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Posts posted by Dom187

  1. Took these on my phones camera so they are not great but you get the idea....







    Those where after I got the car and did a clay + wax


    The below snaps are from when I did a coat of Auto Gylm ulta deep shine, then a coat of super resin polish and 2 coats of ulta high gloss! Was a good day!





  2. my vote would be point 4, use this as an excuse to get an aftermarket exhaust if you where planning on getting one in the future? If you spend the money on a stock one be it second hand or new its money which could have been spent on a after market one.

  3. I have just done this a couple of turns but I would like my pedal even lower (still higher up than the brake pedal) I am worried if I screw the bolt further into the U bracket and lower the biting point when the pedal is at its top position where it is resting it is pulling the bolt (which I guess is connected to the cluctch slave cylinder?) it will pull this out too far if you get me? Is this the case?

  4. As other members have said Nissan dont seem to acknowledge the exisitence of owners clubs from what I have seen, when I owned a Golf I was invited to the new MK6 GTI launch at the local dealers which was an invite only event. Not a massive deal I know but at least they offered something. I think the fact Nissan dont acknowledge us is a great shame and they are missing out on some potential opportunities.


    Prepare for some babble....


    For me the reason I brought a 350z was for the car not the badge, for me the the fact the 350z is a 'Nissan' is irrelevant. I love the way it drives, I love the way it looks, I love the way it sounds. I can honestly say I have never been this attached to any other car, I think in part this is due to all the saving I had to do to own one. Also unfortunately the Zed I have now is my second, my first got written off... I was so gutted took me a while to get over it TBH and I released what I had lost. So I had the option to go off and get another car after owning a Zed for a year. I wanted to get something different not another Zed, I got pi**ed off as I could not seem to find another car which ticked my boxes but I was adamant I should not get the same car again. My Mrs said to me, "Its ok to love a car you know" when I was talking about my old Zed and moaning that nothing else seemed to flick my switch... something clicked when she said that, I had to have another Zed.


    I know some people say to me its just a car and I get too emotional over an object, for me its more than that... its a feeling I can get no where else.


    Sorry for the babble but you asked!

  5. I use Ubuntu at home and at work, I had it on a HP machine at work ended up causing me so many problems work eventually gave me a wad and said build your own machine! result!


    I am not a fan of M$ but if you wanna play the latest PC games you cant ignore it and as much as it pains me to say it Win7 is not bad. Its the best thing since Win XP, Vista was however an insult. Thing that I seem to find with M$ OS's is that after a while they just get slower and slower, time will tell if Win7 is the same for me...


    I feel your pain Haydn, I have in the past had to do a BIOS chip hot swap to re-flash a friends BIOS chip as he had screwed up a firmware update... was abit spicy to say the least :scare:

  6. Thanks for the replies folks, I have taken the car back they say nothing is wrong with it. To be fair they did fix my other little niggles with the car so I will just have to see how I go. I am going to adjust the clutch tomorrow as the bite is quite high and the clutch pedal sits higher than the brake so I want to level them out.

  7. I have brought a 350z HR from a Nissan dealer, I have taken it back to them to have a look at under warranty. The reason being that the car has a whine coming from the gear box, the only way I can describe it is that it sounds like a small super charger (Which I know I don't have!!!). The pitch changes with the cars RPM and it the noise stops when I press and hold the clutch in then rev the car. I dont have to rev the car hard to get the noise it can be heard at 2k RPM. As I have said this is a HR, before this I had a DE 280bhp and it never made this noise.


    The reason I am posting up on here is they have come back and said to me that there is nothing wrong, in my limited experience this sounds like a bearing is on the way out? (The car has done 22k miles) Am I being paranoid? If not, any ideas which bearing is on the way out?

  8. I had Virgin for BB when I was in my uni house going through cable (so not ADSL through a telephone line) and found them very good, when I moved house and used them through a telephone line the service was very very very slow not even 1Mb/s, I was told it was my exchange. I found them so bad I switched to fast.co.uk and I have never looked back since as I was getting 7+ Mb/s after, I have been using fast.co.uk for a while now and I cant fault them apart from the price.

  9. Nobody will ever convince me that having 4 FK452s on a car is safer than having 2 RE050's and 2 FK452s - your overall grip will be reduced, braking distances are increased, feedback will be less.

    With 4 452's the car isnt as "Nissan intended" either, and as for temperature ........ if you are the type of guy who checks your tyre pressures hot and cold to within 0.1 PSI then by all means you keep worrying about temperature differences ;)


    I know, Ive tried it, on track, on road, drifting, hillclimbing, you just have to drive the level of grip that you have, not what you had last week. Your VDC comment is also wide of the mark, it acts on differing wheels speeds not grip levels.

    I for one would 1000% prefer a car thats strong at the front but looser at the back, these things are lethal when they understeer.


    Not disagreeing that the best thing to do is to go buy 4 of the best tyres you can, but if you rear Falkens only have 1000 miles on them replacing them seems a bit pointless to me. Sorry to keep banging on but when you start talking about temperature and VDC grip levels .......


    Surley the balance between the front and back wouldnt be right if your running different tyres? I am not sure if I agree with you with the car being safer as the car would be more prone to oversteer if you're running RE050's on the front and 452's on the back and you had to hit the breaks hard going round a corner in an emergency?


    Lol no I dont, my tyre pressure gauage does not go to 1 decimal place :lol:;) My point was more I found the 452's where a dog when they were cold and in the wet but the RE050's I find had more grip at the same temp, I have a feeling the RE050's are a softer compound?


    My VDC comment was not anything to do with 'grips levels' I said balance :) Also I believe the VDC system does not soley use wheel speed sensors from what I have read, it also has a yaw sesnor and a steering position sensor.


    Compelety agree with your comment about driving with the grip levels you have not what you had last week, I think we use our Zeds for different things maybe... I use mine all year round for a daily driver and I minus 1000% do not want the back coming out at all! Hence me not wanting, even if it costs more, to get the back end of the car out!

  10. The whole point of this thread is not IF mixing tyres is a problem, but honestly why would you? Tyres are the only thing connected to the road so why compromise? I can understand buying cheaper brands i.e. Falken but why take a chance on saving a few £ by mixing brands / types :shrug:


    Look at it the other way round - you need to replace your front Falkens, but are running Falkens on the rear. If you spend MORE money buying RE050's for the front, thats not necessarily a bad thing, is it? :)


    Anyway, Im agreed, this is the most discussed subject anywhere ever. :thumbs:


    Keep the same tyres all round fella :)


    Just my 2p but...


    If you mix tyres the balance between the front and the back of the car is not as Nissan intended which is bad, also if you drive with VDC on that will also be out as its calibrated for a certain balance which you have now changed.


    From my experience if you had a new set of RE050's on the front and some part worn Falkens (452 I presume?) on the rear you are going to have less grip from the rear in the wet which is not a good thing and your pants wont thank you for it. Also I found the Falkens take abit longer to warm up than the RE050's and as we all know tempurature massivley affects grip, because of the grip difference you will again have an inbalance.


    If you have got Falkens all round and you only gonna replace one axels worth, stay with the Falkens keep the balance between the front and rear the same. Or spend more and get the whole lot done with a better tyre on all four corners which gets my vote. You have got a sports car dont skimp on tyres, its like buying a cheap parachute.


    As the OP said, its not advisable to mix tyres. End of the day its your call but take it from me, its not nice getting out of your car because you have hit a tree sideways wishing you had spent more on tyres...

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