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Everything posted by rodgeevans

  1. Good choice mate, that was the bumper i wanted before the meet and after want it even more after looking at benzeds one, its on my list of things to get at some point in the near future, I can ask someone about spraying it for you who lives next door to my missus, the house we stopped at with the tvr on the drive. hes got a barn on his feild that has been converted in to a body shop so quite local to you he sprayed my mates scooby before when it was repared after a motorbike parking itself in the side and it was a good job.
  2. well i did as suggested and the design of the wepon r tank means that the return just shot the fluid out the ressie until it was nearly empty and i couldn't turn the wheel for some reason so i had to make a little device to sit on top of the bottle which stopped the return spitting all the fluid straight out the top but still allowed the air to escape. So far, from the little driving i have done in it since, it seems to have sorted the problem but need to check on certain corners that i know it happened on to check properly but seems ok, thanks for the help guys.
  3. You need to get them to cut the flange off and weld a sleeve over dont ask them to weld the split take it to a custom exhaust place as i say should cost about 60
  4. when i tried running it with the cap off last time it chucked fluid all over the engine so i bled it by running it turning the wheel shutting it off then opening cap wait for bubles to disapear then repeated a few times should i be able to have the cap off when the engine is running then.
  5. Give that a go and hope thats the reason easy fix if so. thanks mate
  6. Yeah sorry it does mean reservoir, i'll get my mate to check the balances then thanks.
  7. I recently fitted one of the mark one wepon-r power steering ressies to my car with alot of swearing and brute force. I didnt know it was the older style when my other half bought it for me from the states as one of my birthday pressies, when fitting i drained the system and fitted brand new PAS fluid supplied my ZMANALEX, now there is no line on the ressie on the outside or inside of where to fill to so i put some in bled the system and topped up to just over half way. now though when driving at certain speeds and bends i get a vibration through the steering could this be caused by not having enough or to much fluid in the bottle. any help much appreciated
  8. Yeah i had the common flange split and got a stainless sleeve welded over for 50 i think it was so if cash tight maybe worth doing that till a more convienant time.
  9. Hello and welcome, hiss is perfectly normal as far as i am aware well mine does it anyway
  10. Where can i get some 4 spokes like in the picture?
  11. That clutch is x-rated shame it gonna be hidden away though
  12. I know its a day late but heres a few from me. Febuary March October November Rodgeevans
  13. ok after sundays drive the Silver one is Deank93
  14. Saw a sliver 350 parked in the Alan car parking at the O2 near the pay booth anyone?
  15. take it there wasn't many submissions, sods law since the closing date passed i have had a few nights with the conditions i was after.
  16. Yeah keep us updated mate i've been watching this thread with much interest and envy. doing an excellent job keep it up
  17. must be totally wrong for answer six as thats not the correct distance from answer seven ok im offically lost cant work out what else the clues could mean im sure its obvious but im confused now.
  18. only found this yesterday and loving it, clue 2 was hard ended up in totally wrong place to start with which also had an event on that day but none the less found the correct one eventually. the latest clue i believe could have 2 answers but maybe because i know the area im looking into it too much and over complicating it as i think im sure i know what you getting at
  19. Couple more changes over the weekend. also the catch can fitted but couldnt find anywhere i liked under the bonnet so installed it behind the bumper also had one with 15mm outlets but managed to remove these and install 9mm outlets on it cost to change the outlets was only 3-4 quid and better solution than couple of reducers i believe Next is the pas tank and with thanks to zmanalex new pas fluid, new valve cover, new diff and gear box oil and belts.
  20. Original is better the main guys do all there own stunts and the hero is actually the inventor of parkour if i remember correctly
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