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G.I Ginge

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Everything posted by G.I Ginge

  1. For the record Muddy, I LOVE YOUR CAR. It looks the dog's proverbials! A shame it's outside my budget. Also, I think the wife would kill me! I think it's going to make some lucky owner very happy though.
  2. Yeah black or blue I'd like. Thanks guys I'll scrap the autotrader one off the list. This one seems like a good deal. The dealer says he'll let me have it for £8200: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201049375000637/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/9000/model/350_z/make/nissan/radius/100/quicksearch/true/page/2/postcode/gu147rb?logcode=p I like the mileage and the spec, but he said for £8200 I'd be "buying the car 'as is' without a warantee, etc". I've e-mailed back asking why he's so afraid to stand by the quality of his stock (not in those words obviously!) but should I be worried or is this a standard trade seller tactic when giving a discount?
  3. Hi Chris thanks for the warm welcome. I read the buyers guide thanks, hence my question about the clutches. I'm just making sure there's no little tips anyone can give me on what to llok for that maybe the buyers guide missed out. Who is this legendary Paul mentioned in your topic link? Definitely someone I need to start bribing with egg Mcmuffins!
  4. Thanks Walbertonio, I thought the second one looked pretty nice too. I guess it all depends how 'very small' the mentioned 'parking scuff' is. Unfortunately, I'm in a bit of a hurry to buy, as I'm going to have to car share with my wife to get to work until I do, which adds significant journey time. Because of this, I don't know if I'll have the time to cultivate any 350z-knowledgable contacts from the website. Unless anyone wants to prove themselves a complete legend...? I'm located in Farnborough, Hampshire, and the car I'd like a look at is in Southampton, just in case anyone feels like becoming my hero.
  5. No mine was an N/A so even more basic! Never had ANY problems with reliability from my VX though. Unless you count not having a demister as 'unreliable'! It really is so ridiculous that I had to wait 15mins EVERY morning just to demist the windscreen! And if there's ice- forget about it! Even if you turn the blower on, there's no bloody air filter, so chunks of road just start flying in to stick to your damp windscreen! I truly loved that car, but practical it was not.
  6. Hi all, I new to the forum and just getting ready to buy my first 350z! I formerly owned a VX220, so am hoping for a rather more 'refined' experience. Anyhow, does anybody know these cars or can spot anything worrying/weird about them at all? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1956917.htm Or this one? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/2298128.htm Or this? http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201049374947224/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/9000/model/350_z/make/nissan/postcode/gu147rb/quicksearch/true/page/1/radius/100?logcode=p Those are the three I'm most interested in at the moment, but I could use some buying advice from the people who know what's what: Should I go for a 'newer' car with more miles or an older one that has done less? What about clutches- should all of these cars have had a new one by now, given the mileages? Do the prices seem OK for what I'm getting? With the third link, a warrantee is offered. Is that really something worth paying out for- I thought Nissans were supposed to be pretty bulletproof? Anything in particular I should check for when viewing? (I know the standard when looking at any car) Sorry to ask you guys to do the research I should be doing myself for me, but I need to get a new car quickly to replace my beloved VX and could use the help.
  7. Hi Will, yes I'm still on the hunt. Plenty of interest in my VX thanks, so it should be sold soon. Sad to see it go though. I shall certainly link to cars I'm considering, but the main one is in Bucks- a bit of a trek for anyone local.
  8. Thanks for the feedback guys. I appreciate it. I did already read the link above before I started the thread, but thanks for suggesting it. I'm really just looking to see if anyone can give me some ideas of things to check that only an owner might know. For example, I've currently got a VX220 and I know that with cars of its age, you need to check the boot release cable. Not something that crops up when you research the car, but the kind of thing that will go eventually and isn't that cheap to replace!
  9. Hi all, I'm in the process of looking for a 350z of my own and could do with some advice. I'm looking at older cars (2003-5) with high mileage. One I'm particularly interested in has 96000 miles on the clock. Car LOOKS to be in good condition, but I'd really appreciate some input from owners about what can go wrong with the car. I've done my research, but research seems to imply very little goes wrong. I'd like to know what the people who actually drive the car have found. Any advice/comments very appreciated.
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