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Posts posted by Dom187

  1. To save me going out to the car does anyone have the sizes to hand? (GT Rays)


    It's time to price up some new rubber all round I think. I thought that the 452's were well regarded but clearly not. Assuming 452's cost £450 for a set. What price would Vred's, MPS or 050A's cost?


    I just did a full set of Vred's worked out roughly 140 a corner. Was a bugger though as nowhere seems to have them in stock, got the rears from tyremen and the fronts off ebay.


    Personally I am not a fan of the 452's in the winter, I had them on a MK4 Golf Gti which was pushing out 210 hbp and that was a nightmare in the cold as they seem to need alot of heat to get the grip out of them. To fair though different car but I will never take then risk now and buy them for the Z, I have saved up too long and hard to wrap her round a lamp post because of crap tyres. I really think its worth spending the extra to get good tyres, I would rather a big tyre bill rather than a even bigger repair bill if you know what I mean?!

  2. I haven't seen how the suspension is made up on the Z as I have have only just got mine. But I had a clunk caused by worn track rod ends on my golf which was my last car, drove me mad until I found what it was. If you cars got low miles it probably not the track rod ends but if its more than say 50k maybe worth a look? I checked by jacking up the side in question and grabbing the wheel either side and pushing and pulling to see if there was an slop, when I drove the car I would hear clunking with no obvious pattern.

  3. Can you give us anymore info on your site, whats the site about? the market(s) your aiming at? etc How you are expecting to get traffic on your site? Through paid for adverting - which might not be Internet based, or you looking for people to find your site from organic search results? The reason I ask is so we can get an idea of what you have been quoted is it right for you?


    Some things to bear in mind...


    I have found alot of the value these people are adding to site design is search engine optimization (SEO) and a creative flare, as anyone can knock up a site with abit of time. To make it functional and intuitive and look good at the same time (in all browsers like stupid IE6) is an art.


    As its been pointed out there is alot more to SEO these days, you cant just spam meta tags with keywords to get a good page rank anymore. Google's bot is so smart it will look at the colour of text on a page vs its backrgound... if they are found to be the same it will drop the page from being indexed. Why? because there was a trend where people would add loads of keyword to a webpage at the bottom and have them as the same colour as the background so humans could not see it but Google could just to get a better page rank. So you would do a search for Nissan 350z or something and end up on a site about cheese... :doh:


    I sure may of you heard a year or two ago Google made more money than ITV in a year from advertising... So you know that Google 'works' its very hard to dupe Google these days when trying to get your page ranked... My point is that you need to get someone to optimize your site who knows how to do it correctly, theres not use in getting someone surfing your site about cheese when they are looking for info on 350z's. But like I say at the top of this rambling post, do you really need people to stumble across your site while searching?


    I work for a web design company out of hours and I work as a web developer as my full time job, I have done e-commerce website for some big names, if you ever want to pick my brain just pm me I will be happy to help.

  4. This is just my 2p guys I am just commenting on my experiences...


    I studied Wing Tsun for just over 2 years, it was good for me as it helped me to be calmer in 'situations' it was also comforting as my GF was training with me at the time so I knew she could look after herself. I dont want to preach but alot of people have said to me martial arts are no good in street fights, I know from personal experience you can pick apart the average Joe on the street with some very simple moves without my training I would not have been able to do this. People always go for the knock out hook, by the time they have twitched their shoulder you have chain punched them several times in the face so I do think martial arts have their place IMO.

    I have found there are two types of Wing Tsun that are taught, old and new. Old style you always defend your body so your guard is chest hight, new style your guard your head/neck height. The new style is the developing all the time as students adjust the theories behind it to make the martial art better. I have found the old style would be more tradional and the material that your learn never changes over time.


    Also if anyone is looking at youtube videos, checkout James Sinclair + Mark Philips for Wing Tsun as my teacher goes to them for lessons.

  5. Thanks for the awesome welcome guys.


    I have vowed to my Mrs that I would not getting into the modding scene again... :lol:


    If I were to switch the darkside again (which I wont do :D;) ) are the below mods are a good place to start for my engine type?


    Post 06 airbox + performance panel filter

    Plenum spacer


    Shes gonna kill me.... :boxing:

  6. Hi all,

    After a few years saving and spending some time tossing up the Pros + Cons of various Japanese sports cars I have got my Zed. Its taken me a while to find one that was in good enough condition for me to part with my hard earned cash.

    She is a 2006 (non face lift), silver (they only come in silver right?! :lol: ) 15k miles with the GT pack plus Sat Nav, and I am chuffed to bits with her! And here she is...











    My previous car was a MK4 Golf Gti Turbo which I modded into another car, I soon released that for big usable power I was going to struggle with an FWD car.


    I got the car on Tuesday and I have already done 500 miles, one trip involved going to London from where I live in Norwich so it was quite a trek, but the Zed is so comfortable and ate up the miles. I was almost brought to tears of happiness when I was able to go through a tunnel with the windows down listening to the Zeds 'music' :teeth:

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