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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Glad i did mine yesterday... my car/road is now covered in snow! Knew I should have put her back in the Garage last night....
  2. As many as you need.... It is all down to when you and your observer can meet up. Nothing "official" just when you and him/her recon you are ready for your "pre-test" .... I txt/email my observer and we meet up when ever we are both free. Then you do a pre-test, to see if a DIFFERENT observer things you are ready... then you do your test
  3. Looked into a wrap rather than a respray? I recon Matt black would look great (kinda "Suede effect", Ricey) But a wrap would be easier/cheaper and removable... plus you don't have to tell the DVLA
  4. Training is all on road, in your car, with an observer. Basically, they go out with you, let you drive at the highest quality you can. Then stop you and tell you how SHITE you are at driving
  5. If the windows didn't drop, it could be the windows are frozen shut. It's only happened to me once. I just left it in the garage and waited for it to warm up (which was a WEEK later!) Im sure some peeps may be able to help. Have a searchy, I remember there being a few threads on it.
  6. I decided to try to do it over Crimbo as they would be the worst conditions. so it would be harder to do. Didn't count on being SNOWED IN for two bloody weeks!
  7. These are simple, you slide the securing pin out (very good design) pop the joints onto the ball, then slide the securing pin back in and it locks onto the bar. Simple, clever, easy install.
  8. This is the stuff you want... http://www.einszett.co.uk/Gummi-Pflege.php Picked mine up from eBay.
  9. Bit late now... but I bought some of that rubber grease/lube stuff everyone was reccomending. Do your windows drop? Tried a hair drier on the seals?
  10. It look ME (and I am useless at this sort of thing) about 30 mins to do BOTH sides. And it was like 2 degrees outside. Would have been ten mins each side if it was warm... and if I had the photo's I have now. The install guide isn't great... but I figured it out. (Maybe I am just a little dumb!) But you guys now have the photo's of mine showing you what goes where. I can always take more photos... or even do an install guide. VERY easy to do! (Edit: using the stay, it is a one man job, you can do one side at a time.)
  11. Yup.... The whole lot.... Used to be that it was "free" ... all you had to do was train someone else when you had passed. but now it's £135 for the whole thing... which includes 2 years for you to pass I think. Pretty sure, if you fail, you have to pay for the test again (which is like £30 or something)
  12. Cheers Bradders... Im supposed to be going out on my last run with my "watcher" today, before my pre-test next week... But it's fecking SNOWING!
  13. Anyone played with this at all? Spotted this for £111 ... thought it might be worth a punt... http://www.projectbikecam.com/reviews/9 ... eview.html
  14. Trade them in? Who does that? I was thinking about keeping them and putting some winter tires on them (Buy em in he summer if they get cheap) But they have the big stupid spacers on them, which I am presuming will be a PITA to take off the hubs and then put back on again. So a trade in may be a good idea. Who does trade in's?
  15. boooger.... Did they say how long it was going to be? How does it look so far?
  16. Decided when I bought my Zed I would have a go at my IAM. Weather has been terrible, but I am finally ready to do my pre-test! Anyone else got into the IAM way of thinking?
  17. Im looking for a set of alloys for my Zed. 2003 GM GT. Im currently running 19's which are too thin (8's front AND back!, the previous owner new nothing about buying alloys!) So looking to upgrade. I like the look of the GTR's and the VARRSTOEN ES. Also the Grid Drift, VOLK T37, Gram Light 57f Pro, Volk GTs, Nismo LM GT4 and Volk Progressive TE Basically, I want a nice looking plain, light, 5 or 6 spoke in a dark grey/bronze (but NOT black) with a nice (but not OTT) dish on them Would like them to have the same RR as the originals (obviously) A little wider (but to too wide, to avoid tram lining) 18's would be fine as my tires in 19's are quite a bit more than 18's Obviously they need to clear my Brembo's. What do you suggest? And what kind of wheel/tire package could you do for me? (I currently run Ultrac Sessanta's and I am VERY happy with them) (Yes, the missing badge was replaced that same day )
  18. Thye do look good. Im not really a Carbon Fiber fan if im honest. But they are good quality CF... Gonna take the stickers off them when it gets light. IF it doesn't SNOW!
  19. Yeah, looks like painting them is out. Im looking at the GTR's now... Something in this style... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0303933750
  20. Yup... seen the guy before, I think he owns the shop there on the left and wanted to park to unload his stuff from the cash 'n' carry. Parking is SO SO bad round there. Anyway... Did you mess with these Husky? Know how to set the time or alter the Quality? I think I can only fit 20 mins on my 2gig miniSD
  21. Mine JUST turned up... thought i'd try it out so went for a bit of a spin. NEARLY ended up needing it! I am SURE I wasn't crowding this bloke.... and I dearly died when he almost revered into the Red Golf on the roundabout. I watched him, he didn't look in his mirrors or anything. The roundabout was chocka! D1CK! (oh, p.s. .... how do I change the time?)
  22. Cheers... and at £7.50 a VERY cheap mod Nah...Gonna a leave the stay on. It is pretty light and would only clutter up the garage/get lost. May as well leave it where it is
  23. DOH! Knew I had forgotten something
  24. FIRST MOD OF THE YEAR! Due to me being a Jammy git and winning Tarmac's raffle, I have a set of bonnet Struts! Just popped em on while I was touching up some bonnet chips. I was worried that the bonnet wouldn't open as far with them on, as some photo's I have seen the bonnet looks "half open"... But I had nothing to worry about, it opens about 1 or 2 degrees MORE than it does with the stay! As you can see, the "stay" doesn't quite reach now Will take some pics of the bonnet closed in a min.... Forgot to do that a min ago... Pretty cool.... Just gotta take off the rear ones and get them sent off to be re-gased
  25. Hmm, oh well. Sorry to say, I don't like those....
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