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Everything posted by MarkLee77

  1. 2003 350z air filter and box the air filter looks like k and n and is virtually brand new £20 plus £10 postage pic1 pic2
  2. 2003 350z air flow meter the afm tube has a part missing see the picture but the afm works fine £25 plus postage £10 pic 1 pic 2
  3. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290769377852? ... 1555.l2649
  4. I think the difference is Sparco quick release has Sparco sticker on
  5. not sure of the make but its exactly the same as a sparco quick release
  6. Quick release steering boss £35 plus £7 postage
  7. MarkLee77

    a few bits

    Bride seat rails really good condition £50 plus £10 postage
  8. The prices over in the USA sorry united states of America r about the same price as in the uk roughly does anyone know if the r200 fits?
  9. Does n e 1 know if r200 diff can be put can be put into a 350 as a cheaper alternative to 600 plus for a. 3.9 final drive OK translation does anyone know if an r 200 differential can be fitted into a 350z to change the final drive to 3.9 as a cheaper alternative to spending 600 on the gears plus possible 300 for the fitting kit
  10. Not sure if this is in the right section just wondering if having the Plenum chromed / polished will it add to performance or if its for show and if it helps does n e one know of a polisher in the Kent area they could recomend ?
  11. yep thats was the one on e bay its from a 350 so it should fit? fingers crossed
  12. thanks Alex I think Ill be asking for a refund then
  13. Does the 350 have the same clutch pressure plate as the 370? I bought a clutch that says it fits both but read elsewhere that they r different.
  14. Wasso can you send me a few pics am trying to decide on 30 or 35 mm drop
  15. Hey guys after a bit of advice can u guys recomend a good spring to drop the car by 35 to 40mm was gonna get coilovers but cant afford the atm but will get some in the future when I can afford them any advice is appreciated
  16. firstly I m not sure if this in the correct section apologies if its not I am gonna fit an aftermarket steering wheel to my car but dont want the srs air bag light on cant find n e info on here but found this http://my350z.com/forum/body-interior-e ... l-diy.html I am unsure where to get the special resistor pack or where to fit the resistors if I was to buy them on e bay any help would be appreciated has anyone on here done this or can guide me through it? Mark
  17. 99p including flywheel and pressure plate bargin for someone less than 24 hrs
  18. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350Z-3 ... 19c9e746d0
  19. thanks guys I have an import so no clock 4 me kept on scrolling through trying to find it seems like I have two different stop watches but no clock
  20. Hi guys cool site not posted much have just got my 350z on the road gonna b tuning it so hopefully I ll get a build thread going soon was wondering does the 350 have a clock in the 3 gague binical the one that swaps from speed to dte etc and if so how do u set it any help would be appreciated Mark
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