Hi Everyone,
Got my Z (2004 350z GT UK model, silver) back in mid-October & have been on the forum a fair bit, mostly reading around but I have had a few posts and deals in the trading rooms. Must say this forum is a great resource.
I had been considering/ keeping an eye out for a 'nice' car for a fair while (my other is a '98 VW Passat Sport with 215,000 miles that I've had for about 9 years!) Always liked the look of the 350 but hadn't planned on getting one so soon - however when I spotted this one for sale just round the corner from work, I thought I'd go and have a look anyway, get the ball rolling.
I'm in Northern Ireland (so Hi to the other locals on here!) and although the car was advertised locally, it was orginally from England (Bath area). It had just under 81,000 miles, higher than I had considered getting - but after a viewing, test drive & look over the service history (FNSH) I was really interested, the car felt great to me. So I did a HPI check, contacted the Nissan garage that did all but one of the services (Platinum Nissan in Wiltshire) and confirmed the details - helpful chap whoever it was I was speaking to, even told me of any advisories (belts will need doing soon). Last service was at 79000 and and all the discs and pads had been changed at that service or the one before.
A mate has an 05 roadster, so met up with him for a drive & look around his car just for comparison - after that I took the head staggers & went for it. One of the quickest decisions I have ever made, I normally ponder over things for a fair while.
Anyway, have loved it so far (except for the Snow - its terrible & a lot worse than Beemers for getting stuck - I had to use the Z a fews time in the really bad weather and it was a nightmare on untreated hills).
Heres a pic from last weekend - BTW does anyone know the car at all - feel free to PM me if you do?