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  1. Hi Looking for the connectors to fit the back of a 2007 model Bose stereo. Previous owner just chopped the loom, binned it and soldered on iso connectors. An upgrade is planned for the future but want to get existing radio working for the moment.
  2. It was the same "scam merchant" I got the airbag kit from. I don't believe for a second that the pallet went missing. Most likely he got another offer and sold it locally and wasn't prepared to wait for my money to go through.
  3. @ Vik 54 - I was getting all the above parts including a drivers wing and xenon headlight last week for £800 sterling and narrowly missed out on a complete front end for £1000 on Ebay the month before, there are some good deals out there if you look, but I know where you are coming from. I picked up a complete airbag kit incl module last week for £400. I'll PM Zmanalex now thanks
  4. My Z was damaged before I bought it so looking for a few bits to get her on the road! Was supposed to have the whole lot delivered last week but supposedly the pallet went missing and ebay seller is refunding me. Have tried most breakers in the country but parts seem to be scarce. Looking for the following if anyone can help: 07' spec bonnet and hinges Front reinforcement bar (not jdm) Front bumper (including foam piece that sits behind) Front Panel and light cages Radiator with fans Passenger side xenon headlight, newer style? (07'?) Passenger wing Front passenger wheel arch lining. Have a total budget of about €950 (£800(ish)) If anyone in Ireland has these I can collect them myself. If anyone in the UK has the majority or all of these parts I can arrange a courier to pick them up if it can be palletised? Thanks Keith
  5. Don't worry, there will be loads of pics! Carputer is currently a laptop with screen removed and lid sensor connected to relay which closes with ignition on. Trying to decide on touchscreen,decrease boot time,write a nice GUI and decide if it should power off or go into sleep mode when engine is switched off. I imagine I will be dedicating a thread to it, I am a bit of a nerd so hopefully there will be some kind of home/car wifi connection, remote start and some other crazy ideas as I think of them!!
  6. Thought I'd say a quick hello from Dublin! Joined the site a few weeks ago as I was looking to buy a Z and now finally got a 07 GT! Have had a few BMW's and next car was either an M3 or a 350Z so decided on the latter. Will be upgrading the sound system immediately and have a carputer almost finished and lined up to go in so I should have a few questions for you Z experts! Take care
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