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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. FIRST MOD OF THE YEAR! Due to me being a Jammy git and winning Tarmac's raffle, I have a set of bonnet Struts! Just popped em on while I was touching up some bonnet chips. I was worried that the bonnet wouldn't open as far with them on, as some photo's I have seen the bonnet looks "half open"... But I had nothing to worry about, it opens about 1 or 2 degrees MORE than it does with the stay! Pretty cool.... Just gotta take off the rear ones and get them sent off to be re-gased
  2. I don't think "split" spokes suit the car myself... just want either a 5 or 6 "solid" spoke. Will get a proper quote on the TE37 SL's
  3. thats the best start to a poll yet lol You know it! This was take the DAY I bought the motor (only decent photo I had for messing with the colour of the alloys) The side Z-Badge went on a couple of days later Totally agree, I LOVE the look of them... but they are CRAZY CRAZY prices! I think either 5 or 6 spokes look the best on the 350's... I also love "deep-dish" alloys (not sure how good they look on the Zed) Thing is, my current alloys fit what I want... but they are a strange size and badly scuffed I do like the idea of a dark/black matt alloy..... suggestions people?
  4. With all due respect, those are some seriously chavvy looking wheels anyway, but by putting the green on them they stand out from the Halfrauds crowd a bit more. Yeah, I totally agree with you. They are AWFUL alloys. What I REALLY want are either Rota GTR's or Volk T37's....
  5. Just had the Green vitoed by Tam... as they look too "Chavy" I recon they COULD look good..... Im starting to think a decent set of Volk T37's is the way to go. Keep these as is.... A little boring I know but I DO like the T37's.
  6. Presuming that will hike the price up.... Don't want to spend too much as they will only be winter alloys... Suppose I could always ask.
  7. When I say they are the "wrong size" they are only 8 wide at the rear...
  8. Not sure who would buy them in their current state. But you are right, rays are the way forward. Just think it might be a wise idea to keep some for winter?
  9. Would like them to look "OK" even in the winter.... Rather than looking like "I" scuffed the fook out of them! Is this just plain crazy?
  10. You could be right there.... Do I have the bottle to go Pink or Green? HA HA ... going to do that too These will end up being my "winter wheels" and I will get a decent set for the summer
  11. As some of you know, my alloys are shite. All scuffed up and the wrong bloody size. (The owner before me shouldn't have been allowed to sell the Rays and buy "good looking" alloys!) Anyway, just been to see a guy who recons he can turn them and paint the many colour I want for 180 notes. Will be loosing the silver/metal detail... but they are so scuffed it is borderline dangerous. So I need to have them done. SO... should I stick with the colour they are, go darker, lighter or go crazy and have white, florescent green/pink or something? What do people think? I know they look OK in the pics, but trust me, they are BAD BAD BADLY scuffed. I was thinking of just going BLACK. Any suggestions peeps?
  12. Yeah... looks like a good idea... but I can't see it all linking up properly. If it DOES work... JACKPOT... we will ALL buy one! Bought it yet? Keep us informed.
  13. oohhh... ven better! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0608752357
  14. Im starting to think that this might do the job... http://www.bzsale.com/product/In-Car-Ve ... 6-GBP.html Maybe I could hide it in the headlining?
  15. Errr... that's what the cameras are for What I meant was when the car was parked..... unless you leave the car running when parked...... oh right... I see I think the point of these cameras is to show who's "fault" an accident is. If someone runs into you when you are parked, it's pretty much their fault I suppose. but if they drive off, you will never find them. Good question!
  16. They look like exactly what I want... but a bit bulky... I will do some more research
  17. Is anyone running a true front and rear crash camera setup? Thinking about setting something up that constantly records from a front mounted camera (Probably in the RearView Mirror) and a rear mounted one (probably within the bumper) that constantly records and loops over a 1 hour period or something while the engine is running. Not fussed about seeing it when I am in the car, or wireless sending or anything. Nothing fancy. Just a 1 hour looping recording of front and rear cameras. Husky.. any input?
  18. Just in case is IS possible to have a different colour....
  19. Spot the Muppet! Charged up my battery to check to see how bad it was dead.... Got in, starter her up... perfect no problem. Closed the door.... waited for the dome light to turn off..... waited.... waited.... waited..... Spotted I had left the damn thing on! No wonder after a WEEK with the dome light on the battery was dead... Done two days driving her about now and no problems at all! Saved me Ninety notes.... What a MUPPET I am!!!!
  20. Exactly.... I had a Honda with a Clifford on that did it.... but once you opened a door, if you didn't put the keys in within 30 seconds, the engine cut out.
  21. Looks like an Auto... Would need to have your foot on the clutch for it to start... Not sure what the point of it is. Would love a "remote start" so it warms up while you sit inside the house. but you need your clutch down for that.
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