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Posts posted by Dom187

  1. Well credit to the garage involved they have agreed to replace the gearbox oil regardless if it makes the car better, reason being they used 'Autodata' to work out what oil to use in the gearbox which came out as - EP80W90GL4 which is the wrong viscosity! I also put molyslip in the gearbox when the oil got changed to the wrong stuff (it should have been 75W85 for my gearbox and the oil differs depending on gearbox I believe, speak to ZMANALEX hes the man when it comes to getting the right oil for your car) then I had the issue with changing from first to second.


    I have brought some more Molyslip... do I put it in again when the proper oil gets put in? Has anyone here used Molyslip for a long time? Has anyone here had any negative effects when using it?

  2. Check the gearbox is sound, changing from first to second can be abit hit and miss so make sure thats smooth. Check for uneven rear tyre wear. Check the exhaust for rust and that its not blowing as some corrode and need replacing. Also check the rear suspension and make sure it does not clunk. Cant think of anything more. I think there might be a sticky somewhere about what to look for.

  3. Get your stuff of Zmanalex, way cheaper than nissan and all other place i've found, very good quality products and will be at your door before you can say supercalafregalisticaxpealidotious (sp)






    Also with Alex you can be sure to get the right oils if your changing your gearbox fluids etc. I had a garage do my gearbox oil and they used 'Nissan spec' oil but not genuine oil and since its been abit iffy.

  4. Well heres mine...


    1) Putting my Golf car up on a car lift with the bonnet open ready for a tube light which was hanging from the ceiling to scratch the bonnet when the car got lifted. :doh:


    2) Putting one of the rear bushes the wrong way round on the Golf, then having to destroy said bush to get it back out... then having the car sat while I ordered some new bushes... then not realizing there was a postal strike so my new bushes where not delivered in time so I had to get the bus to work for a week. :bangin:


    3) After getting my lovely Zed, I had this happen... This is one of my *black hole moments*...


    When I got my Zed it needed some new tyres, no problem ordered a full set from a website and got they delivered to my house... Simples. Now my first mistake, I tried to fit all four in my Zed to take to a garage to get them fitted. Second mistake... wiggling the two tyres that where on the front passenger seat which then proceeded to somehow dont ask me how disengage the handbrake...my drive is on a hill and there is a hedge at the bottom. My car went down the drive with me running after it pulling the tyres out and I belly flopped into the car and pulled the handbrake up to the ceiling. The car had managed to go through a hedge and mounted kerb buy this time, thankfully all the damage polished out but I felt very very stupid :fool:


    *Black hole moment* when something so bad happens if a black hole appeared you would get in it!


    Well thats mine, please dont point and laugh.

  5. As I own a silver Zed I always try and convince myself "I never wanted a black one" and now you sir have ruined my day! :lol:



    If you buff your silver one, and catch the sun on it, it shines like a fricking mirror..... :thumbs:

    Then Sir you will know you have made the right choice..... :headhurt:



    hehe I know what you mean, I might get the clay bar out this weekend B)

  6. Breathers have been recently replaced i believe. Dunno about turbo pipes but the hissing happens on idle so no boost.


    Its a mk4 i think dom and oil is where you say i believe. Not sure how related it is.


    Couldnt find any snakes ;)


    Ill have a word tomorrow.



    If its hissing on Idle I would check the vacuum pipe that goes to the recirculation valve (aka dump valve), these pipes get really hot and are know to often split with old age. Give them a wiggle if they are really hard its prob best to replace them with silicone hoses. Other stuff to check would be the pipes to the N75 valve and the PVC valve....


    Yeah the oil might not be related TBH


    It might be worth you mate going to the fourm - http://uk-mkivs.net/forums/


    Its where I used to swot up on my Golf when I had it...


    All the best with it.

  7. Sorry if I am being abit of a thread hijacker but I thought I would post what is happening with my gearbox...


    I got a service done as soon as I got my Zed (its a DE) got a full blown P3 done with a change of fluids in the gearbox and rear diff its only had 15k miles but it was four years old so a P3 was due. Also with the service I got the garage to put in some molyslip as well into the gearbox.


    When I got the car back I noticed straight away the gear change is worse especially from 1st to 2nd, I thought maybe the new oil needed to bed in. Its now about 2 months later and its still no better and taking note of what various people have said I asked the garage what oil they used, they came back and said "Comma EP80W90GL4" which meets the manufactures specs blah blah.. even so its not the genuine Nissan oil. Thankfully we have the likes of Alex on the forum who was able to give me the correct part number for the oil that should be used for my box so I have let the garage know this. They have agreed to change the oil to the proper genuine stuff and I will not have to pay if it makes any difference. The oil will be changed Monday I will report back my findings.


    Abit of a waffle I know but it might help someone in the future.



    Absolutely nothing to loose by changing the gearbox fluid and by adding molyslip as Dave has advised. :thumbs: he's learning slowly. ;):lol::lol::lol:

    Best to stick with genuine fluids as aftermarket stuff has not worked for some members so they have had to pay twice.

    I have the proper stuff in stock and good to go same next day. :yahoo:


    Drop me a PM if I can help you further mate. :thumbs:



    I have had the exact same problem with this, got my oil changed (car has only done 17k miles) and its really bad now every change from first to second is a pain. Can you tell me the price of the oil and the molyslip to go with it? as this is really starting to miff me off.






    Hi mate,


    Sounds like that you may have the wrong fluids in your transmission.


    Aftermarket fluids do not appear to work.


    Prices as requested.


    3 Lt genuine transmission fluid (capacity2.9Lt) £45.54


    1 X DC Molyslip £12.50 (this is different from the Halfords moly that you flagged up)


    Let me know if I can help you further.







    Thanks for the info Alex really appreciated :thumbs:


    I have found out that the oil in the gear box was "Comma EP80W90GL4" is this the genuine stuff? (this was put in by my local tuning shop, he said it was "Nissan Spec")

  9. Which mark of golf is it MK4,5 or 6? Hissing sounds like a boost leak...


    The oil is around the plugs this is outside of the coil packs, is that right?


    When you say hes eliminated the other pipes? How did he test this? When does the hissing occur? Under load/boost? at idle?


    I would strongly recommend from my experiences that I had with a MK4 1.8T which I modded, get it properly boost tested. either get a boost test kit yourself and test (you can even make one, checkout 'mighty mods boost tester' on youtube) or get it done by a tuning shop.



    Absolutely nothing to loose by changing the gearbox fluid and by adding molyslip as Dave has advised. :thumbs: he's learning slowly. ;):lol::lol::lol:

    Best to stick with genuine fluids as aftermarket stuff has not worked for some members so they have had to pay twice.

    I have the proper stuff in stock and good to go same next day. :yahoo:


    Drop me a PM if I can help you further mate. :thumbs:



    I have had the exact same problem with this, got my oil changed (car has only done 17k miles) and its really bad now every change from first to second is a pain. Can you tell me the price of the oil and the molyslip to go with it? as this is really starting to miff me off.

  11. As the title indicates. I'm sick of the rain, spray and greasy roads. I just want to go for a blast with the stereo up, dry roads and sunshine. It's really starting to get me down!


    Whats more I've not managed to give her anything more than quick jetwash in 6 months. Want to get my detailing kit out but there's just no point with the the mud and crap flying around at the moment. The work would be undone in 5 mins and thats assuming it didnt rain during.


    Rant over.....


    ..... for now

    I feel your pain, I was at work last week came out to drive the Zed home and it was lovely and warm (for this time of year) I thought hey lets get the windows down and enjoy the V6 . Got in, fired her up and wound the windows down then it started raining.... grrrrrr.... :thumbdown:

  12. Fuel will never be cheaper than it is right now so make the most of it. By the time you've chopped your car in and gotten something else the cost to change could well be more than that £20 per week, so if you really need to save money then do it properly and go shed. :thumbs:




    Buy a shed for the daily drive and keep the Zed for the fun drives!

  13. From what I have heard is the 300bhp engine is the best one out of the three you can get for the 350z as it has the best balance between torque and bhp. Also the 2006 plus cars got a slightly different interior and front bumper and few other bits I cant remember.


    I ended up getting a 2006 model which was in fact a late 2005 was just registered in 2006 (I knew this before I brought it). I drove a few different Zed's and tried all the engine types and I couldn't really notice that much difference TBH. I find the torque more useful TBH but thats just me, I wanted to get the best car for my money hence I went for the 'less' powerful engine in terms of bhp so I got more car for my money. I got a 2006 with 14k on the clock and it didnt have a mark on it, to me that was more important than a few ponies. Also do you want to mod the car as well if so how far? As I believe some engines respond better than others.


    This is just my 2p hope it helps

  14. The police, do as I say not as I do. I had a copper tailgate me to the point I could not see his lights the other day. Honestly for what it's worth he should have flicked the lights on and over taken me.


    When I was seeing my parents in Suffolk over xmas I saw a copper doing 40 in a 30 without his blue lights on :angry: annnnddd it really really foggy and he didnt have his headlights on! :shrug: For the next 10 miles I was swearing my head off about it!

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