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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Just had the plate documents back. She will be going back onto her original plate. "OE 53 BYY" Just waiting for the DVLA to send the V5 back, before putting on pistonheads. - EDIT - This is a 53 plate, the 52 was a typo, well spotted peeps!
  2. Anyone interested in making me a sensible offer? Waiting for my V5 to come back from the DVLA after transferring the plate, then she will be going on piston heads.
  3. Some interesting news on the passenger window. It sprung into life yesterday!! Opened the door and it dropped, so I tried it and it worked fine. Later on last night, it stopped working again. So I am HOPING it is just a loose connection. Going to take the door skin off an have a look over the weekend. May just replace the motor anyway to be honest.
  4. Cheers peeps! I will do that now.
  5. The Belgians think Stella is **** water (as do I) ... they also say the same for Leffe (Which I DO like) I was working in Gent and a couple of locals took me round. LOVELY place... But while you are there, drink some REAL Belgian beer!!!! Look for "Trappist" and or "Tripel", all different ones that are made by Monks, between 8% and 13%, lovely stuff. Plenty to choose from!
  6. I would be happy to let it go for closer to 6K... but I would have to take out the £2k's worth of stereo out first. But I have put that down as an option in the advert Ooops, totally missed that! Then yes, I would be taking it from you tonight if I didn't own one already! He He ... no problem. Just waiting for the DVLA to get back to me with the new plates info and the Logbooks. Then I can put new plates on her and stick her on piston heads. Can anyone recommend anywhere else for me to place an advert for her?
  7. I would be happy to let it go for closer to 6K... but I would have to take out the £2k's worth of stereo out first. But I have put that down as an option in the advert
  8. Wondered if anyone would like to comment on the price I have set for the Zed...? I think it is set about right but I would like to hear other ZEDer's opinions. On this thread, not my sales thread please. Thanks... viewtopic.php?f=56&t=64401
  9. Cheers.... The December wheels LOOKED good. But they handled AWFULLY. So the originals went back on. Cheers Ricey.
  10. Well... here is the news... She is for sale. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=64401
  11. Trying to think of more bad points to the car, just want to be honest... The original seats are wearing slightly on the bolsters nearest to the doors and a little on the gear-stick As you would expect for a car of this age.
  12. I had the Ultrac's on for a while,... and there WERE very good. Then Ekona bitch slapped me and said "Buy PS2's" ... which I did and now I would never buy anything else. They are amazing.
  13. Watch this space for some big news...
  14. No longer for sale....GOING TO KEEP HER!
  15. Knew I could count on you guys! I think I need to take the door apart and have a look. Could it just be a fuse?
  16. Not had time to take it apart yet.... But the passenger side window isn't working I can hear the click in the door, if I use the drivers side or passengerside switch. But nothing happens. Nothing to do with the window lock on the drivers side, tried that. The window doesn't even drop when you open the door.... So it doesn't shut properly.. Any ideas peeps?
  17. Got this in my email... thought I would spread the love... CODE: MIDWEEK10
  18. Kind of turning into a T4 thread here... We went to Cornwall last week... and had the ONLY sun in the country apparently.... LOVING the van... but there WAS one moment that I wished I was in the Zed.... Can you guess which moment that was from these pictures? Perranporth, couldn't work out which country we were in! Again, we heard that the rest of the country was underwater... Towan beach Tricky to "drift" the FWD three tonne van!
  19. Looking good! How is the beast running Rich? Keep seeing them on the road (non of them ever look as good as this seems too) and NEVER seen the "champagne" alloys. Bet they are a GIT to keep clean!
  20. WOW!!!! MY thread ... in an FAQ Guide section? How exciting!
  21. Have a dip into this... Very funny read.... http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=275155 Basically, a dealer with VERY bad reviews, tried to create it's own "positive" review on a forum, with fake users.
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