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Everything posted by ewan221

  1. Guy on radio this morning bought hmv vouchers on tuesday morning and 2 hours later they were in admin ! Apparently if you used debit or credit card you may get money back but no chance if cash used
  2. Ayr to Edinburgh during rush hour in just over 3 hours, not a pleasant journey drank too much red bull and was bursting for a pee for last 30 min
  3. Saw a black one on M8 this morning on my journey from hell
  4. http://www.autoweek.com/article/20130111/CARNEWS/130119942
  5. this topic is such a tail of whoa
  6. ewan221

    K2 back box

    It's on auction on eBay at moment would only go for it if cheapish. Sitting at £50 at moment
  7. ewan221

    K2 back box

    It's would just be a temp replacement for a few months as planning on looking for an exhaust after I get through mot and p3 in march
  8. ewan221

    K2 back box

    Noticed one on eBay today, are these of better quality than the K1 ? What they like noise wise compared to K1? Think the baffles are a bit loose on my system so thinking about a replacement
  9. A blade and an azure heading west on m8 this morning and a 370z heading south on m77 tonight. Bit of zed fest today :-)
  10. Pm Jay he had some clutch issues that he sorted with dealer. Oh and welcome
  11. The crossfire has the 3.5l v6 merc engine and gearbox from the older SLK ( As its just a re bodied SLK - including interior.) This is what is in the std 300 The SRT crossfire was a very rare beast indeed but I dont think it was a V8 ( Not sure) but a supercharged V6 Yes I was speaking rubbish, srt crossfire has supercharged 3.2 v6 same as the amg mercs, like my old slk 32. So ignore my ramblings
  12. There was a decent buyers guide in practical performance car a wee while ago and would be worth checking out the crossfire owners forum some good info on the engine.
  13. Doesn't need to be a Hunter machine, there's others out there equally or more capable. It's down to the person using it, and I'd go for an expert using string over a numpty using a Hunter any day. This +1 when I put new suspension on previous car it was aligned by hunter machine. Wasn't happy with it and took to a guy well known as being the best at suspension set up ( being doing it for over 30 years) without a fancy hunter machine and what a difference
  14. Verry impressive work, looks good in the white, not 100% on the wheels though.
  15. Freezing cold and rain here in Ayr but snow out in the villages
  16. Please no :scare: What's wrong with watching a squirrel masturbate? I have seen people sectioned for less its amazing what people used to get put into the big hopital on the top of the hill for in the old days :wink:
  17. To be honest its probally well worth the price but sadly the reality is it wont sell for that, The pool of buyers who are looking for a TT zed will be very small and I would imagine most would rather do their own build even though its going to cost them ££££££s more than the asking price for this one. And being fair its much more realistic asking figure than the veilside one that keeps poping up on ebay
  18. I used to run a lot 30 odd miles a week (many years ago) but until I lose a good bit of weight it would probally finish my knees off, so thats not on the cards ar the moment
  19. I know there are quite a few on here who are keen on fitness and gym so looking for hints and tips. Have done practically no exercise and had crap diet for past 15 years and since hitting 40 (5 years ago) have really piled on the weight. The 20 fags a day certainly not helping either! Have now decided to try and do something about it and after watching what I eat and messing about on the previously unused home gym equipment that I have amassed over the years and using the wii fit have lost 10 pounds over last 3 weeks. So looking for advice on how to keep this up – what’s the best exercise and diet regime? Tips on keeping motivated ? Oh and when I was thinking maybe joining a local T’ai Chi class is that worthwhile ? Thanks people
  20. It's back . 99p start no reserve allegedly
  21. Claims to give an additional 30+ bhp would that not be false marketing ?
  22. ewan221

    New mats

    I'm pretty sure the seller is a member on here, user name seems familiar
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