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Everything posted by iain10101

  1. £8999 Damn! Goes to show there is some people in the world that really will do anything in the name of charity! I have spent the last 10 mins reading the questions and i cant stop laughing! Quality and added to my watch list!
  2. Chris moyles is Definately like MARMITE. I hate marmite but i love the breakfast show, i have been an avid listener for as long as i can remember. I like the friendly banter and it makes me laugh in the mornings. I remember once listening after he had been off for a couple of weeks and thinking that some of his comments were below the belt! But thats the marmite thing. No adverts and generally new music are bonusses over other local stations. As for what they have done for charity, there is not enough people in the world that would do the things they have over the years. Top job! Nearly £2.5m of which half was raised in the last 6 hours. Well done listeners and i was one of the people that can now watch Comic Relief without feeling guilty about not donating. I must have texted in 20+ times.
  3. Radio 1 record was beated about 3hours ago and they are going for the world record at 1030am tomorrow.
  4. I have been drawn to listening to The Chris and dave comic relief special on Radio 1. What a feat! Raised over £1.1m in less than 2 days from the listeners. Respect to the team and good luck with the World Record attempt! I have laughed so much and have listened non stop, when im awake, James Cordon on now and soooooooooooooo funny! Just goes to show that money can be made to help people in need! I hope that something gets done to help the Japaneese and in the same way making some huge amounts of money to help the families that have lost everything. Cruel world!
  5. Bad news peeps! The dark purple wrap is off the cards , I feel awful. The vinyl samples turned up today and its a different dark purple and non metalic! So i was left with no choice but to ring the guys at Creative Fx that wrapped the Godzilla and they wont just supply the vinyl wrap! They will only do the entire job at a costing of over 2k, so thats that out of the window. So im back to the drawing board! Im so annoyed right now!!!!! Someone please give me some inspiration as im at a complete loss! I still have the option of the pearl or i can do some other purple just not a metalic! Cheers guys your help is greatly appreciated.
  6. Its OK Iain.... we can form a sighing club I seem to do a lot of sighing on this site! Its the way forward. Slowly but surely Im tempted to get one and put it in my bathroom as a towel rail or something!
  7. you know you want it http://www.swiftmotorsports.com/ I seem to remember someone on here who found a uk supplier for these? and had one fitted? I will need one soon too with luck!
  8. I get the feeling thats a bit cheap, will be flying out the door! Sweet looking piece! All i would need is a 370. Sigh
  9. Its only about the money as it is with most, all women! Its ok for them to spend on average £150 a week on pebbles and those stupid signs that my house is covered in saying things like H O M E, E A T, D R E A M S and my all time favourite The cushions that we seem to have to replace every 3 Months! Yeah right! But when i wanna spend A few hundred 'ish' its the end of the world.
  10. What planet do you live on? lol Mars through the week & Venus on the weekend Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh I got my Super Duper Raffle Nismo gear knob on the other day and she noticed two bits of rubber pipe that i used around the knob and the shaft in order not to damage it and i got the spanish inquisition as to what have i done. I did however get the DMB Gel overlays and my colour coded ST logos on the Focus the other day and thankfully she loved them.
  11. The vinyl alone is hugely expensive and there is only one company that supplies it so im stuck there, midnight purple is the way forward! I just have to justify it to the wifey! Which may be a slight issue. Im having it laid by a local company in Eastbourne and i have seen thier work. They recently wrapped an audi TT in White and its flawless, Pretty good price too.
  12. I have priced the 3M Midnight Purple........................... I had to sit down a bit lively! You certainly have to pay for Exclusivity! After i collected my thoughts i have nearly decided on it. its just gonna take an extra few weeks to raise the extra pennies! I have Both the purple pearl and the midnight purple samples in the post winging their way to me as we speak. Im sure when i see the vinyls side by side it will be a one horse race!
  13. This looks pretty close to the sample i have http://www.flickr.com/photos/craigtemple/3493736344/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/rodto/4353256932/
  14. This is the closest match to the colour im thinking of, maybe the sample i have is a little darker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0Lz9Z-eGVA
  15. This sort of thing is coming all to common. In the last few weeks on the focusstoc there has been at least 6 that have been stolen. Pre orders one would have thought. One of the chaps was watching tv at 930 pm and some oiks decided to break into their house and demand the keys for the ST and promptly left in thier new 59plate ST. Took the rozzers 3hours to get to their house and still not found yet! Bar Stewards!
  16. Ive been tempted for a while to do something out there like yours, Matt is certainly the way forward imo but, Black is way to common now and Chrome is now illegal so that leaves me with a few options. I love candy apple red but the vinyl is over £1700+ fitting, so im left with two options. White pearl or purple pearl. I love the way the purple goes to gm to green but im not sure if on the entire car would be ott. Im thinking of a wrap as some time soon my new bits will be with me and seeing as im replacing front and rear bumpers, skirts and bonnet its cheaper to get a wrap than to have the bits painted. Plus once the paint is blended onto the car, when inevitably i would have to take the car back to standard to sell, the original bumpers etc will be a different colour. Forward thinking and if i dont like it when its done i can redo it with a different colour at the same costings as paint!
  17. Has anyone got a pearl paintjob or wrap? Im toying with the idea but would like some inspiration. Pretty please Please if you have taken the time to look at this again please vote! Many thanks in advance The three together The pearl The flat blue Finally the Black metalic
  18. I have a focus st3 and it guzzles more fuel than the 350. Incredibley quick and fun. If its running costs you wanna save get a Ford diesel! All of the cars you have mentioned are gonna be gas guzzlers. And expensive to insure. Keep the Zed!
  19. I almost bought one as i thought they were great, until i used one.... The processor is too slow, to load up an internet page and navigate to another it took over 30 secs and that was with no applications running. Also to load up microsoft office took over a minute! I was gutted cos i wanted one! So im in the same predicament at present. Im looking at tablets and cos i have an iphone im swayed towards the ipad. Although they are v expensive compared to an android with the same capabilities.
  20. Looking sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! I did a similar thing to my mondeo some years ago No one had done it before, Im sure it wasnt to everyones taste but i liked it!
  21. DAVE will be along shortly he fitted one of these in his i believe a little while ago.
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