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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Very sad I know... but after just over a week of getting used to my first RWD car, I performed my first "spirited" overtake yesterday. All I can say is.... WOW It wasn't dangerous, lots of space and I didn't break the speed limit (well, not too much) but it was the first time I overtook in a space smaller than I would have done in any of my previous cars... and the feeling was amazing. As I said, for THIS car, there was loads of room. My sometimes nervous passenger was fine with it (actually enjoyed it!) and it made me feel great! Was on an A-Road I know very well and just judged it all right. Didn't upset the three drivers I was overtaking, or the van coming towards me as I was out and back in again with plenty of time. Sad? Yes... I know, VERY sad. But just had to share.... Feel free to laugh, point and giggle at me
  2. OK... currently on MINE... Drivers length is 50cm/20" Passengers is 45cm/18" Which are just standard wipers... The kit from wipex are 20" and 21" ... which would FIT the car... but would they bump into each other when in use?
  3. You are right you know! Will nip out and measure up
  4. Yeah, I had a look at the "drives" you are doing. Was a little worried I might not be able to keep up (with still being a little nervous of the loud pedal on my first every RWD motor)
  5. Cheers peeps... I love the look of the "flat blade" style at wipex.co.uk ... anyone used these? Want them to WORK rather than look good... but doing both would be good
  6. Yeah, not sure what is going on that weekend, may be out of the country working But if not, I will pop over!
  7. Yeah... where is the best place to get hold of one from? Cheers for that... and for the record, I think you are all weirdo's for reasons OTHER than just the pop-charger thing ... (Obviously including ME in that statement!)
  8. They look good (And cheap too!) Try to add to my cart... and it puts a 20" and 18" in (front drivers and rear) but no passenger side! What sizes did you get?
  9. Would sticking some of this in help? http://www.iridiumengineering.co.uk/synchromax.htm "SYNCHROMAX MTF OIL Synchromax is a manual transmission fluid that increases performance and the life of your equipment. It improves shifting, reduces gear noise and increases power transfer to the wheels. It also lowers operating temperatures and provides outstanding wear protection for longer transmission life. Synchromax is recommended for manual transmissions that specify an automotive transmission fluid (ATF) or motor oil. It’s also ideal for 4x4 transfer cases and motorcycle gear boxes. Synchromax is fully compatible with all types of friction materials. It provides excellent corrosion and oxidation protection without affecting the soft metals commonly found in manual transmission synchronisers. Synchromax is formulated with Royal Purple’s proprietary Synerlec™ technology for unsurpassed performance and protection"
  10. HA HA .... Like I said, I am not too fussed about mods. It has a CAI (or "pop charger" as you lot call it for some reason!) Would I be better off taking this off and swapping it for an 06 box? The cotton filter is FILTHY, so I suppose I should change it really. Other than that, it is standard.... oh, I stuck an S2000 aerial on it... stolen from my previous car
  11. Damn HellFrauds have sold me some Auto Glym... with no English instructions! Presuming I just "wax on wax off" ... ?
  12. One of my front wipers is looking raggedy... I want to replace it before it starts scratching my windscreen. Popped up to HellFrauds last night (needed some Leather Cleaner) and had a quick look at the blades section. 350Z not listed Anyone know what I need to replace them? I saw these super cheap... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0580335930 But are they right... and as they are cheap, will they be pants/not fit?
  13. I have my wonderful 350Z Cleaned her up last weekend... as some of you know.... viewtopic.php?f=9&t=40608&p=602605 But, what do I do now? (Other than keeping her clean and enjoy driving!) I want to be sure she is in tip-top condition. Not too fussed about modifications, for now. She is on 66k miles right now and had a P1 at 64k (08/12/09)... A friend of mine with a Stage 4 200SX has suggested I do an engine and gear box oil change. Using what he calls "decent" oil..... Anyone else have any suggestions? Thanks! --------------------- Oh... if anyone is interested... Service history reads: 10148 - 20/04/04 - Minor Service - Dan Perkins Nissan 18539 - 07/10/04 - MAJOR Service - Dan Perkins Nissan 26856 - 14/10/05 - Minor Service - Dan Perkins Nissan (P2) 35967 - 13/10/06 - Minor Service - Dan Perkins Nissan (P1) 43962 - 30/11/07 - Minor Service - Dan Perkins Nissan 53995 - 16/07/08 - MAJOR Service - Moore Park Garage 64877 - 08/12/09 - Minor Service - JR Motor Sports (P1)
  14. People say you can lose a ron in 1 week. Also if you dont get it from a busy petrol station how long do you think that petrol has been sat there? Exactly... that is what "people say" ... but what is that based on?
  15. I'm fretting, for no reason... for a change Cheers guys...
  16. Cheers Mike... Yeah, I gathered that from the posts on the site... Just wondered if I would "loose ron" if the machine was sat during the week. Going to take Captain's advice and fill it a 1/3 at a time, before I go out in it
  17. Yeah, I was thinking that might be a good idea..... Chuck like 30 liters in, at a time or something?
  18. Been doing some searchys and found that it is better for me to put the higher octane fuel in the Zed. Which I am cool with, didn't buy the car for economy! Quick question I have is ... I work from home, so the car will be in the garage most of the week. Out and about on the weekends but not too many miles. So am I cool filling up to the brim every time? Heard a few legends that octane levels can drop over time. But how long does that take? A week? Month? Year? Just wondering.... Cheers...
  19. HA HA HA .... Hope you find one BETTER and cheaper than this one. THAT will serve me right
  20. FUN land of Stoke? you joking? I did 21 YEARS in Stoke... got out when I could Where are you bud?
  21. HA HA ... I checked with him today... and it WAS that Zymol Carnauba we were using! I got it wrong He said something like the next step up was £2500 a tub? But you get a free refill if you only use it on your own car? Hilarious thing is... I think he is thinking about getting some Yeah, I don't think it is lowered either my good man. -------------- edit... See... here there is a clip where you put it on with your hands... My old man made me take my wedding ring off to do it... good job really http://monzacarcare.com/zymol-car-wax/z ... a-glaze/0/
  22. It took about FIVE HOURS ... with THREE of us working on it (Me... my old man and my wife) What did we use? eerrr... EVERYTHING! My Dad THINKS he can detail (he doesn't do a bad job to be honest) and he has ALL the kit. He made us use this stuff where you rub it on with your hands? I think it was "Zymol Detail Aerodynamic Wax" Recons it is £70 a tub or something? Crazy man! As for the seats, I have NO idea what he used. But he said he used FIVE products on it. I was pretty scared when he started using small amounts of CIF on the really dirty areas, but I must say it cleaned them up nicely. Then he used Auto Glym Leather cleaner... And some other stuff, no idea what it was, but there was some sort of food" But I know he finished them off with this stuff called "Lord Sheraton Leather Balsam" They look SO SO good now. There are still a few cracks in it on the drivers side on the side where you get in and out, but he said if I keep going with the Balsam then it will come out. The wheel nuts are ALL "locking" wheel nuts. They are just a weird shaped female star hole, which I have a key for. Might stick a set of "proper" locking wheel nuts on as well, just to be on the safe side. I don't THINK it is lowered! The guy I bought it from said it was all standard. Could it be because the wheels are 19's not 18's? Or do you think my suspension could be on the way out?
  23. HA HA HA Nope, doesn't sound like a tractor at low speeds It is only when you go into the new gear. I think it may just be habit... I have to remember that I have to change gear 200% MORE than I was doing in the diesel. She seems not to like pulling away in anything other than 1st if you are under 15-20 mph. Which I used to do in THIRD in the Diesel! Just gotta get used to slotting her into 1st every time, rather than trying it in 2nd. Cheers bud!
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