A HUGE thanks for all the advice people!
Here is what I sorted...
Called them up to chat to them... as friendly as I could be to find out exactly what I could about the situation.
They had me over a barrel and by using the service, legally I had agreed to the terms and conditions, which covers this rolling contract thing.
Very sneaky, but apparently everyone does it.
Anyway, after being as nice as pie with them, proving I couldn't have used the space anyway... we came to what I think was a good mutual agreement.
I have paid the £72.54
As I have now paid, I pointed out (As nicely as I could) that I could have easily spent the whole year filling the webspace with LOTS of data. Like Terra bytes!
Because my plan is for "unlimited" space (With no "Fair usage" policy)....
So we have agreed that, even though I have PAID the money for the year, the webspace has been cancelled and removed from me. BUT I now have £72.54 CREDIT with them. Which I can use for buying Domain names when ever I like, until the credit runs out.
Personally, I think this is a good deal as I have a few domain names with other providers all ready, so when it comes to renewal time, I will just transfer them over and use the credit to pay for them.
This has been a good lesson for me, also shows they are a bunch of ********* but they are still well within the law.
I reckon I got a good deal, what do people think?