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Everything posted by monoman

  1. M13KYF - thanks for that, I'll drop him a line. Nixy - are you the metallic orange 350z I see coming in on the A59 when I'm going out of a morning? If so, I thought I usually do wave back. But hey, if it is you then apologies - it's early morning and I'm still half asleep! ;-)
  2. Hey all. Thanks for having me. I'm a FairladyZ owner based in York - black 2003 import with ProDrive alloys and Brembos. Bought it from Alexander's in Boroughbridge a couple of years ago (anyone any comments / experiences on this dealer?) Love the car to death. Couple of newbie questions: - Is there a York / Yorkshire owners club? - Anyone had any experiences with dodgy speedos on Jap imports? Mine has only worked intermittently for quite a few months. I suspect the problem is the km/h to mp/h chip - but I've had this looked at and seems to be okay. The alternative is a full speedo head replacement for £1,500 - ouch! Cheers for now!
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