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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. OK, this is my first "performance" car.... and bearing in mind I have been driving a crappy Diesel for 7 years, I am out of practice with Petrols anyway! So... dropping into 1st... and/or 2nd when coming to a corner or a round about or something, I get a slight distant "whining" sound from the gear box. Not like I am dropping into 1st/2nd from 3-4k in 3rd... I mean normal gentle driving. Sounds like a quiet version of when you get from a box when you do 10mph in reverse (know the sound I mean?) So can anyone tell me if this is normal for this kind of car... or should I be worried? Could it just be the "racing clutch" sound? The gears feel SOLID and the box itself is nice and tight. Just thought I would ask if anyone thought this was normal? Cheers guys...
  2. Yeah... side badge will be here on Tuesday. Care of ZManAlex
  3. Cool... I will bare it in mind.. Had a stab at the engine bay myself today... and a spot of a clean... Check out this other thread... viewtopic.php?f=9&t=40608 What do you think?
  4. Spent some time having a bit of a clean..... This any better guys? Bit better I think
  5. Very nice... Where are you based? Come over to Telford a lot?
  6. I had one made for a Volvo (Yes, that's right a Volvo!) about 10 years ago. It was just a 4" round tube... no baffles... nothing. That thing set off HOUSE alarms! At the time I didn't care as I was driving round with death metal on full blast anyway. Now-a-days... the death metal is a little quieter
  7. You are bloody right! But, to be fair, it was NOT on the car when I went to see it the first time round, when I took it for a test drive. Obviously took it off to make a bit more cash. And to be honest, I am happy without it... for now
  8. What are you talking for a full detail Biggy? 100, 200??
  9. ahhh... that could have been it then! Will try to find the handbook. Cheers.
  10. I KNOW I KNOW! Give me a bloomin' chance! Only had it 12 odd hours! Will be cleaned NEXT weekend Too busy driving it this weekend
  11. Yup... that is what I thought! Must be why I think it is quiet
  12. Genius! EXACTLY what I wanted to hear. I think I have some Autoglym engine cleaner in the garage
  13. Sorry peeps... Here, as requested... So... Standard?
  14. the "Step by Step" I found says to cover all my bits ... and use a hose. Is that OK to do?
  15. Cheers my good man... Found this... http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_6172908_use-g ... easer.html Suppose I better follow it to the letter. Thanks!
  16. My engine bay is SO SO dirty! On my other (crappy) cars... I have always jetwashed the engine bay in the first instance (with the engine running) to get the most of the crap off. But I am NOT willing to do this on the Z. And not JUST because I have a CAI.... So, how do you start? Where/what would you guys start with for an awful, awful engine bay?
  17. oooops! To be fair, I can see how the whole wrong fuel in the tank is easy to do. I have been driving a diesel for nearly 7 years now... going to have to REALLY try to make sure I only fill up with petrol! Oh... had a look at the xorst... I am still 99% sure it is DEFO an OEM. Specially after looking at the ones on youtube. I will txt the guy I had it from, but I am SURE it is standard. Looks/sounds NOTHING like the ones on youtube.
  18. It did TODAY... Managed to get BOTH my phones to link to it! No idea why it wasn't working yesterday. but I am well chuffed it works. Im not used to things just working on cars. I am used to having to bash them about it bit first to persuade them Thanks for the help guys!
  19. hmmm.. I tried searching for bluetooth with my phone yesterday... no joy May try again today with my phone... and my crappy works iPhone. See if that works... When I push the phone button on the steering wheel I get the "tryign to call" / "Disconnected" thing form the woman in the head unit Cheers peeps!
  20. Anyone tell me what this is... and how I can make use of it? Installed in my 2003 GT Ta...
  21. I have had some VERY loud exhausts in my time. This one has a decent note... but no where near as nice as the Blue Flames I usually have on my previous "sports" cars (if you could call them sport cars!) So, do I need to tell the insurance about it? I never knew it wasn't OEM! Insurance know about the CAI and the alloys. I am past playing the "don't tell them" game, too dangerous!
  22. I have been VERY VERY lucky with forums. I found delsoluk, seatcupra, ultimatereef. All of which are full of peeps who are very helpful and full of great knowledge. And most importantly, who don't mind answering the same newbie questions... over and over again! And now, I have found here.... Im pretty fecking lucky! Cheers for all the help guys!
  23. Yeah... I should do some searchys... It has a CAI "Pop Charger"... the cone is FILTHY.. need to replace or clean (gotta find out if it's cotton or mesh) Presume I could replace the cone with a greeny or something? I am pretty sure the Xorst is standard.. and not a "K1" (will have a search) Cheers bud! Just got the headlamp washers working. I had to put like 10 odd Liters (I SWEAR) into the bottle to get them to work... but they ARE working now Just had a look in the boot and the thing dropped on me! Presume the gas is going/gone in the struts... or it could just be that they are cold (Not THAT cold here today though!) I will get on the search button... Thanks again peeps!
  24. Yup... I had the lights on ... and fluid was coming onto the windscreen, so I PRESUMED the washer bottle has fluid in. Just checked and I SWEAR I just put like 10L of water and screen wash in the thing! Good news is... washers work fine! Cheers bud...
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