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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. For The Win ... GOTTA be American phrase... it makes no bloody sense!
  2. Really? Been frequenting forums for years.... never heard that one! Not on here either.... Crazy
  3. Im Liking the FR plate! Used to have a Leon smoker myself... mmmm Upsolute! But you are going to have to explain to me what "For The Win" means.... Am I missing something? Are you a big Cory Doctorow fan, or is that your Canadian pen name? Sorry, don't understand that one Seeing as it doesn't have a 'D' in it... or maybe I used to be 'Fiona' In my case it is "For The Win" Can also stand for "F*** The World" I think it is fairly subtle if you know what it means then it means something, otherwise it doesn't My 'Other' car has a personalised plate too It is a Leon FR
  4. Sweeeet... cheers Colin!
  5. Just noticed... Im over 350 posts! Does that qualify me for a sticker or something?
  6. I agree... My old man got mine when he bought a new Van in 1994. Paid an extra £50 or something for it. Had it ever since. If you are going to spend "money" on a plate, it should be special... problem is, special plates cost BIG money. My old man once pre-ordered "EA 51 TOW" from the DVLA. £250. Sold it to some big recovery company for like £6k or something silly! There is money to be made....
  7. Honest opinion on mine bud? Letter, number, my initials....
  8. I would say it is USUALLY to hide the age of a car... Apart from you lot, no-one really knows my motor is 7 years old. The average joe either thinks it is brand new... or from 1994!
  9. Sorry... 1. Neil 2. Cragus 3. Narcotix 4. Introspect 5. ewan221 6. UNABASHED 7. Slimjim 8. Slimjim
  10. i don't usually do multi options on colour with a big GB as it increases the manufacturing time and there for less economical to do at the GB price. i'll see how this list goes and if its a fairly short list i'll allow some colour options. If you can only do the smaller ones in the colour, that is cool
  11. Cheers for getting back to me I will have to have a searchy, see if I can find the extra cash! Good luck with the sale...
  12. Didn't know you could choose a colour! Can I have mine a dark silver? To kinda match the GM car? I want them to be there, but pretty stealthy If not, I will have them in any colour they come in
  13. -15 ... pretty cold! Warmed up a little here last night, was only abut -4. Glad I went out and got the pics yesterday as everywhere looks less icy this morning.
  14. -17? .... you best get some pics up to back that up
  15. Other than "normal" car stuff... Open the boot... see if it stays open (specially in this weather) the gas struts are prone to die. (Is it a GT?) Try the stereo... the BOSE units are PANTS, as are the amps... Check the headlight washers work (not working CAN mean they are just low on washer fluid)
  16. Have a read here.... viewtopic.php?f=10&t=86 Oh... and Welcome to the forum!
  17. Hey bud... Welcome! Im always down visiting the in-laws in Blackheath/Rowley .... Where are you?
  18. Pretty brave? .... or pretty stupid? Got away with it though!
  19. bad idea, just use a bucket of warm water and car shampoo, waffle weave it down and put back in the garage to keep dry. no point in doing any more in this weather. Yeah, thought it might be a bad idea... Might risk it when it has warmed up to like -6 in an hour or so. But I'm worried I will make the drive one solid patch of ice.
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