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Everything posted by Aizletree

  1. They've all got protective film on the sills before the rear arches - nothing "Nismo" about it, and if the garage have told you that they are lying through their teeth. I'd still be careful - there will be a reason it didn't make reserve at the auction and car dealers generally know a dog when they see one....... It has nismo branded film on there, not new. I can't see anything wrong with it in the sense of appearance on bodywork, interior and advice from my friend on the underside which I saw too. I have HPI'd it this morning and it's all clear apart from "unit stocking" finance from the dealer, the report says the use it to fund the vehicles on their forecourt. Only came back from BCA friday evening so they haven't had a chance to sort that out. The dealership is closed today and I will be there tomorrow morning to discuss all these things. I know you referred to it as a dog, but with all of the above for general cars and then I checked for clicky axle, wheel bearing noise and the exhaust isn't blowing, what else is there? I am trying to see the bigger picture here and listen to any advice given! Thanks again
  2. Morning all. Well the car didn't sell at auction (either at their reserve or at all). Went to see it yesterday with a mechanic friend. Hasn't been through workshop, only got it back friday night. Had a good look around it, went for a test drive and then they put it up on the ramps. Rear tyres will be changed, if front's are less than 3 then they would be changed too, tbh they looked fairly close so I would argue they need to be done anyway. Will have latest service done, has 5 already at nissan main dealer's in hatfield and watford. Couple of stone chips in the usual places, what sort of cost to repair chips? (I have no idea) Brake pads looked fairly meaty still. Discs look fine too. Absolutely fine underneath, no rust and everything in good working order. Test drive showed no noises or adverse handling. Has nismo stone chip guards on the sills just before the rear arch, shows its been cared for. Sat-nav disc was in the car file in accounts. Had a look at the reg document and the book, all checks out fine. Will run an HPI in a few minutes. If that comes back clear I'm considering putting down the deposit on condition of the sat-nav and all electronics working and I'm happy with it after inspection once it has been through the workshop. I assume I need to agree price before I put down a deposit? May be over the phone in this weather!
  3. Mark Thanks for your offer but I have a uni assessment later today and I believe the car to already be at BCA which is a trader's auction so I doubt we would even get in. Cheers for replying so fast everybody, great bunch of people here. P.S. All advice taken on board!
  4. Thanks for all your help everyone. I'm steering clear! Will have a look through the sales on here and checking the traders.
  5. Further digging by a friend has found it is registered at BCA tomorrow for auction. However, it is condition 3...... "Grade 3 The vehicle may require up to 3 bodyshop repairs to panels or bumpers. This may include missing or broken parts, minor items which will respond to ‘Smart Repair’ will be noted but not imaged Note: Up to 3 images showing bodyshop repairs or replacement parts will be included" So the excellent condition isn't so. Damn it. Knew it would be too good to be true.
  6. Well I'm only 15 miles from this car. My mum bought a new Focus ST from under the same roof in Ford and the Ford manager is a long term seller of cars to our family (sold Mum here new XR3i!). I know these are minor things but haven't had a problem with them yet.... Think I may drive up to have a look at it in the morning and go from there, as you say if I'm serious then they would pull it out of auction. Can get a second opinion on the car and take my time then if they do pull it out. I've had a look on the DVLA and it is untaxed, so would want 12 months tax and MOT and all tyres and brakes etc sorted or recently done. Wonder if this is within their £12,000 estimate or what sort of hit they are planning at auction. Tax has been off for 2 weeks. Hmmmm puzzling.
  7. Sounds promising, looking forward to it if he pops up!
  8. In a small predicament. Been slowly surfing the classifieds for a 350Z. This one has popped up on their website recently. http://www.evanshalshaw.com/vehiclesear ... 06dhj.html Does anybody know of this car? It's at Evans Halshaw bedford. Gave them a call and been told that because of the time of year and the type of car it is going into a trade auction at midday tomorrow. I would need to put down a £250 deposit with intent to buy if condition as stated (need to get this fully of them from the phone in the morning). Considering it's going to trade I assume they are looking at taking a fair bit less than £12,000. Why are they shifting it on? Balance the books before 2011? Haven't been able to sell? Don't like it on their forecourt? Or its got a problem? If I was to go down tomorrow morning at 8:30, run my eyes over the car, plump for £10,500 with 4 good tyres, 12 month MOT and FSH, all on condition of my own AA inspection, HPI check and test drive. If these all came back good and proper then what is their to lose? Obviously I'd be stupid to not do any of the above. Any ideas chaps? First time buying used too...... May just be rushing into it and don't want to be taken for a ride by the dealer due to the time pressures involved.
  9. Thanks for the warm welcome everybody. Personal trainer is employed! Doing 2-3 training sessions a week on my own. Wish me luck and no injuries! + =
  10. Morning All I'm currently browsing the used car world for a 350Z. Looking for an Azure Blue GT Coupe. Still a few months before I'll get one but thought I would join up to read all about them and get some pointers on the cars. I'm currently doing a masters degree and my Mum will be helping me fund the car once I lose some of my excess body "insulation", hence going to be a few months. So lots of running and eating sparsely and then I'll be in a Zed! Hopefully can get to a meet once I have the car and meet some of you. Mark
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