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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Same as Wasso.. I ALWAYS start up with the clutch down... And in an auto, always start with the brake down. Wasn't everyone taught that?
  2. I THINK that is because it it an average over the last time you reset it If you reset the MPG when you fill up (or at specific time) you will get an average of when you last reset it Am I right with that guys? I always reset mine after filling to the brim, then I know what average I get per tank.
  3. Checked the connections under the seats?
  4. FOUND IT!!! WOW! viewtopic.php?f=13&t=48717
  5. Weird... Mine is about and inch wider after adding the struts...
  6. A guy picked up 4 19" alloys from mine the other day (99% sure they are the same size as standard rays) Two in the boot (one flat, one over the other side of the brace... USE LOTS OF RAGS) Two side by side, upright, on the passenger seat. Personally, I wouldn't risk it.
  7. COULD just be the stereo.... That hums, even when it is turned off!
  8. slimjim


    Never said i smoked in the car ..... Good man
  9. slimjim


    Smoking (in any car, let alone a nice car like the Zed) should be banned.
  10. Been commuting to Wigan and back this week... 'bout 100 miles each way. Extensive use to cruise control for accelerating AND braking (so I only using engine braking) has given me my first tank of ... AVERAGING OVER 31MPG!!!!! No, it isn't exactly the way I SHOULD be driving it. But as it was on work time and I am only getting 45p a mile... I want to get my monies worth Anyway... is 31.8ish mpg something to be proud of? Or have people managed much more than that on a complete tank? (p.s. anyone else's company starting ot pay 45p a mile as of April 1st? HMRC have changes the allowance apparently!)
  11. slimjim


    Mine is full of quids for parking...
  12. I heard "Brown Bread" was 80-90% as good as Dynamat... and 40% of the price or something. Might be good....?
  13. Was out int the 'wet' when it rained the other day. My PS2s felt ok. Obviously let go a lot sooner than in the dry, but they felt on par with the Ssanta ultras I took off. Very happy, very impressed. Will only put these on from now on in!
  14. Good news is ... IF we loose to Man City (which we WONT) but IF we do... then they get a place in Europe. Then, if we accidentally loose to hem in the league and make sure they come high enough to qualify for a Europe place ... then because they all ready have the place, the place gets given to the FA cup runner up. Imagine it... Stoke in Europe GWAN STOKE!
  15. GWWWAAAAAAN STOKE!!!!!! Stokie born and bred....
  16. Think I may have to take the bumper off for a decent look at the problem. I will PM you when I know what part I need. Cheers Al. Anyone have a link to a STEP BY STEP guide for taking the bumper off? Only one I can see is a list of steps and a pants exploded diagram. Thanks guys!
  17. Even on my old 2003 model?
  18. Spotted when I first has the car that there was a slight leak from the front. Looked like a loose pipe connecting to the radiator. When I was under it a few weeks ago, I cleaned it all up and stuck some extra jubilee clips on it. Just noticed, it is all gunked up again Is this a known problem? and do people think it will be the rad or the pipes? Plus, where is best to get any replacements from? ?
  19. Quick question... If you are engine braking in the Zed.... Are you using fuel? Couple of the newer cars (most of the NEW cars) have a feature that you use little if not NO fuel when using the engine for braking... Is this like this in the Zed? Im presuming not, but thought I'd as the question
  20. RSLee is the guy to speak too... He knows this stuff inside out... and also carries PROPERLY DIVORCED spares... :pmr35lee:
  21. Cheers Dave... Im just after a general consensus.... Out of interest
  22. Friend of mine is looking into getting a nice Teggy... The DC2 to have a play around in. Looking at Insurance for them... he has seen a few and the JDMs are looking in better nick/price than the UK models. Without delving in too deep. Does anyone know if insuring a JDM is more than insuring UK spec? I had a JDM Delsol for a while and the insurance was slightly higher, I was told at the time it was because parts were harder to get hold of / more expensive. But I think now-a-days it is pretty easy to get JDM parts isn't it .... So, are people STILL paying a premium for JDM cars over UK? Cheers...
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