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Everything posted by iain10101

  1. If hit at that close range i would expect that there will be some dentage too? Im afraid if it was i, the chap responsible would have gone home in an ambulance. If the idiot responsible has said he would pay i would get a decent bodyshop to do it properly! Acne comes to mind with that amount of damage! Good Luck fella
  2. When i was quite a bit younger i bought it every month! I have a stack of them in my garage about 4-5 foot high back to the 90's. I had a R5 Gordini that was a cover car and that was shockingly sh1t but looked good in the magazine.
  3. Wheels on both and loving the motul vinyl!!!!
  4. ~~If your buying it cos you want one, dont worry about the resale prices. Its a buyers market afterall. If someone wants it a few years down the line and its looked after with FSH there should be no issues. Up to you, these engines are good for round the clock more than once!
  5. If only i was a member of the Brokebacks i could have got a brush too! I killed mine today as cleaned both Beasts.
  6. The thing that amused me is what liam was doing looking for threads like that? Getting some pointers lol
  7. Graham does this mean we will never see you again after next week>???
  8. Im wondering if anyone reading this is actually looking for quality street and dairy milk.....................
  9. Its hard to explain them. The purple to the left is a pearlescent vinyl that goes really too dark In real terms its quality street 'the one with the nut in'! The one on the right on the other hand i believe is the closest match to cadburys purple.
  10. Im hoping to get the kit here within the next 2 weeks ish and then will book it in for the wrap. Im hoping it will all be done and dusted within 4 weeks! I thought my ears were burning around 10.30am this morning? I~m raising the cash slowly as i have to live too. And the wifey has booked a holiday to the south of france in june, so that needs funds too! I cant wait now been a while in the making!
  11. Choice of two but i have decided on the lighter of the two, looks blue in the picture but its proper purple. The darker one is a pearl and im not sure if its what i want her to look like! The lighter purple is a metalic too. Ticks all the boxes. Signed up just need to raise the rest of the money now!
  12. First time i have seen an Azure ZR in the flesh, 11am today. Me likey!!! P100 %&* Was it you?
  13. Wheels sold! Thank you Timff. Bought his car the day before he picked up the wheels from me. Looking forward to seeing the car at a meet sometime soon. Please lock thread now please.
  14. Sweeeeeeeeeeeet looking car! Love the colour. The only think i dislike is the aeriel on the back looks out of place. Hope to see it in the flesh at a meet one day! Roadsters Rock!
  15. Are you leaving the roof black? Cant reallt tell from the piccy. If so keep the spoiler black too. IMO
  16. I would quite like to see in one post every colour that is avaliable and aftermarket colours too. Could turn into one epic post! Im struggling with colour change and am trying to find something original. It would also help prospective buyers with images to help them decide on which colour to go for. Il start with the gunmetal!
  17. Ok so i have been looking at this colour and wifey likes it. What do you think?
  18. Im loving the V2 but would love to see a V2 on a roadster if anyone has done?
  19. Loving them fella! Cant wait to see them in person one of these days. Quite a bold statement to go with three colours and it payed off! Awesome.
  20. I have narrowed it down to three, I cannot afford to do the Dark purple wrap as over 2k. So opinions needed please ON first post.
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