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Everything posted by iain10101

  1. I reckon half Koi pond half Hot Tub would be good... then you can relax in the warm with a drink and watch the fish Why not have it as a mermaid tank..Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Oh Yeah!!! iM NOT SURE THE WIFE WOULD GO FOR THAT!!! AWESOME IDEA THOUGH! i COULD CHARGE ENTRY WITH ONE OF THEM.......
  2. Shes around 1.8m deep with 2 bottom drains. Going to be completely rendered then fibreglassed in sky blue, marble coping stones, full height walls round the back and a stainless steel covering to the wall along the back lit with leds and cascading water. Running eventually a 30inch bead filter, a multicyclone filter, a cetus sieve, 1/2HP pump, 2x150w UV, 30inch glass filter and finally 12 water jets. Mucho Expensivo, But wanna do it right the 1st time.
  3. As its in the top right hand corner of the garden and i was tempted to mirror it and have a pool on the other side of the garden, that was until i found out how much the filtration system cost for the pond alone! Not cheap at all!!! I could buy another zed with the money i will have to spend on the pond.
  4. 7000 gallon koi pond! Although my wife keeps getting on at me to turn it into a swimming pool. Koi wins, I'm not giving in. My fish have been in a customers pond for 11 months and will be for another 4 months till I can get pond finished.
  5. I have spent on average about 3 hours a day reading posts on this forum and im gauging that most people on the site have similar interests as well as our cars, I would like to see more posts with other interests, similar to the mtb thread. Im into fish! Tropical and koi. Was wondering if any other members have tanks and ponds etc. Maybe getting some piccys up too. I look forward to any responses. Many thans iain Images of my latest project
  6. Plus if no F1 worth watching we will have more time to play with our zzzs as this will free up around 4 hours every other weekend.
  7. Dissapointing, was a fairly good season this year! I thought that F1 cars were the greatest cars ever built and top end cars strived to be as good as them. It will soon have skodas and kias. Who wants to see that ??? I wouldnt be suprised if they had blamed F1 for the current weather conditions aswell.
  8. 5-6 degrees here in eastourne, roll on the big thaw!
  9. I didnt realise that they did a 350z kit for the db. Sweet"!
  10. 12" plus in hastings, bexhill, eastbourne at home and brighton this morning. snow day with the children! YAY
  11. My baby is tucked up in the garage with 12" of snow holding her in. Most snow we have ever had in Eastbourne!
  12. We have woken up to 13 inches in Eastbourne this morning. Which in all my years i have never seen here...... SNOW DAY!!!!!! Thought i may get the Zr out of the garage and get some piccys of her playing in the snow. Then i thought just put the nismo rims on, Sigh, will see how brave i get as the day goes on.
  13. Agreed as finding the snow is pretty frickin easy![/quote Im loving the piccys of the buried treasure! Especially alex's awesome images. We could get some images of buried treasures and play guess whos car?>???
  14. I think this thread should be renamed HOW ARE YOU FINDING THE ZED!
  15. Cheers fellas, advice taken! Im waiting for a call back regarding price from local dealer. My bodyshop said it would be done when the kit arrives and as hes doing the entire kit there would be no xtra charge.......... Result! . It now Looks like shine kit may be on order soon too, its all coming together nicely! YAY
  16. Now that's how you supposed to drive! From now on that's how you drive! Loving the 350z drift cars
  17. cheers guys, reg no ordered from the dvla now the fun bit, to design the plates ready for action. Anyone had experience with any number plate websites?
  18. Love the pics alex! I only wish down on the southcoast we would ever see the snow that deep! Just think about having to unwrap it from the snow. Like xmas come early!
  19. Do it!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the polished rim! Quality
  20. So, you buy your plate from the dvla or wherever and then wait for the docs to come through the post and then just visit the local dvla office and job done? Sorry to drone on I just wanna get it right as first time. Can you go direct to the local office and do it all there inc buying the number? What sort of timescale are we looking at to get plate on car, im inpatient!!! lol
  21. We have chosen our private number plate and got a price etc, so ready to get it done. But, once we have the new number plate on the car what happens to the old registration number? I kinda want to keep it, so when we sell the 350 to upgrade to another one we will want to transfer the old registration number back onto the car. Its confusing me! as i know quite a few of you peeps have private plates could you give me a clue as to what happens to the original number. Ive read a few things but am still confused please help.
  22. You're very welcome. now got lots of lovely £20's for Christmas. So the 19's are on the cards then?????
  23. ok, so you knew where to look. Cheers fella.
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