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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Have a look here... viewforum.php?f=30 http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/HKS_Supercharger_Kit viewtopic.php?f=30&t=4576 viewtopic.php?f=30&t=34039 But I recon £7K is about right... Going from me having NO experience at ALL in this area
  2. No idea... I just picked a number at random... SO bored! What power are you aiming for? What kind of kit do you want? Are you talking shoestring? Cheap as possible? Top whack, the best you can get? Or a price for a "decent" setup?
  3. Anyone have a standard front number plate holder? Im thinking of going back to standard on my front end, take of the 'fake" jap square plate. Anyone have a spare one floating around? (Other than RSLee or ZManAl)
  4. What can I do about my car tramlining? Feels awful... or is it just my shitty alloys? Im sticking standards on her soon... should that solve the issue? Or is there a suspension/bushes problem I should be looking into?
  5. Cheers Tarmac... I will keep that in mind!
  6. Can't BELIEVE I let all this lot for for £500!!! !SOLD! Here we have four 19" Zito alloys, four Vredestein Ultrac Sessantas AND two Avon Z33's Reason for selling: Moving back to a set of 'original' alloys. Need the cash to get them refirbed and put some tires on them Alloys: Four 19x8.0 Minor flaking all round. Front Offside: Rear Offside: Front Nearside: Worst, as always, some kerbing and a scratch on one of the spokes. Rear Nearside: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tires: Four 245/40 ZR 19 Vredestein Ultrac Sessanta (On the alloys) Two 225/35 ZR 19 Avon ZZ3 Currently, they have Vredestein Ultrac Sessanta's all round. They were put on just before Christmas and as she has been tucked up in the garage over winter, still have nearly full tread on them. The reason they came off was to take the 255/35 ZR 19 Avon Z33's that I didn't like off the rears. But I KEPT the Z33's and still have them. They will come with the set of 4 alloys, so you have two spare tires in case of puncture. I am looking for around £800 for ALL these. Which includes close to £500's worth of tires! Can possibly deliver to most areas within a reasonable drive of Telford Gotta be the bargain of a century... As seen on the Official 350Z-UK Calender 2011... Mr. December! Any questions, please keep them to the thread, rather than PM's So... who is going to snap my hand off....?
  7. £30 winging it's way to you bud... paypal@jameshardacre.com Cheers..
  8. Yup... And if it does, I presume we will look back on it like we did with fags... people used to say they were fine. but we know now they are not.. . . . . . but Muppet's STILL smoke
  9. Good point MintSauce... why didn't I think of that Will have a look in a min. Ta!
  10. My windows drop and raise fine when I open the doors.. but I am not sure if they should raise slightly higher or not right at the top. Can you alter this? Or is it just standard? Cheers peeps...
  11. slimjim

    side indicator

    Wait for the flames your going to get for taking your Zed through a car wash!
  12. I'd be impressed if they did it on a GLASS table.... So you could see there was no MICROWAVE under the table! http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1399627/c ... _revealed/
  13. +1 exactly Same here ... I usually always have my lights on main beam anyway, it not at least sidelights. I can tell if I have mine on or not by people spotting me sooner or not. Just experience from my first two cars being Volvo's I think. ---------------- Side note... Stereo being left on too long drained the battery on my Volvo once... So I jump started it at home and left it running for a while to charge up... My dad came out and said... "You know, your battery would charge up quicker if you turned your lights off" ... Classic.
  14. Yup... mine is my "daily driver" ... although I work from home I do a lot of on-site stuff... always go in the Zed..... Why wouldn't you?
  15. WTF was last night? The Beemer stuff was OK.... but it was like that HAD to put it in, JUST because they "have" to do some car stuff. I have always been a die hard TG fan.... I was THIS close to turning off last night. If next weeks is no better... that's it for me.
  16. GUTTED! Got in my car yesterday, first time for a while. Wearing this STUPID pair of bloody trousers with a freaking buckle on the side of it.... Put a big scratch in my newly refurbed bolster Gutted .... No need to say that the trousers are now in the BIN.
  17. Im up for one... AS LONG AS the mirrors stay unfolded when the car is driving and the doors are locked.
  18. It's a good point... well made. Not sure HOW we can sort it but SOMETHING needs to be done about it...
  19. You sure about that? That would mean that you and the company are attracting tax/NICs on top of that payment, which I doubt the company will be too happy to pay. I know a few people that used to "forget" when they went over the allowance and still claim the higher rate and didnt have to pay tax as they didnt declare it, but thats technically illegal It's a bit weird for me .... as my company is based in NZ, so they follow the NZ laws... and also the UK ones. Plus I think the miles are charged to the customer, not claimed from the Government...
  20. Im on 40p a mile... always. If they change it, I will just stop at home
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