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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Cheers Dave.... Any ideas on how to wash a car in -10?
  2. Part of me thinks I might pop over to one of those "hand car wash" places... Good idea? Bad idea?
  3. Pretty cold out today kids.... But I thought I'd risk a drive anyway Now she is filthy... how do I wash her when it's -10 ?
  4. Multi car for me too... costing me LESS now to insure the wife and me on the Zed AND on her A3, than it was to insure us on ONLY my old shitty Seat Leon with Tecso! How does THAT work?
  5. Better than the current Rover 200... Can anyone tell the difference?
  6. slimjim

    my 350z so far

    +2 http://www.alloygator.co.uk/ would be the quickest and cheapest way to do it ... AND protect those alloys!
  7. That's pretty good... Im guessing this is all from experience? ;-)
  8. What's the deal with payment? gonna nudge us when you get 10 peeps on the go?
  9. I will have a full set when you do another run
  10. click on my username 200 mile round trip then. No offers sorry With it being just before Crimbo, I am a little short at the moment. Saying that I have a grand I can get hold of for you within a week, and pick up before Crimbo. Yes with perfect stance Great, I will be able to take my spacers off then Rolling radius is spot on within advised limits Front Size: 20 x 8.5 Offset: + 15 mm Tyre: 245/30/20 Rear Size: 20 x 10 Offset: + 20 mm Tyre: 285/30/20 My alloys (as you might know) are awful at the moment. obviously heavier than Rays but I haven't weighed them ..... they are for show not go They are probably still lighter than my current ones. But even so, I am not that fussed about the weight. I will leave the K with you as a back up plan. Even though you are not open to offers. I do LOVE the look of them!
  11. Where in the country are you....? And how open are you to offerrs? Will they drop straight onto my standard setup 2003 ? What rolling radius and width difference are they from the standard tires? As soon as I saw these on your motor I thought they looked fantastic and REALLY want them. Oh and also, what kind of weight are they?
  12. Check out these STOOOOPID Impreza drivers Two words... "Steering Lock" ] I laughed so hard I nearly wee'd a little....
  13. Mine is only an 03 plate.... so it should cover it... shouldn't it? Will try the other one... cheers :-)
  14. Yup.... Missing off the last few numbers "For Safety" JN1-G-AA-Z-3-3-U So JN1 means it was made in Japan... but "G" means.... "SR20DE" .... WTF? But it has Z33 in it... so I am presuming the image is wrong....
  15. i.e. http://www.nissanhelp.com/diy/common/nissan_vin.htm and http://www.zyal8ter.50megs.com/cgi-bin/i/Tips/1.jpg If I read it ... my engine is a 1.6 or 2.0
  16. Just came across a couple of links showing how to read your VIN... To tell you where it was made... etc... but my VIN doesn't fit! Can someone point out a GOOD link for this? (Not sure how safe it is to post my VIN up?)
  17. PLUS.... "Snow on my roof officer? I don't see any... do you?"
  18. Amen... Just use a soft sweeping brush... easy as...
  19. Having a larf with my neighbor last night, power-sliding and messing about in the road outside my house. Came to pull up the drive (just up a kerb, nothing more of an incline) took me TWELVE attempts to get her back on the drive... She will now be staying in the garage till this 'orrible snow goes!
  20. slimjim

    "Way Back Home"

    Classic.... "The AWFUL small of constantly damp wool" ... nice
  21. slimjim

    "Way Back Home"

    Yeah, "I" was teaching me wrong Sold my BMX a few weeks back... only got like £20 for it or something ... ahh well. (p.s. ... is that "Mint Sauce" in your profile?)
  22. slimjim

    "Way Back Home"

    I bought a BMX a few years ago for the sole purpose of learning to manual (wheelie) . . . . . . . Gave up after about an hour of trying....
  23. slimjim

    "Way Back Home"

    I would say RedBull threw quite a bit of cash at it ... VERY well done.
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