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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Keep some cash on you... The Gendarmerie will fine you for speeding on teh spot. If you want to avoid being frog marched to a cash point, wasting time and cash point costs... keep plenty of euros on you (hidden, obviously) Have fun!
  2. Bit of advice.... if you are fretting about how much the road tax will be.... DON'T BUY A ZED.... Mine is in the cheaper tax bracket too... but it STILL costs a fortune to run
  3. The best thing to do Cheers glrnet
  4. Agreed but ensure you follow the instructions in the manual before you disconnect, if not you'll have problems with the window motors. Anyone give me a heads up on this?
  5. Good things come to those who wait - Amanda got her ring about 2 weeks before I ordered my 370z, the ring was a pre-requisite Kinda happened that way for me too! But there were 9 months between the ring and the motor arriving
  6. I can't bring myself to give Hellfrauds any money... I have a local car/leccy place within walking distance. Will be worth a wander at lunch. Not carrying it back mind!
  7. I just got a Halfords battery for mine, seemed to do the job. Fitting is dead easy too, just get the service manual downloaded and you'll be fine. You have to remove quite a bit of plastic trim around the battery and bottom of the window, but it all slots back together easy enough, just take your time - especially as its cold and the plastic will be brittle. I think I will go and remove the neg connector and just leave it till it warms up and/or I need to use it
  8. My thoughts exactly Daz.... Any recommendations?
  9. Looks like a good idea... But I think a decent battery would be a better investment. Any recommendations? ... and I am presuming it is a BALL ACHE to get at the battery to replace it?
  10. Im not going ANYWHERE in the Zed in this Weather Drove about a bit yesterday in the Shed (Tam will kill me, her A3 is her pride and joy!) and was VERY impressed with how it handled in the snow. Stopped well on the sludge/ice, no twitching at all, even on corners. I pushed it a little on a big round about and the back end let go, but only because I was pushing it to do so (as there was no-one about) Zed is staying where it is!
  11. I guess you are right... Will look into getting a new one Any recommendations.... under £100!
  12. Thing is.. it has only been like 4 or 5 days ... Should it not just be fine for that length of time? I drove here in, so I could let her run with the exhaust pointing out of the garage. Going to be a right royal PITA to charge/jump her now
  13. Being the consciousness driver that I am.... I parked up the Zed after the Ice Photo shoot last week and decided not to use it till this weather blows over. Saying that, I knew I would need to keep starting her up to make sure the battery stayed in check and here were no issues with her. Just gone to start her up and sit in her for 20 mins and she is DEAD... totally flat! I don't have a charger (trickle or otherwise) and the wife has taken the other car which I could jump it from to work.... Anyone else have this issue with batteries? I mean it has only been about 4 or 5 days. Or could it be the -20ish weather last night finished it off?
  14. Watched a few episodes.... Seemed a little obvious to me... a little too "American" if you see what I mean. Obvious things had to be explained.... as the Americans need them to be!
  15. Anyone willing to buy James B's ticket? As it has been so long since he was PM'd about it, I think we are possibly in a position to offer the ticket to someone else? Anyone know James B?
  16. Presuming (from the fact that I gt one) Tarmac has sent out PM's to these guys? Should we setup a "cut off" time/date to offer the tickets to people who will pay ASAP? Like Monday or somthing?
  17. Sorted... 1. Slimjim - Paid 2. sparky350Z - Paid 3. sparky350Z - Paid 4. yankeesiter - Paid 5. djrm - Paid 6. ewan221-Paid 7. rob d 8. Willy P - Paid 9. Willy P - Paid 10. James B 11. Rothers2901- Paid 12. Rothers2901- Paid 13. Ricey - Paid 14. Ricey - Paid 15. Slimjim - Paid 16. DoogyRev - Paid 17. DoogyRev - Paid 18. mc PAID 19. UNABASHED - Paid 20. M9OOEY - Paid 21. M9OOEY - Paid 22. Varley16 - Paid 23. racinggreen - Paid 24. Cragus - Paid 25. Cragus - Paid 26. Ewan221-paid 27. Andyzed -Paid 28. Andyzed - Paid 29. Beavis 30. Beavis
  18. As you guys can probably tell, it was my birthday yesterday! So I had the day off... But TODAY we shall sort this thing out! Just working out the logistics of payment... gimme 20 mins
  19. slimjim

    Fast Five

    If there was ever a film that didn't even need ONE sequel, let alone FOUR..... Dear God....
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