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Everything posted by rodgeevans

  1. So as a JDM owner am i going to have to fit headlight washers now these rule changes aren't exactly clear maybe time to email the dvla and get a definative answer.
  2. when i bought my zed i did a HPI check and you get a weeks free insurance chucked in from Norwich union i believe not sure if that would help had to do it through the propper HPI web site though.
  3. thought i'd been spotted for a min was there but not grey and not taking up two spaces brilliant show tho
  4. Happy for you mate mine goes in tomorrow morning cant wait
  5. I'm sorry to hear that mate. :lol: I'm actually really looking forward to it now: Married on the 24th, proper Christmas dinner at the venue on the 25th, and then a 'normal' family Christmas day on the 26th. Should be ace! Congratulations Mate
  6. Gf got me 370 side indicators, black grill from Zmanalex, paying for a miltek y pipe and other bits i dont know about.
  7. Could the grinding noise not be the wheel bearing, comon failure likely the left corner will go first jack up the car and spin the wheels by hand and listen for noise
  8. one of the ones i used to use at first was ephotozine it allows you to add pictures and then people give you comments on how to improve it there is also monthly tasks and ideas and you can view others portfolios for ideas and there are plenty of tips and people ready to give help, havent used it in at least a year myself now so not sure if its the same but i enjoyed it at the time there is also picturesocial that i was told was good but never really used it myself i just go out and expiremnt on my own now and play till i get results i want.
  9. quick search found this many others are not fans either say its to thin and can burn off and escape to easily and a thicker oil is better
  10. Just i was told not to use it in the Zed im sure i read it on here somewhere when i was researching oil cant remember the exact reason but its what i was told maybe someone else can confirm or deny this
  11. yeah i use castrol edge and does the job perfectly in my opinion many people will suggest others its down to preference just use a good brand and stear clear of magnatec i have been told before.
  12. Where i am small village we get the police send us things like this, (one from a couple of weeks ago) am afraid to say there have been a couple of incidents in the last couple of days. 28 Nov overnight Heath Road watch, keys for two cars and both cars were stolen. A mini and a Mercedes. 28 Nov Attempted burg Church Road approx 13:40 trying to get into utility room with resident at home. 2 males seen running away and getting into a vehicle. and Please can I remind all members to think about security around the home at this time of year - spend some time thinking about making sure that your home looks like there is someone in. If you are going to Christmas parties, having weekends away ,visiting friends or are out at work all day, set a light to come on by an automatic timer or leave a light on, ensure that your doors, windows and gates are locked and if you have an alarm fitted to your property make a point of using it. Also set the alarm when you retire to bed. Many people have this facility with their alarm, but do not use it. According to the Home Office, no force is required in as many as a fifth of burglaries because doors and windows have been left insecure. I think we have all walked down our own streets and noted who is in and who is out, because a house is left in darkness. With Christmas coming up this is the time when we will all have more items within our homes. DO NOT leave presents where they are going to be visible. If you can, perhaps store any items up in your loft, well out of the way of prying eyes. By taking just a few simple steps you can help reduce the risk of burglary. 1. Make your home safe and secure by fitting 5 lever mortice locks on external doors and for all other doors and windows fit secure locks. 2. It is most important to take extra care when locking up particularly with regard to UPVC doors. Lift the handle and lock the door with the key. 3. When you leave your property remove keys from locks and place them out of sight. 4. With the nights drawing in make your property look occupied at all times by using automatic light timers and you might want to consider installing external lighting. 5. Nowadays burglars break into properties to steal car keys so avoid leaving car keys near a door or window where and lock your car in a garage or behind a locked gate if possible. also one was telling to watch out for suspicous vans that had been reported in the area, while the reports dont help stopping the barstewards it does give you the knowledge its happening in your area even if you dont know about and any types and colours of cars to be wary of acting suspicously and thats a good start Also a few years ago had a mate that had a cerwin vega stroker 15d like myslef and he was followed all the way to lakeside from billericay we believe, he then had the speaker box and amp stolen, couple of days later another mate walks into the pub and his mates boyfriend happens to have one for sale, so appart from them being rare we still need to check it out to confirm it was his, so a few phonecalls later we arranged to meet him at his mums house i think it was well when we walked in it was like aladdins cave protected by two big dogsfor ICE equipment as soon as we saw the box we knew it was his as it was a custom box designed specifically for him and his car but still checked the serial number and it all matched told them we wanted it and would be back in 15 minutes with the cash and asked where the nearest cash machine was, well 20 minutes later we turned up with aload of coppers got all my mates stuff back after the investigation of course and propperly aload of other people got theres back as a result too.
  13. Oil pressure at 60mph in 6th should sit halfway on the dial when oil up to temp
  14. Thanks Vik, I was trying to keep the exhaust standard not really figure hunting at the moment i was wanting the remap to improve the drive and remove the restricters for my trip to the continent next year. But now obviously wanting to get the y pipe fixed so if aftermarket is cheaper than an oem i will go that route im on contact with ZMANALEX so hopefully he will sort me out if required.
  15. What with christmas and the car being booked in for a remap at abbey on friday last thi i need is to notice that the exhaust seems to be blowing from around the y-pipe are now as u have mentioned its booked in with abbey on friday for tune and remap so need to get it sorted pretty sharpish as im sure it will need to be done before then but with paying for that and christmas around the corner i really need a cheap fix till the new year if possible now i will try work out exactly where the hole is tommorrow but if it is worse case of a new pipe does any one know of a reasonably priced one as im not sure the ebay ones would arrive in time
  16. it says the word asscoated with see you next tuesday if you have heard that term you will know what im talking about
  17. Keep posting the links i often trawl through ebay but still look here for stuff i may have missed i dont see what peoples problems are with people posting links to things that may be of use to people, i have bid on stuff that has been listed on here and not won it and its no biggy, get over it.
  18. ok i'll ask him when i get chance then as there no rush. possible get him to do some for me aswell unless im feeling brave and get my spray gear out
  19. But is it a batmobile only fitment? :lol:
  20. Welcome to the forum prepare yourself for the inevitable
  21. Amazing how many times i see this or very similar at Asda near me
  22. Sod the parking those stripes on the RX's are criminal
  23. thanks mate, its ok as they say life goes on, will be 10 years on friday so i have got used to it, one of those things unfortunately but what can you do.
  24. Defenately real info just found the accident that killed my brother Listed as the passenger correctly yet it was thrown out of court as they couldn't prove the driver was driving his own car
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