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Everything posted by Dom187

  1. I am happy to chuck someone some dosh/beer for this! http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p Thanks
  2. Otherwise you can try (be very careful with your body work tho) Heating it slighty WD40 or some sort of penerating oil? In your first picture is it the black and gold bit that needs to come off? I am Zedless at the moment so I cant check myself how its put tother
  3. You gotta put abit more info in your post mate, maybe some pictures?
  4. I cant see very well from the pictures so forgive me if I am suggesting something silly but.... Can you cut a slit in the top of the aerial, then use a flat screw driver to unscrew it? Obviously if you cut it you wanna make sure you dont get any metal filings on the paintwork.
  5. I saw this a while ago, good bargin for someone... its an import tho. I bet the seller is gutted he didnt get much for it
  6. I hope it is not the end of them, I really dont they have been the best combo since Murry went. I dont see how anyone can replace two ex drivers and a ex manager of a team Will they stay with the beeb or will they go to sky? Also there is abit of chemistry between them and I absolutely love the banter. I have never been a massive fan of Bernie, for me I feel money has got in the way of the sport and its fans
  7. For me personally this is shite news I love F1, I will never get Sky I resent paying for something then still being shown adverts... I also agree with the comments on here, I love the format the beeb have got going and the team who does the commentary. I never enjoyed the F1 on ITV just when you get the atmosphere going another advert break kicks in.
  8. Hi All, As some of you know I have been looking for a new Zed. I have looked at two Ebisu Black Zeds so far, they both have had roughly 25k miles. However I have been put off both cars due to the bodywork, they have been scratched and have had LOADS of stonechips. I just wanted to ask owners of these cars if they find their cars the same or is it just a case the examples I have looked at have been neglected? Can you also let me know what millage what you guys have done and what your paintwork is like? Thanks
  9. Sorry to hijack the thread, how easy is it to retro fit leather seats to a car which had the canvas seat there in the first place? And wire up the heating for the seats as well?
  10. Forgive me Alex, but what does a concentric slave mean?
  11. Thanks for the reply I really appreciate it, TBH if the body work is bad I dont want to know. The guy seems keen to get rid, I guess this is why...
  12. Just a guess.... All the spark plug leads been put on in the right plug? Or is there a loose connection...
  13. Anyone in the Bournemouth area? http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p I will pay in beer!
  14. Dom187

    350z HR Wanted

    Oh believe me I am using autotrader, ebay, gumtree and piston heads I just put the post up in cases anyone here was about to sell.
  15. Dom187

    350z HR Wanted

    oh and it must be a coupe
  16. Dom187

    350z HR Wanted

    As the title, I am after my second Zed. I am looking for a 2007+ HR 350z Zed in back with less than 35,000 miles, I will only consider cars with an up to date service history and good paint work. My budget goes up to 14k. Thanks Dom
  17. ah nice one!!! Yeah it does seem cheap to be honest, hence me asking someone if they can look at it. I am 100+ miles away I dont wanna drive all that way and find the paint work is rubbish! hmmm that one on their site rather than ebay is 44k miles... looks like a different car?
  18. Hi, would someone be able to look at this car if they are local? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2008-08-Reg-Nissa ... 2c5da31415 Happy to pay beer tokens if you can have a look and take any pictures?
  19. I will get my balaclava....
  20. Thanks again, looked on pistonheads not alot seems to jump out. There is loads on ebay, I think with ebay you can almost be guaranteed a sale hence people are using it more when they are desperate to sell their car? I think I will start to watch ebay more as this is maybe a better indication on what people are paying for Zeds, problem is buying a car like that (if you dont look at it) is pot luck
  21. I dont wish to start a fight but how much people expect me to pay for the car below? 13.5k? [EDIT : removed as this was a members car for sale] Would people say the prices on the adverts below are about right? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2008-NISSAN-350Z- ... 3f0bb2769f http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-Coupe ... 3369232ba3 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2007-NISSAN-350-Z ... 2a0e93d664
  22. Thanks for all the responses folks! I would like to wait and get the car I am after and to be honest I am not racist or anything but it has to be black! I will keep searching and see if anything pops up. I will gladly pay people in beer tokens or anything if anyone looks at a car for me
  23. I am from east anglia, I have just looked on auto trader and the particular car I was after has now been sold... typical! There is another car but its out of budget at the moment. I am looking for a back 350 which is a HR (313 bhp) I have got 13k at the moment to spend but I think I am asking too much for my money as I am looking for cars below 30k miles?
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