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Everything posted by ewan221

  1. Welcome to forum - Im Glasgow as well - Clydebank really but have been banished to Ayrshire
  2. Love the colour Looks like a bargain too
  3. Your not from Glasvegas then! I used to live in Clydebank! Nice M8 blast between us. Especially at your end! Cheers Im ex Clydebank as well got out 20 years ago though
  4. Current is my 350z in Sunset before that was a Boxster S, BMW Z3, Ford Probe, Reliant Scimitar and finally TR7
  5. 1, ChrisS - Paid 2, Russ - Paid 3, hatterjon - paid 4, martinmac - paid 5, Ewan221 - Paid 6, Ricey - Paid 7, DoogyRev - Paid 8, Iain10101 - paid 9, Rubber- paid 10, M9O OEY - paid (even tho iv got an auto but very good cause) 11, 350ash - paid 12, Zugara - paid 13, Zugara - paid 14, DoogyRev - Paid 15, glrnet - paid 16, Iain10101 - paid 17, HaydnH - paid 18. Cragus - paid 19.Cragus - paid 20. Ewan221 - paid
  6. its 40 years to the day when 66 men, women and children tragically lost their lifes after the Rangers v Celtic game. RIP
  7. lol was actually thinking why not debadge as I picked it up
  8. After washing car today I have a 350 minus the Z Whats best thing to stick it back on again ?
  9. Got the exact figures from payroll - Im paying £2272 a year for the A4 and would pay £4014 for the 530 so basically an extra £145 a month. While I would def prefer the 530 mot so sure I want to shell out an extra £145 a month. Cheers for the cash v car thing :-)
  10. On previous thread I mentioned that my boss had offered me a BMW 530 to replace my A4 that I currently have as a company car with no additional payments apart from any incraese in tax Looks like it will cost me £200 a month in tax more than Im paying for the A4 so think I will have to pass it up I didnt actually realise that having the A4 as a company car costs me £140 a month in additional tax so now thinking is it worthwhile ???? If I dont take car I get £450 a month car allowance (taxed) and will pay less tax but would have to buy something for work (have to have a 4 door car - company policy) that does reasonable mpg but if I get a new company car car next year I will be getting a brand new car, no tax or insurance to pay and all servicing and repairs paid for and a hire car if its off road at all. So do I buy a decent shed, maybe personal lease or just go with the new company car.
  11. Oh No I missed another subby
  12. 1, ChrisS....Paid 2, Russ......Paid 3, hatterjon.....paid 4, martinmac 5, Ewan221 - Paid
  13. has anyone fitted the one fron Z store or know of similar thats good fit ?
  14. had a clearout and deleted 50 odd people who I either dont really know or have never facebook intercations with. This leaves mw with 99 "friends" There are a lot of school mates who Ive not seen in years and years and some old work mates i like to keep in touch with but really there is only about 10 people I regularly msg or reply to their stuff. How may face book friends do you have and how may do you actually "facebook"
  15. Will do trying to find an online calculator at moment
  16. I am due to change my company car when next registration plate comes out, currentley have a Audi A4. I was going to go for an Alfa 159 and think the majority of people who repied to my earlier thread thought that was good choice. But ... my boss phoned today and told me that one of the directors had left and asked if I wanted to take over his car. Its a 9 month old black BMW 530d which has has a lot of optional extras ticked and the really good bit is I dont have to contribute any extra for it. So have to decide if I take this now or wait a few months and get to choose something for myself Has anyone driven one ? It does look much bigger than the A4 and 156 but a lot more powerfull
  17. Two brave zed's out and about today First a silver 350 heading towards Ayr Hospital this morning about 8am, then a gunmetal 350 on sheildhall rd about 9am
  18. was excellent tonight :-) Lucky for me I follow tiff on twitter and he said it was on
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