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Everything posted by mcauleyj

  1. When parked & you get in/out - does it creak if you leave the handbrake off (just have it in gear)? John
  2. Yep - got them shoulders well lubed up eh!
  3. No probs, I just realised Husky was called John too - after his post! I wouldnt be able to come up with a circuit for the job out of my head, its not something I've done before - so the other John might be able to help there! As for strengthening the problematic track - to determine if this is possible I would imagine you would need to know a few details first like the circuit schematic & PCB layout details (to identify the load capability of the existing design & any other weak areas), as well as figuring out the expected load with your modifications. Knowing these you could determine if the existing circuit could support your additional lights. Also, if you are planning on using LED's then dimming would possibly have to be done in a different manner pwm or whatever, again I think this is the other John's terrotory! BTW John (Husky) - noticed a few of your other posts regarding your LED light mods (especially the headlight ones) - very impressive! John
  4. Hi Bullet, Dont think I can answer this one - but I'll throw out some thoughts: The feed to the courtesy lights is 3 wires (+, - & BCM feed). Its the BCM feed that does the fading & auto control. I cant remember if it outputs 12v for ON or 0V for ON, regardless the fade will be done by gradually increasing or decreasing the voltage output. So it will be the BCM output that you would need to tap into to have this feature elsewhere - whether you tap into it up at the cabin light mount, or down at the BCM connector itself. Only worry I would have in doing this is the possibility of increasing the likelihood of causing another burnt track. (I would imagine that the original problem I had was caused by excess current going through a weak spot on the PCB track). Adding additional lights & therefore drawing more current from the PCB may not be a great idea. I suppose you could add in additional circuitry to either protect the BCM output (using a fuse on the o/p) or use the BCM o/p as an input for to an additional fading control circuit, designed to use power for running the bulbs from elsewhere. Some of the other guys on here may be more up to speed with this sort of stuff & be able to comment. John
  5. Cheers Husky, It was down to you guys talking about it that gave me the confidence to tackle it. Just thought I might as well throw some pics and a short description up incase its useful to others. Still working for me, 2 months down the line John
  6. Hi, Unsure of where to post this as I had been reading a few forums (here & 350z-tech) about the courtesy lamp auto-dim fault before I had a go at fixing mine. Noticed your post covering this problem so thought I'd post up how I fixed it. I got my Z in mid October 2010 & shortly after noticed that the 'Auto' or 'Door' interior feature for the interior dome/courtesy lights didnt work. Manual operation was fine, but no lights when the door opens/ you take the key out etc. I tried the TSB guide on this issue but the reset procedure did not work. Checked the feed from BCM to the lamp module & it looked to be dead. Read on one of the forums that a few guys had successfully repaired a burnt out track on the BCM - so I thought I'd have a look. Sure enough, there was a burnt out track - see pic. I bypassed the damaged track with a wire strap & that sorted the fault. I'm hoping that particular point in the PCB layout was a weak spot and the rest of the circuit is well de-rated so the prob doesnt manifest somewhere else! Did up a rough guide covering my repair. Hope it is of use to someone - see pdf also attached. John
  7. Thanks for all the welcomes everyone! bronzee - I might look into getting a set of snowsocks for emergencies - I know a guy in work got a set for his Beemer after the first batch of bad snow before Christmas & used them twice in the last bit of bad weather. Useful if you get caught out, otherwise bring the old Passat out and let it plough through whatever comes along! John
  8. Hi Stew (& everyone else - thanks for the welcomes!), I havent noticed the clicky axle one on my car, tough tbh although I have seen posts on the forums talking about it and fixes for it, I havent specifically looked for it on mine - I'm kinda hoping it has had whatever the fix is done already if the problem appeared with the previous owner. If its a re-occuring problem, maybe I'll see it in the future. I did have a problem with the BCM output to the cabin light, but fixed that myself after a bit of reading. Did up a rough mini-guide on the fix which I should post up somewhere. John
  9. Hi Everyone, Got my Z (2004 350z GT UK model, silver) back in mid-October & have been on the forum a fair bit, mostly reading around but I have had a few posts and deals in the trading rooms. Must say this forum is a great resource. I had been considering/ keeping an eye out for a 'nice' car for a fair while (my other is a '98 VW Passat Sport with 215,000 miles that I've had for about 9 years!) Always liked the look of the 350 but hadn't planned on getting one so soon - however when I spotted this one for sale just round the corner from work, I thought I'd go and have a look anyway, get the ball rolling. I'm in Northern Ireland (so Hi to the other locals on here!) and although the car was advertised locally, it was orginally from England (Bath area). It had just under 81,000 miles, higher than I had considered getting - but after a viewing, test drive & look over the service history (FNSH) I was really interested, the car felt great to me. So I did a HPI check, contacted the Nissan garage that did all but one of the services (Platinum Nissan in Wiltshire) and confirmed the details - helpful chap whoever it was I was speaking to, even told me of any advisories (belts will need doing soon). Last service was at 79000 and and all the discs and pads had been changed at that service or the one before. A mate has an 05 roadster, so met up with him for a drive & look around his car just for comparison - after that I took the head staggers & went for it. One of the quickest decisions I have ever made, I normally ponder over things for a fair while. Anyway, have loved it so far (except for the Snow - its terrible & a lot worse than Beemers for getting stuck - I had to use the Z a fews time in the really bad weather and it was a nightmare on untreated hills). Heres a pic from last weekend - BTW does anyone know the car at all - feel free to PM me if you do?
  10. Hi, Newbie here - just got my Silver '04 350z in October. It came with the from Grille already colour coded (except the tow eye cober which is still black). Must do a post in the newbie section to see if anyone knows the car. Pic attached is one of the sellers. I havent got round to taking any myself yet. Ordered the LED rear lights from ZmanALEX so will get a few taken after that. I dont think I would have colour coded them personally, but they are that way now & I dont mind too much. John
  11. R35LEE, PM'd you a couple of times about the ashtray & boot mat, not sure if there is a restriction on pm's as I havent got many forum posts - lemme know if you got the ones from Thurs. John
  12. Thanks for the welcomes & replies - very quick! I'll pm R35LEE to see what he has atm in terms of the ashtray & boot mat. Do you's know if all embroidered boot mats are the heavy duty ones? Just checked out the JWT popcharger that has come up - think its missing a bracket, might wait and see if theres a complete one comes up as I'm in no rush atm. Missed Dools one at £65, but got his cargo net which worked out treat. Just putting the feelers out wrt the LED lights - I'm not sure whether to do them or not. I know Zmanalex prob has them in stock at about £260 brand new delivered... most people to do that mod think its worthwhile... decisions decisions... he has the new JWT popchargers (£120 IIRC) ... could take the headstaggers i suppose and get the lot.... but sure no harmn in seeing whats out there atm... i dont mind pre-owned in good nick. John
  13. Hi, Just got my 2004 GT 350z (Blade silver) in October. It has just over 80,000 miles but has FNSH & last service was at 79,000 - everything seems to be grand so far - certainly much more fun than my 12 y/o VW Passat (though the Passat is a lot better in the snow!) I did have an issue with the interior cabin lights not operating automatically, but sorted that out by repairing a burnt out track on the BCM - thanks to the service manuals & a couple of posts on 350z-tech. I took a few pics so will probably throw these up online in-case someone else has the same prob. Anyway - I have read around 350z-uk and **REMOVED** forums for the past month or so & already got a few pieces like the Bluetooth module and Cargo net from some of the other forum members - thanks! Now, I'm considering the following items - if anyone has these up for sale, pm me with a price. I am located in Northern Ireland, so it will probably involve postage. I have PM'd Zmanalex, he is outta preowned boot mats & ashtrays atm - so I thought I'd try a general post to see if anyone else has them. - Ashtray (mine has the spring/lug broken on the lid, so doesnt stay shut) - Boot mat - the luxury/ thick one with embroidered 350z on it. (BTW does anyone know if all boot mats with the embriodered 350z logo are the high density noise-reducing type?) - JWT pop-charger (missed the one Dools had FS) - Rear 2006 type LED lights (possibly) - Aftermarket stainless exhaust (possibly / tbd, would like a slightly deeper tone than stock, perhaps the JWT will provide all I need) Thanks, John
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