they did nothing! PS.. over spray???
  25. Ok guys and girls.. perhaps someone could help... My windscreen is in a particularly bad state. In the sunlight it is clear how filthy it is. Washing the car doesn't shift it, wipers + screenwash don't shift it.. jet washing does nothing. WHAT CAN I DO? I've tried liberal applications of the spray on screen cleaners.. but nothing seems to work. It can only properly be noticed in sunlight, and today when the sun shined directly at me as it was setting.. with the visor down the dirt in the sun gave me dangerously low levels of visibility. All I can think of is trying some sort of abrasive cleaner...? It seems to just be a hard ingrained mix of dirt and road scum, along with a new dusty sort of covering after it came out of the bodyshop (I'm guessing particles that came off from the paper when it was masked up? That doesn't seem to be cleaning off either!) Any ideas? I can't deal with these filthy windows, especially not on sunny days!
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